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    Off Wandering http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160439-whats-your-motivation-of-keep-playing-ksp/&do=findComment&comment=3053455

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  1. How can one make an informed decision when we've not been informed (yet).
  2. Spring and summer is coming, so I don't have a problem laying KSP2 away for another couple of months due to me having enough to do. Won't start it up untill I can create a manoeuvre beyond the current orbit though, so I'm keeping an eye out till that finally gets fixed, can't (won't) do a orbital mechanics game if you can't do the orbital mechanics.
  3. Honestly, I haven't played in weeks because KSP2 does not grant you the possibility to create maneuvers beyond it's current orbit. I know I can use mods to achieve it, just don't want to, because this needs to be fixed in an orbital mechanics game. It really is my biggest gripe and I need it to be gone.
  4. You're right, many people do enjoy and are having fun and in many different play styles since For Science, that's why I put 'damaged' between hooks. I'm pretty sure the rest of the milestones will have more depth also for seasoned players to have new challenges/new experiences. I personally am still on the fence about how Science is implemented. I liked that in KSP1 I needed to follow some sort of 'procedure' to get all the science but can understand why people found it tedious. The 'one button, get all science' leaves me a bit unsatisfied and uninformed. I really liked the X Science mod, which does about the same, but for every experiment available there was a button to do so, and you were kept informed. At the moment I'm not using the Science button itself, but started right clicking again to actually see what I'm doing. It's just a low number of types of experiments that are available. I'd personally would like to see more or give some more of a procedure you need to follow. What is happening is that the missions to get science are to actually need to leave the Kerbin System, Its what was said to achieve that, and I'm liking that part.
  5. I guess you'll keep setting yourself up for disappointment 10 years from now. Because you are right, the 'damage' has been done, and it's been done since KSP 1.0, more then 8 years ago. And it's been going that route since, up till it got noticed by Take Two, which causes even more 'damage' selling it to the masses. KSP went from 'figure everything out yourself', to 'here are some tools which you may need to go to space' since Take Two took over. To ' We are going to guide you to get into space' in KSP2. That's the reality, the highway it's on and one can keep trying get it to take an offramp, but it's been a setup for disappointment for a very long time. I don't think you will ever get Take Two to get the Kerbal franchise to become what you want it to be, fortunately KSP did show there is a demand for 'Space Program' games, and alternatives are in active development. Challenges like land 200 ton on Minmus is a learning experience, it by itself challenges you to build and learn, and to be creative, it's just another tool to learn the game. It might not get the seasoned players to run warm for this, for many (newer) players it does create the dopamine in succeeding. Orbital mechanics haven't been dumbed down either, so enough challenges, if you haven't done it all before in KSP.
  6. Thank you for your reply, I'll see it as a confirmation that price did not set your expectations, and you not speaking on behalf of yourself when you bring up the subject of price setting expectations. I wasn't talking about many, I was talking about you outgrowing, you do not have to use a royal we in your arguments to try to make them bigger. Really? My mistake, I sincerely thought that yaw dropping video I saw was by yours creation. I don't know, I fully expected nonsensical missions in KSP2 being a successor to KSP, where I was asked to bring the biggest 'We were to busy with if we could, we never asked if we should’ Rover Wheel into orbit to be tested in space. That experience did set expectations for me for what it would be.
  7. You must be speaking on behalf of everyone but those ten people, not on yourself. You were one of the most informed people who knew what they were going to ge for 50 dollars. The 50 dollar price point didn't in the slightest set your expectations, it merely set one of the conditions for you to keep bringing up as an argument because the game development isn't to your personal liking. If you want something new, something more to explore from KSP2 for science Milestone, you're going to be disappointed, you've pretty much mastered KSP and outgrown it, I mean, who can take up the challenge of flying a 1000 part manned mission to Mars in RSS, it might have even been a return mission but I don't remember. I think you need other challenges to be challenged. Next milestones might bring that, but might dissapoint you as well. That's life.
  8. My FPS days are long over, but can absolutely concur, can't put a fast lap in on F1 21 due to the (input)lag on 'Steam Remote Play’. But for games like KSP or single player GTA V it's fine, provided that you have a good (wifi)connection.
  9. I play a lot behind my desktop, but I play a lot on the couch in the living room as well on my thin and light laptop, by streaming it from my desktop through Steam Inhouse streaming. Works flawlessly, I just need to power up and power down the desktop (which you can even automate if you really wanted to) and Steam does the rest.
  10. Maneuver Node Planner Tool--The Maneuver planner does not enable you to plan a maneuver beyond your current orbit. Seriously, how do people create efficiënt rendezvous or encounters with other bodies? I'm seriously lost here, is everybody using mods to do so?
  11. Hmmmm, working till midnight today and have my day off tomorrow (not for KSP) So decision to be made, off to bed after work, and play tomorrow. Or? Poor myself a nice Bourbon when coming home, play a few hours and let my wife bring the kid to school while I'll sleep in. Hard one, but I think I know what will happen when I start to take a glimpse when I get home.
  12. No Christmas without a Turkey, so my Kerbals are searching, but haven't found any Turkeys yet, if everything fales, they'll go to Minimus to catch a Kapibara... Meanwhile, them Kerbals are complaining;
  13. In general *First off I'd really like to see other then 16 by 9 native resolution support in the settings menu, 21:9 and 32:9 work flawlessly when manually manipulating setting.json and I found no issues at all playing widesceen and superwidescreen appart from the loadingscreen pictures being stretched and cropped, In Flight *Please make all Flight UI elements and gauges completely modulair so I can place any element where I'd want to. *I would like to be able to select a part of the vessel for the screen to focus on, I think its currently set to COM, for large vessels that is not very handy and frequently need to zoom to far out to my liking. *I'd like to be able to select the field of view. *Opening the Part Manager covers part of the UI of the Kerbals, very minor, could be neater if it didn't. Mapview *The 'next orbit'button is missing in the manouver tool, which makes it impossible to plan a manouver beyond your current orbit, this makes it difficult to get a rendevous or encounter. This is the biggest show stopper for me from enjoying the game (How do others do it? Mods???). VAB *I really like the 'Rotate and Translate' Tool, execpt for it being right above the part which makes it a bit hard to see what I'm designing, I'd like to see that the tool would be a little offseted. *New PAW's opening behind ahother, very anoying. Did I already mention to please make all Flight UI elements modulair?
  14. Steam award nominations happend, 'complete your task by reviewing, or updating your review of a game you nominated.' People love tasks to get 'achievements'.
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