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  1. Hi all, with years of posts on this thread, I can't seem to find what I'm looking for... For the Pilgrim/Pioneer 10 shown on the BDB/friznit wiki pages (see image below), is there a part for the "Propulsion System" shown in the graphic, or is that something we need to recreate separately?
  2. Thanks @_Zee for your response. I actually found that I was looking for the wrong thing! It's the little icon for the MechJeb thing under "Unmanned Tech" that has the Ascent Guidance and then the next "Advanced Unmanned Tech" which has the Automated Docking, etc. So those are both the standard CTT then. Leaving this note here for future generations! Thanks
  3. Today I finally got my crewed Mun landing mission up into orbit and transiting on my current (now 2+ year old) heavily-modded Career Game. This has been a slow one, using both KCT and Probes Before Crew with heavily BDB-focused craft. Plus I take 6-month long breaks from KSP every now and then... Good to be back in space, though. Special thanks to the excellent Kaboom! mod for saving my orbiter from having an interstage stuck to its bottom (and preventing solar panel extension) on its way to the Mun.
  4. November 2023 here and works well, although I've only used the detonation function not the superklue functionality. I also wanted to thank @zer0Kerbal for maintaining this mod. This saved my Mun mission where I apparently put the interstage on upside down and had it stuck to the bottom of my Apollo/BDB orbiter. Muchas gracias!
  5. Hi all! Great work keeping the mod alive @_Zee this has made my latest (now almost 3 years old) KSP1 career game a much more strategic & tactical affair. I take pretty long breaks between KSP, but it's always nice to come back. Anyway, I'm struggling to find in the tech tree where the unlock for Mechjeb's Ascent Guidance (to automatically control launches) is in the revised/CTT with this mod? I'm about to unlock "Unmanned Tech" for 300 and then there's "Advanced Unmanned Tech" for 550 which has a note saying "Probe cores can do almost anything now." From what you know, is that the last unlock for Mechjeb?
  6. I came here for the same reason as the OP this issue. I've just downloaded the config so I'll let you know if this resolves the B9PS error popup. Thanks!
  7. I thought about KSP1 for the first time in a long time, checked my CKAN only to see every mod required an update, then saw another post here on the forums for the SteamCharts links (here). Crazy to see how KSP1 still has roughly 10x the average daily players than KSP2. Made me think I should dust off that last save game from 18 months ago...
  8. Today I worked on a small MicroSat for a little contract in my Career Game: Includes parts for DMagic Orbital Science, antennas from BDB, and a couple ReStock parts. Super-lightweight and as efficient as I could make it. Total weight is only 286Kg in the VAB (including a small reaction wheel + extra battery clipped in the probe core).
  9. Working on my latest Career Game space station, playing around with the amazing parts from ReStock (metal), SSPXr, MMSEV/Planetary Bases, BDB, and a few other bits & bobs: The three modules include: - M1: Laboratory / Hub / Basic Systems & Life Support (central axis, launching 1st) - M2: Command / Hab expansion (port side) - M3: Life Sciences (starboard side) There's a CMOS 1.5m port at the aft end of the station for future expansion of a larger orbital construction facility (Simple Construction mod). The little automated supply pod attached to M2 is very WIP but going for a low-cost, expendable monopropellant-based platform. Any suggestions for improvements?
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