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Everything posted by KenjiKrafts

  1. If you could redo the "heavy transport" that would be amazing, by redo I mean its gotta be stock plane and can be modded to add weapons Хороший товарищ! I will count that as i need naval units
  2. @SpacePod9, @*MajorTom*, @dundun92 Here is your badge for entering your planes
  3. Hello so im making a new SPAA, and I think it looks hideous, thoughts? https://gyazo.com/868a1ecf183da733e38b9363dac35e82
  4. Sick, I will make a badge for all entries, stock gets a special one
  5. Damn I'm late! I'll join (again) Also could I edit the rover a touch? If you want extra info I will PM you
  6. Keep those eyes peeled like a orange!

    I got a new story to hit the forums later and my 7000 pixel Jeb is coming soon! (maybe next week)

    Besides how are y'all? God that's the least British thing I could have said.

    Make sure to look at my thread "Regional Armed Forces Show" I'm in desperate need of planes and Nic Nacs :P

    Peace! :cool:

    1. NSEP


      Will do!


  7. Welcome all to the Regional Armed Forces Show! I need you yes YOU to show me your : Tanks Trucks Half Tracks Planes Troop Transport Artillery Literally anything Military The modlist is a bit of a hefty one not going to lie, we've got : NorthKerbinDynamics BDArmoury NAS NeverEnnufDakka I need your crafts to display! More info on the way! (Writing a article on my phone is crap) How this will work is that I will make a article on the said plane, tank or boat via another thread, I just wanna see if this will take up as much heat All are welcome! If you mods decide this is more SCE then just send it on over there
  8. My Lockhead U-2 " Kerman Lady " So lets give some insight shall we? Well first key feature is that this 1:1 scale. Gliding at 15,000 meters to kill some heat - https://gyazo.com/85b54908928e8172ae8ee7cf7659b575 Before the tanks where dropped (I crashed) - https://gyazo.com/9424fd4c49659d579e80530bd7d26ce0 General view - https://gyazo.com/07e87c3ac6b9800120eca5d582cf8513 Onwards! - https://gyazo.com/2206746c1aee95efa13f3905366e6d1e The U-2 "Dragon Lady" was designed to function at a high altitude and be used as a heavy infiltration spy plane, and this does just that, has some of the real life issues too, for instance if the engines cool to much at a high altitude they are hard to control. My U-2 has more bells and whistles than the original, so it needs BDA, this is just for its spy gear (Radars & Camera's) comes equip with what ever you want, I favor either hell-fires or cruise missiles. Enjoy Kenji Out!
  9. I will post the pictures of my Lockhead U-2 " Dragon Lady " later For those who've never seen this stunning plane - https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiRgObwk5PUAhXDWRQKHewuBqMQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F210402613811141981%2F&psig=AFQjCNFMRzwpuPvS2RIOYiU_yrgl8g_eqQ&ust=1496080369493116
  10. Warthunder has released Italian Planes today! :o 

    1. V7 Aerospace

      V7 Aerospace

      Yes, now the grind to get these tester tasks :P

  11. That chevy is good, however the wheel/tyre is uneven - This isn't a dig, just a statement. But the Jeb cockpit...... Now that's stunning!
  12. @cratercracker Stunning yet again!..... Dres is my favorite You legit got squad staffs recognition! Paints amazing, its how I do my pixel art!
  13. Seconded! Well i'm not sure my laptop is capable of that, I know I can run the game but it gets like 90 degrees hot. More speed? Thats just my opinion.
  14. Here's some pixel art :) 

    Please leave comments and maybe even a request! :D 

    Chichiro / Sen - https://gyazo.com/f60b868a8cb3aed1b673297e7bff7be1 - I kinda messed it up and colored over the lines :/ 

    No-Face - https://gyazo.com/06f153ba29c76ff333893ad746cbb642 - Not the best but it was done in 15 mins :P 

    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9 - https://gyazo.com/5a38262dcbc9d2775d19fe1aa839cceb - My third pixel art :) 

    Random German WW2 plane - https://gyazo.com/a8bd7b86945adcb1d0a5fffa7f2192f0

    Chinese IS-6 - https://gyazo.com/a5bae896dc0b649b2b5aa5539c18cec9

    Stürmpanzer II - https://gyazo.com/d38061228c0c117d5bb1825a5a88b25b

    Overwatch soon, Yes i'm cashing in on that xD 

    1. NSEP


      Looks nice!

    2. Urses


      Chichiro is cute and recognasible as pixel art. Nice one:D

  15. I have got some new pixel art coming tonight!

    Keep a eye out for them if you like planes and Spirited Away :sticktongue:

    1. NSEP


      Cool cant wait!

  16. C'mon WarThunder! Download you son of a gun! I wanna play my BM-13N :wink: 

    1. V7 Aerospace

      V7 Aerospace

      Download? Is 1.69 out yet?

    2. KenjiKrafts


      No, just hotfixes.

      I just haven't played in a few weeks so there was like 40 :/

      Italian Jets firing 20mm Oregano Cannons, along with the Garlic bread torpedo :P

    3. V7 Aerospace

      V7 Aerospace

      Oh, those Italian jets only have M3s, not 20mms. I guess Gaijin didn't want our newest guest to be op :P

  17. My first pixel art - https://gyazo.com/d38061228c0c117d5bb1825a5a88b25b

    It's a German PanzerKampfwagen II during Afrika Korps :D 

    Next ones going to be more detailed I promise :D 

    Stay tuned for some more :cool:

    Kenji :D 

    1. V7 Aerospace

      V7 Aerospace

      Is that a Stürmpanzer I see? :D 

      Almost looks like it because of the steel structure above.

    2. KenjiKrafts


      Why yes it is the 150MM Stürmpanzer!

      I just used the latter known name as it sounds better and is easier to say :blush: 

  18. Here is my HDMT @Triop Let's hope no spies are looking!
  19. I will take on the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II Looks super cool, should have it done for the 19th
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