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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Took picture for challenge and left plane on start of runway, came back to this sneaky stand-up guy spy. Should I do timelapse of his journey? Edit: Just caught him running away
  2. If I got this right I should have 90 points. https://kerbalx.com/crafts/27002 In Soviet Russia plane flies you
  3. Any way you could break them? Close maneuvers with other vessels or kerbal on EVA?
  4. Problem is that OP of the thread uses MJ to exclude human error and rockets are flow only with it @Hodo for hand and higher than ~30km that gimbal is more than enough, mechjeb doesn't like it but it only affects it out of atmosphere
  5. Well that is true for wheels that are in line but wheels in circle like that shouldn't spin and if they wuold spin because of that they woulnd' always spin around their common centre
  6. Why does this vehicle spin without any input? Is it because of angled wheels?
  7. Caught wild Jeb on camera. Isn't there any way to make those videos smaller on forums? It takes pretty big space without spoiler and they are just 2 videos no more than 2 minutes
  8. Did you install JSI or something like that?
  9. I kinda fixed this by adding one more tank and 10t more weight, it still goes completly wrong but that wrong is right
  10. Eternity can do that, but you'll have to wait for new ingame month because my first rocket was already released and you'll find offer more suited for weight that "small", for example @TheEpicSquareds Iridium one
  11. Mechjeb no longer follows preset curve to pick up speed but stays pointed at the same spot until it reaches 75km apoapsis
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