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Everything posted by TheSpacePotato

  1. Yep. When the project is out, not only will you be able to [redacted], but you can also [redacted]!
  2. Not really, I'd say Irke is the half-baked potato of the Kelnis System. half desert, half ice, with a bit of water between. You can't see the ice, but it covers pretty much all of the dark side.
  3. Well, because of the large ocean Ora has, it allows heat to be transferred more easily than on Narath, meaning that even the islands on the substellar point can remain habitable. Narath doesn't have that
  4. By another body I meant another black hole, which might be planned for a future update I could be wrong, though
  5. I believe that an accretion disk was being reserved for another body in KSS. It's up to @StarCrusher96, though.
  6. Nope. The All is not a black hole. Actually, we don't know what The All is...
  7. Clouds for gas giants aren't going to be custom clouds you'd see on EVE, but rather an effect that is actually a feature of EVE. It basically gives the clouds a bit of an animation. And trust me, @StarCrusher96 has been working on 0.7 since May, and the KSS Team has been using testing versions to look for those bugs, so 0.7 should be (hopefully!) mostly bug free
  8. Some of the bodies in KSS have global aurorae as a result of interactions with the magnetospheres from bodies they are close to. You can see a similar effect on Taythe, Sulph, or Silne.
  9. That big project is one of my favorite things to work on for KSS, along with sciencedefs. It's gonna be released along with 0.7, and is something that's gonna have to be constantly worked on. I've seen similar concepts with other mods, but I don't think any have put the effort we've put into our project
  10. Ike has always orbited Voon in KSS. It's the Iapetus analogue in the system. Duna is orbited by Bop and Gilly.
  11. No it's always been like that. The only change is that a few of the moons get retextured.
  12. With the long wait for 0.7, I'd say we're pretty close compared to before
  13. These planets are taken with EVE/scatterer. Currently, what you download doesn't have the visual mods with it, but if you install either (or both), then the clouds/scatterer will kick in and the planets will look (mostly) like that. That picture of Taythe was taken in a testversion of 0.7
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