Well, I speak American English, some British English, Southern Tagalog, a small portion of Mandarin Chinese, an even less portion of Hokkien Chinese, one to twenty-five in Spanish, and a little bit of everything else.
Finally, a battleship I made that cannot be 1-hit-KO'ed. Named the SB-11 Dauntless Light Corvette, it withstood a hit from @MiffedStarfish's G4-H Torpedo and still had half fuel left, along with control and missiles. It can also go unscathed from shots of the G3 Torpedo, even a direct hit cannot break the hull (though a frontal collision breaks a probe core {which has 2} and some fuel).
Powered by 32 Ion Engines, it weighs in at under 80t at under 350 parts.
Craft File: https://mega.nz/#!42wAkTTZ!SqGpHckUkXRuMBxTa0EZWjPtk56U0-KZn95a8KzL6pc
Pics coming soon.
13 y/o. And his sentence didn't say anything negative about the missile:
I assume this means long missiles work well in well-armoured ships, @Canberra_Gaming?
Well, I will be waiting, @Tristonwilson12.
The shuttle will be manned, of course. Why build a shuttle with windows if it is unmanned?
@ZooNamedGames Also, what to name the shuttle? Cloud Aerospace has rockets named after weather, so what could be the name?
Folding space in front of you has consequences. You also expand space behind you and you accelerate to oblivion.
My cookie after taking it from previous poster.