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Everything posted by Scoutman1121

  1. I would support this, but on one condition. That the user can customize how the story plays out. Because, really KSP is a sandbox game. You should be able to determin how your story begins and ends. Keep in mind, the game is still a form of sandbox.
  2. I agree. If they aren't adding any more planets then at the least they should give Jool, like all gas giants, rings with collisions.
  3. Judging by the nostalgia of the music now, most players wouldnt like it if they changed it. On the other hand, having the music be royalty free allows youtubers to let the stock music in without having to add their own music.
  4. What my suggestion is, that there could be stock weather patterns. For example, Clear skies would mean a better launch. Fog in the Morning could mean that your visibility goes down, and if you want to go to the Mun because you have a good window, you could attempt to go. Rain would be really good for aesthetics. Thunderstorms could be something to add a little bit of something that is not good and could possibly damage launched craft. On other planets, weather patterns could be different. Duna could have dust devils and sandstorms. Laythe could have more Rain etc. Eeloo could have blizzards. However, this should be a feature to be optional because not all players would want this opposed to others who want the game as realistic and challenging as possible.
  5. Yeah this would be awesome. BDArmory would be amazing with this, and the Kolonization Mod would be cool. You could have Forklifts, Cranes, and Kolonizers all going around at one time
  6. This is something I'd like to see. Being able to mine caves would also be awesome. Imagine making an asteroid base, where the base was built using KIS inside a Hollowed out Asteroid where you could launch docked spaceplanes. In Terms of Pre-Maid ones, that could be cool but caves tend to be rocky so getting something down there would be very difficult.
  7. More Station Parts. More Rover Parts. Centrifuges. Planetary-Base Parts Bigger Parachutes Empty Fuel Tanks don't explode ;-;
  8. Hmm...my mods are not working...my game is slow to load... Welp back to 1.2.2 nothing new tbh for english speakers goodbye 1.3
  9. A part like a pulley system or such where you can move parts around without having to use engines. Like rotating parts and such. An E-M Drive.
  10. This is just a wild suggestion out of the blue. What if, on the hardest difficulty or being completely optional there could be Natural Disasters? These could range from a Volcano, Tornado, Hurricane, or a Tsunami on waterworlds (Kerbin and Laythe). This is just a weird suggestion that popped into my head. Earthquakes would be a little bit difficult, however there is a seismic detector for science so why not add earthquakes so that if you activate it during an earthquake, you get a load of science? Just a suggestion. Give my your thoughts.
  11. Alright, so here is my suggestion. When making a new game in KSP, you should be given the option to use the ordinary KSP system, or use a larger proceduraly generated star system. This might be laggy for poor machines but that's why it should be an option. You should be able to set the number of generated. This is just an idea, as I find the Kerbin star system is small, there could be more to explore. Besides, leaving the star system of Kerbol doesn't have any benefits as far as I know. So why not having a procedurally generated star system?
  12. I usually just make up some cool name. Anything with guns on it I name something like Interceptor. Bombs on it? Deadcraft. Nuclear Space Station? Deathbringer. I usually like to go back to one of my old craft, and then upgrade it to make it better and I instead of putting One, I'll put two. So Decibel 1 would go to Decibel 2. So and So.
  13. I've never done anything with the Joolian System. I have showed interest in Laythe, but I have never went. I even went to design a floating base just for laythe. I never even did it though :P.
  14. I currentely have KSP 1.2.2 Do Mods that are meant for 1.2 and 1.2.1 compatibile with 1.2.2?
  15. This should already be in stock, considering Engineers should be able to fix the ships broken parts. I mean, their Engineers so they should already be able to. But since it isn't, it should be added for high level engineers.
  16. I'd love to see it in the game even if it served no purpose other than observation. It's the little things that make a game great.
  17. Some players don't like to get their mods off steam due to security purposes or they just don't like to go through the process. This could get more players in the modding area. Believe it or not, some players don't have mods because of this.
  18. This sounds like a good idea considering more launch windows to Interplanetary Travel.
  19. Sometimes I make absolutely massive ships, normal landing legs aren't enough.
  20. (Alright if this is in the don't post list sorry, I cant find it. Also could someone give me the link to that thread please?) Alright, so here's my suggestion. You miscalculate your landing on Eve. It is your first time on Eve, and don't know what the oceans look like, neither the surface. And then BOOM! You slam into the Eve ocean. With this, your scientific lander is smashed. Now it was all for nothing. What if you could install flotation devices? If they were to add, it would help in making bases on the water. There could be two different types of the flotation devices. Expandable, and Permanent. The Permanent one does not expand or inflate. It stays inflated unless it is destroyed. The expandable one can expand and inflate. By the way that scenario happened to me the first time I went to Eve :P. Anyways, this could open up a huge amount of possibilities. If you use the Maritime mod, you could make a harbor and put your boats there. So then, you'd be able to create underwater harbors for your submarines! (Don't forget it is still possible to create submarines in stock version.) Just think of everything you'd be able to create. (I'm serious I need a link to that list before I post something I'm not supposed to and then I get screamed at by half the forum users )
  21. In the current game, Scientific Values, and a couple easter eggs, and a little exploration is all you really get for going to another body. There isn't that much reward to doing it other than if you are playing a career game for a contract.
  22. By "Colonization" I mean set up a permanent base on a body.
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