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Everything posted by 53miner53

  1. Maybe, but it’ll probably be shelved for a while. I think I need a whole new design for the current roster. I have one that I can submit tomorrow.
  2. Ok, take your turn when you can, no one else has signed up yet.
  3. Mun STS-1 Complete! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R0Q0bziFEn7S-dt3irlaF5ndAVEHqeJK should be good for pilot rank. I messed up the aerocapture and landed in the mountains on the complete oppsite side of Kerbin from where I was supposed to be.
  4. Okay then. @Mukita12, can you reupload the save in the main drive folder?
  5. I think you submitted the wrong save - your module is not there and how do I insert the Imgur album? I don’t know about the album, but I think @Mukita12 submitted the save file in a separate folder that they linked above your post. Did you use that one, and if you didn’t, can you try that one? Also, next time, submit in the drive folder linked in the OP @Mukita12
  6. Sure, once @Mukita12 decides if they are taking a turn.
  7. So is Opportunity our for the time being? We could limit it to front/rear mount only to avoid @Eidahlil‘s design style and its OPness, but I’ll be fine with lasers being rebanned.
  8. I considered Spirit, but the test for a rule change was too good to resist the use of opportunity Pic:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GgvFIokH0iT8SLzn1RUyEyR7_ZWGEt5q KWS is a mod for 60s era tech, which has a small radar that I decided to use so I could have at least something since the other radars felt like they would take too much of a change for the craft and I took the spot for the old radar with the laser
  9. Fighter 3 Mk3 “Opportunity” https://kerbalx.com/53miner53/Fighter-3-Mk3 note: uses the USAF airborne laser also, I’m naming FighterU1 “X”
  10. Maybe at some point! Still haven’t come up with something that hasn’t run out after a few crafts.
  11. I’m working on upgraded manned fighters, but I decided to try an unmanned craft. It works well so far, so here’s FighterU1: https://kerbalx.com/53miner53/FighterU1
  12. We are using kerbal konstructs to make landing strips.
  13. I claim the territory bound by the black line: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oG7dOOucMJKD5YaTaNxDy3Ifb0heScl0
  14. That would be my guess on what would happen
  15. I’ll have to check to see if it’s happenig to me too.
  16. I have to do that later, I am not on my computer, and I need to be on my computer to do that.
  17. Download the .ckan, and make sure you know where it is. Then click on file at the top right corner of the CKAN window, and find “install from .ckan”, click on it, and find and open the .ckan
  18. With most mods, we could do that, but some of them probably have sharing in that format banned. Just download the latest version. I need to remove BDA from the .ckan so we can use the dev version. Sorry!
  19. It’s fine if you install separately, I was just trying to simplify the process of finding the mods. You’ll have to find them on the add on releases forums. Good luck!
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