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Everything posted by TDplay

  1. Stick [install directory]/KSP.txt into a zip, that is the log. As for versions and mods installed - if you have AVC then open its mod list and copy it to clipboard.
  2. Well, if you're using CKAN, I dunno... I installed via CKAN and I'm not having any trouble. Follow the steps in the post below and see if @RoverDude can help (it tells you how to fish out some logs, which are very handy, and also say EVERY reproduction step, then report the issue on Github).
  3. Would just like to say CKAN still thinks this is 1.3 only, so CKAN installs are not possible to 1.4 ATM. Just saw your last post sorry This looks really cool
  4. Hmm... All I can say is - download the latest USI Tools, CCK and CRP, usually fixes quite a few issues.
  5. Well, feel free to use this mod but remember that I don't support it anymore.
  6. I do see that now. I don't know whether I personally want to keep using this mod myself. It was really just a little experiment when I started it - would I prefer this or stock? Right now I'm leaning toward the stock ones thanks to how you've explained their balance. Thanks for explaining it so clearly, it wasn't very clear when I just looked at the part. But anyone who does want it - feel free to use it . Which is a reason I've got this mentality: It is your game, your choice. I will keep this thread open if people want to talk about the mod or take it over - but I will get it locked by a mod if it spirals out of control. Consider the mod abandoned.
  7. If only it were true lol Except Kerbals under the influence of Life Support mods
  8. It's OK, probably the reason I didn't clarify a lot of the mod's function is because I was half asleep at the time of writing sorry that I didn't give the comprehensive list off the bat.
  9. Will add pics when I can get back on KSP. So far, it's really just a little modlet, and yes that's all it really does. All that's happened is the Pea is now 1.5x scale, 1.875m, to match mk2 pod, and the Pomegranate is now 2x scale, 2.5m, to match mk1-3 (or old mk1-2) pods. I thought these parts were unbalanced because 2 or 3 Kerbals in one 1.25m pod was a bit overpowered. I was trying to balance them against the other command pods (I have never seen a stock or modded pod that stores 3 Kerbals in such a small space) which are (AFAIK) usually balanced against when mod devs are developing their own mods. As for why you're still here - IDK, unless you're interested as to the function of my modlet. If you don't like the modlet, I'm not forcing you to use it, you can just ignore it. Have added more info to the wiki
  10. Try this: //MODEL //{ // model = Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialDrill/TriBitDrill // texture = TriBitDrill, UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/TriBitDrill_YL // scale = 2,2,2 //}
  11. Can we have the little toroidal things from the FlexOTube and the Multitruss separately, because I think there would be LOADS of times when they are aesthetically pleasing.
  12. I thought some parts from Making History (specifically the round pods) were overpowered so I made this little modlet to fix that. Downloads, documentation, source code, issue tracker, place to fork it and try your hand at my code, etc - all on Github. Requires ModuleManager. Get that on Github or via CKAN. Questions I will likely be or am frequently asked (TL;DR FAQ): Is it on CKAN? - No. I'll try to get it on, but I need to learn how and would appreciate support in that aspect. Does this break saves? - Maybe. Currently, be careful if you have one of the round pods in flight (particularly the Pea and Pomegranate - size changed) as they have their mass and size changed to match the Mk1, Mk2 and Mk1-3 pods. (When) Will you update to KSP x.y.z? - It should work with all KSP versions 1.4+ (but not below because Making History didn't exist back then), just modify the version file so under KSP_VERSION it says: I've found a bug! - Report it on Github How can I trust a mod made by a wibbly lander? - (wobble, wobble) (kraken) (flies to pieces) Full list of changes? - Not many, just 3 parts with 5 changes at the moment - all in my documentation. NOTE: Thanks to @RoboRay's fantastic explanation of the balance of the new pods, I have decided I do not want to continue the mod. Feel free to use it, but consider it abandoned. Thread will remain open for discussion and if anyone wants to take the mod over, but no support will be provided by myself and I will get the thread locked should it spiral out of control. BLANKET PERMISSION TO DO ANYTHING WITH THE MOD
  13. Just to fill you in, an EVA engineer can reconfigure most modules with some MKs and EC (if the module needs it), and if you 'repaint' a Kontainer or the ranger inflatable warehouse thing it changes what it stores (kontainers store resources, inflatable stores a resource and the resources to make it). @RoverDude can we have a 'Make Transfer Credits' option for the inflatable that stores LFO and MKs to make TCs? Also I think it'd be cool to add Dirt as an oceanic resource to be extracted by a Filtered Oceanic Pump, which would have 2 extractors on it, water and dirt, to allow for self-sustaining seabases.
  14. Just poke into the .version file and find: KSP_VERSION and change it so "MAJOR" = 1 "MINOR" = 4 "PATCH" = 1 are between the { after KSP_VERSION and the next } rather than what's currently there (1, 3 and 1 I think). Feel free to fork it on Github, stick the new version file in and send a Pull Request.
  15. CKAN doesn't seem to want to download the USI mods at the moment, says "access denied". Anyone else encountering this? Will download the constellation and feed it to CKAN that way if nobody can help. EDIT: CKAN troubleshooting page says 403s from Github may be due to a "limit of downloads" so I'll try again later E2: Worked now!
  16. I do see what you mean by "useful" now - I've downloaded it for a test run (because the whole USI constellation wanted updating ), and gosh it's easy to grab a pile of mods. I've just redownloaded ~99% of my KSP mod list with a couple searches and clicks, will soon test the feature I see in the file menu, something along the lines of "import downloaded mod", for the 3 mods I use that weren't on CKAN.
  17. in GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\MKS\Parts, there are files called MKS_Drill_ and then either 01, 01A, 02, 02A, 03 or 03A, each corresponds to an MEU drill ingame (01 = 100, 01A = 100A, 02 = 500, 02A = 500A, 03 = Industrial Strip Miner, 03A = Automated Industrial Strip Miner. Go into each that won't appear ingame and add // in front of the lines from "MODEL" to the next "}" (NOT the "{" on the very next line) and that will change it to the stock one. Or write an MM patch for that drill (start it with @PART[MKS_Drill_(number for the drill you want, 01, 01A etc)]) containing "!MODEL".
  18. Hooray, a working AVC version for 1.4.1! Thanks, linuxgurugamer! (can I abbreviate it to LGG or would that offend you)
  19. 1) Covered by regular Logistics Modules and the MPUs - MPUs or unmanned Logistics Modules can push but not pull, the 1.25m MPU is perfect for a compact payload that needs to deliver to PW and maybe process some stuff too. 2) Not sure if that fits the mod - it leans slightly toward the "plunk a rocket down and call it a day" that RD is trying to avoid. But then again, it would seem cool. Sounds like something for RD to decide on.
  20. I like what I see here. Instant download.
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