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Red Stapler

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Everything posted by Red Stapler

  1. Thanks for the update! I will also test again when I got home from work late tonight. Will see if I can reproduce above as well and if yes, will send my output and playlist files if issues. Grrr, make the time pass faster, I want to go play now!
  2. First off, thank you for updating and releasing this for v1.2.2 pizzaoverhead, your efforts are much appreciated!! Ok, now for the problems after I installed the mod last night (mostly the same as others have reported, hopefully all here in one post for you)... Soundtrack from KSC main (birdies) carries over into the next building you go into...for example the VAB or SPH. Once the soundtrack from KSC main ends, the VAB soundtrack begins but it does not loop or go into the next track (you get silence after it finishes and does not 'reset' until you exit and come back into that building again). Same occurs in other buildings but I did not test all of them. In the VAB (or other KSC buildings), you can go forward, backtrack, etc on the current track, but you cannot skip to the next track...even if you try to, you still get the current track being played. After a while (once the music has stopped playing in that building), you can no longer go forward/back etc...none of the buttons work anymore, and you can't get the music to start playing again unless you exit and re-enter). Looping and shuffle do not seem to work but this needs further testing. As mentioned by others, no music in the main menu. I did not test in space as much, but it seemed to be working ok....problems seem to mostly be with the buildings at the KSC. I apologize as I am at work and cannot provide my playlists.cfg or output_log.txt but can do so later tonight (PST) if it would be helpful....please let me know. Again, love the mod so hope you can get the gremlins worked out. I will be happy to re-install and help test out....as long as Jeb behaves.
  3. I do the same once out of the VAB/SPH...I am onto bug names now. But in the VAB/SPH, I name them by Body/Function/version...for example Mun Scan v3 so they are all nice and organized in the 'Open' list. I still end up with way to many versions (and sub assemblies). I blame Jeb.
  4. Yet another thank you out to tetryds and ferram4 for this mod...it filled an empty hole in my Kerbal experience meaning that using the keyboard for flight just does not feel right and configuring my joystick to do all I want it to do takes too long and I always end up tweaking it rather than playing. This mod is simple, effective and most enjoyable. Paired with the chase cam mod is pure win and Jeb Approved!
  5. Thank you for maintaining this mod MOARdv...it is one of my 'must haves'! Question: Is there any way to increase the font size on planet/moon etc. hover over? It is quite small and I would live to bump it up in size a notch. I did not see anything in the config file and no info turned up on my searches (aka: I am pretty useless) so am curious if this is possible...or maybe something to consider adding to the next update?. Thanks a ton!
  6. It plays the new sound files backwards like the original Chatterer. I also wanted to send out a huge thank you to Nick233 for adding the new sound files...the original Chatterer is awesome for ambiance but as others have said, it was getting a little repetitive. Hehe, now I want more sound files! More people need to be aware of this mod add-on, it is a worthy addition to Chatterer, one of my favs!
  7. I am at work and don't have the game open right now but IIRC, you want to adjust the 'vacuum light level' slider up from the default of .03. I think I have mine at .14...just light enough to see stuff but still pretty dark for dark side of the planet/moon stuff. If you move the slider all the way to the right it should be as bright as day (Jeb approved). You can also change it in the Settings.cfg file: vacuumLightLevel = 0.14
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