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Everything posted by Ant432

  1. 2. 1.3.1 -Galileo's Planet Pack -Kopernicus -ModularFlightIntegrator (just in case) -Scatterer (Just in case) -Sigma with 10.6x rescale 3. Output log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fb6BDaGLp9Ty_1z1En-rqWZXziP_9KAr 4. ModuleManager.ConfigCache: https://drive.google.com/open?id=15jmsdjnTC8HVEuEoyR-iTriLyoi-bwgp 5. The whole Kopernicus log folder:https://www.dropbox.com/s/snsvy72o7ix7ms5/Kopernicus.rar?dl=0 6. GameData Screen:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xnPb3cOu-BXhLiEQ7KYGl7io-tTIjSvP 7. Sigma Screen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6555bk7l7yas2a/New folder.rar?dl=0 (Don't know if it's enough) Note that the parachutes do appear after removing all those mods.
  2. My game won't load parachutes. There is only a drogue chute that loads and no others. It seems fate keeps trying to prevent me from posting screenshots. I have to delay it for the 50th time now.
  3. I've read a comment before, deleted the zh-ch localization file and it was fixed.
  4. I have a problem with this mod. It causes a crash during loading. it gets stuck on "Loading resources". Removing it fixes the loading issue.
  5. Yeah I've installed it correctly. I tried removing the mod but the problem persists. removed all mods that might be causing incompatibilities (not updated to 1.3.1) too but nothing helps. Vanilla ksp works though. Here is my KSP Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18lhCLDfEUyfgwsnGT1WVtgKCDIKrVbDD Here is my output_log:https://drive.google.com/open?id=172rRIMJgpjo7pqtK1Vm_oCY9xr6sUp_D Though I don't know how helpful they would be since I already checked them, and the only exception is the Arguementoutofrange, which I don't know how to fix. EDIT: Turns out it was Community Resource Pack. Still a shame seeing how I can't use such an important mod and mods dependant on it. EDIT 2: Nevermind, fixed all good now.
  6. Oops. The loading gets stucck on 'Loading Resources' and I can't fix it. I tried removing every mod that gave an exception or error in the log. However it does give me an Exception that I donÄt know how to fix: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: startIndex + length > this.length
  7. Good News Everyone! I have finally received Kerbal Space Program. Which means I can take the screenshots I promised. I will be storing them in a single thread that I will link later.
  8. My new PC is up and running. I should be able to get KSP next Tuesday
  9. I made a promise ages ago that I will post 10x GPP screenshots but was unable to fulfill it. Bummer Anyway, I didn't even have a PC. My parents weren't really capable of buying me a PC until now. I should have it in 3-4 days now, though and if everything goes right I'll try to make some nice screenshots. Perhaps I should stop promising things that are not guaranteed to be fulfillable.
  10. I haven't visited this page for a while and I've got to say, I love the changes. You've added PP support and the Mk1 Retro Cockpit, both of which improve the mod immensely. Great job!
  11. I've been absent from the forums for 2 months and it seems that Ciro adopted a star while I was gone. And yes, if you haven't forgotten I will keep my promise. I will get a new PC in about 2 weeks and will give you juicy 10.625x scale screenshots. If you are confused about who I am, I had an older account called "Antonio432" but my Email was getting hacked so I removed it to start a new one. Alas my new usernane is just the old one but in Latin. I wanted to chug a "Novus" in there to signify this is my new account but I changed my mind. Why Latin? Because I always thought it sounded cool and it's the basis of many languages today, despite no country officially speaking it anymore.
  12. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

  13. That is good. I thought they were similar becazse they were both gray planetoids on the edge of the system. It has been a long time since I checked the github wiki so my memory might be bad. Edit: Indeed was I mistaken. Hox is more circular and lighter gray, but Leto is lumpier and darker gray.
  14. So far my only worry about lack of visitors is either Hox or Leto since they look very similar, although Hox has a moon and Leto may receive visitors because it is the furthest planet.
  15. It is a great country. Beautiful landscapes and cities. It is alot more expensive than my old home though but the pay is higher too so it balances out. Though my family is alot better financially now, before we didn't dare to buy anything that is even a little expensive.
  16. Haha, we all have topics we can't shut up about. Germany is something special. Before I got here I thought I would be bored endlessly since I won't have a PC when I arrive, but that was prooven wrong immediately. I live at the southeast edge of the city so I can see the Alps when I go out and it's a clear day.
  17. Oh it's ok then. I just assumed it could be a problem that I derailed the topic to discussing locations in Germany rather than discussing GPP itself. Concerning Dres-treatment, I doubt any GPP body will be notorious for it's lack of visitors, and even if some does I am sure you'll find a way to spice it up.
  18. I didn't know you were were in the military. Isn't there a US military base in Vilseck?
  19. Yes, I'll need it though, they won't accept me into a good school if I don't know the language.
  20. Beautiful. I love how all of you keep celestial bodies in your mod fresh so they are interesting and worth visiting. Considering things it seems none of the bodies will end up like Dres. I kind of got way too offtopic in my previous comments :I
  21. I'll visit them as soon as I get the chance. I am currently busy with managing things as I have moved in quite recently and my language learning course starts next month so I won't be able to go too far outside the city.
  22. Yes, I already use alot of RoverDude's mods. They really add a ton to gameplay.
  23. Yes, it's a great city. It motivated me to spend more time outside since I have nothing to do in my apartment and there are so many places I haven't seen yet. Which is great considering I spent most of my time indoors back at my homeland (I came from a rural area in Croatia).
  24. So I'll be able to recreate the proposed asteroid exploitation entirely! I can already make fuel out of them in the stock game but mods enable them being used as habs and fertilizer sources. This means infinite life support and fuel as long as I can grab additional asteroids. Though they can't be found far from Kerbin in most cases. I can use Dresteroids and Custom Asteroids for exploitation though. Wow. That is a huge exploit. It opens a whole new way of travelling.
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