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Everything posted by KenjiKrafts

  1. I'll post mine tonight, I expect a few negative comments, but that gives room for improvement I guess?
  2. @Mjp1050 say my regional supersonic jet, has a range of 1000km as opposed to 1500km but has the ability to move at Mach 4.1 at roughly 15,000km give or take 5,000km, could that be pardoned the range factor?
  3. Ok, I've been doing this for like 1h now and I have 15 kerbals into the Tower, just 73 left.......... https://gyazo.com/9c773e33b0af6bf35c1bdc7eb56242d3 https://gyazo.com/411ea907b0de7d44a0c0523904136cee https://gyazo.com/cdef20e67de0c12eae30f570de0a21ab https://gyazo.com/bf5b7b6ccabd5f5beea46a13896a4cb0
  4. Wow you guys have been busy @kerbinorbiter & @NSEP! 96 notifications!

  5. Why do IRSU's float so damn well? My craft sinks sideways from the monster size generator room [10x IRSU and over 50 Fuel cells]
  6. Very interesting challenge to say the least, I can attempt this but mods barely work on my KSP?
  7. @Lo Var Lachland I will complete the challenge later and take a few pics Old base is gone, as old laptop broke
  8. Could be one of mine, I'm not to sure, also yes! Let's resume the thread!
  9. Is there a 1.2.2 group or strictly 1.3.1?
  10. @Earthlinger right plugged the old SSHD into the laptop and to no avail was I able to retrieve any data, which is a massive shame as I have over 2000hours of tanks and prototype planes and most importantly my Yamato that took bloody like maybe 2-3 days of KSP @ 4-6 hour sessions. What a shame.... However I'll remake it, one final question what is the tournament ran in? [ie what version of KSP]
  11. @Earthlinger is there a size limit [i know about the part limit] in place and is there a engine type restriction? I have a few but they are all pretty big, like my 1:1 scale Yamato and USS Arizona just depends if I can pull them off the old hard drive. If not I'm still gonna enter

  13. @Lo Var Lachland my base will be up tonight
  14. The MiG 1 GAU will take your head off, featuring 6 AARAM missiles and twin 30mm GAU cannons. [ignore the 50mm's it's a older picture]
  15. Sorry to be awkward but, for once, the French army has made a good vehicle. Dassault Rafale, is by far my favourite fighter. Take a step back though and you'll find the pedant "superweapon" that is the Horten Ho 229.
  16. @Lo Var Lachland Sorry it's taking me so long! I have been busy and the challenge has given me a idea ps - Should be done soon
  17. Does this mean engines engaged for six mins or six mins of total airtime?? And are rapiers allowed in the air breathing format?
  18. So funny story, I was just walking to my mates house, nothing unusual, nothing different till BOOM bloody drunk man starts to have a conversation with me as I am walking down the road, now drunk didn't quite cut it for this guy, this is clearly the person who arrives by taxi to a party and leaves via a ambulance. So this dude just started to tell me about his car and I just don't care, but I'm not going to be horrible and say that, so I say "Mate, I don't know who you are and why I need to know about your Volvo, just take it easy and head off home" now the guy waves and leaves. 6 hours later I see him again and I just said the same again, but he'd gotten lost and didn't know where was home so I had to call the police and explain, half a hour later I am late and tired but at least the guy was safe :P

    1. Urses


      Every good action is worth a like in internet days.

      Next time call the police at first sight they a trained to handle this situations and may help almost every time.  And have more capabilities to help if he has a alcohol induced intoxiacation.

  19. I WILL be doing this, super original challenge GJ
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