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Everything posted by Ant432

  1. Hello, I adore this mod, it makes the game look fantastic, but I have a small question: I use SVT, and like all mods that alter Kerbin's terrrain it makes the loading in between KSC facilities painfully long (it can take more than 20 minutes) so I want to remove the terrain altering for Kerbin (but not for any other celestial bodies), I have deleted (not permanently) the Kerbin.cfg file from SVEKopernicus, will that be enough to remove the terrain alterations on kerbin or do i have to delete the terrain files ? Also, if you know any way to make the loading faster but keep the textures on Kerbin please let me know, if there is no way to accomplish that i'm still fine with stock Kerbin textures.
  2. It must be because of procedural tanks because I get the same tank mas with hydrogen + oxidizer as with LFO , maybe because it doesn't model the lesser density of liquid hydrogen. So I can't make liquid hydrogen tanks that are big enough without getting 0.17 TWR in space. I'll check out the configs but I don't know what to specifically look for.
  3. Can someone help me ? I crash immediately after starting the game, it freezes , then i get the "Close KSP" Message. This here is my log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8o3_OKhDQ4aeENUbGFHbGFCc1U/view?usp=sharing
  4. So, can someone explain me how to use this mod ? So apparently these engines have amazing ISP but I need giant fuel tanks to make them have as much Delta V as having a Poodle or Terrier engines, and it weighs the rocket down i use Procedural Parts tanks so is there aproblem with that mod ?
  5. @Yemo So, now that Contract Configurator added a hyper-usefull feature to view which mod adds which contract and see the full list of contracts avaible and you could do any contract you meet the requirements of, so that fixed the contracts disappearing thing. Also i wanted to note the Reaction Wheels thing. Yes in stock they were super-overpowered, so it's a good thing you nerfed them but still kept them "magical" which is realistic since reaction wheels do work like RCS without thrust in rela life but they depend alot on magnetospheres of planets or moons, which I don't know is replicatable in KSP. So an interesting gameplay idea would be to render Reaction Wheels useless above a certain altitude, depending on the magnetospheres of planets, it would be easiest for them to lose their ability when you reach "High in Space above planet".
  6. @Yemo Concerning the contract and milestone science nerfs, do you recommend a different science slider change or is 60% still good.
  7. @Yemo I just want to thank you, for creating such amazing mods and being so supportive whenever someone encounters a bug.
  8. You replied to me once hat kerbal engineer is enabled on all vessels even without the parts, but I don't have it for some reason, the button that says "KER" is blacked out and can't interact with it.
  9. Ok, I was just confused with the contract thing. However, when i replaced "procedural tank liquid" with "Procedural tank real fuels" in the config it worked perfetly. I had to do it with the SRB too.
  10. Oh, so should I delete the mods that add more contracts and flter contracts I never do with Contract Configurator so that i get more slots free for SETI contracts ? After I made a polar orbit around the Mun, since I accepted a "Do a Low resolution scan of the mun" contract and finished it the "Minmus and Kerbol" contract appeared. I'll just have to deal with it. If it gets too problematic I'll download Science Funding and do what I want just with funds/science restrictions, since I'll get enough money and rep . Concerning my Real Fuels issue, can youa tleast explain me can I redirect the config to chaneg the RF Tank instead or alongside the normal liquid Tank. I figured if I can make it interact with RF Procedural tanks they should have the same limitations as the normal Procedural Liquid Tanks. I'll change the "Procedural tank liquid" to "procedural tank rf" in the config and see what happens.
  11. SETI Contracts seem to disappear completely for me. I only get the stock repeating contracts and contracts from mods, but after I finished "Manned Orbit and Safe return " contract, I didn't receive any new progress contracts. I use KCT so do they expire or something ? Here is my KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8o3_OKhDQ4aN2dseVpNaUNmZlU/view?usp=sharing And here is my output_log.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8o3_OKhDQ4aNlFQTUJIeGUyUjg/view?usp=sharing I don0t have any other progress contract mods installed.
  12. I found out what the issue was, Procedural Parts replaces "Procedural Liquid Tank" with "Procedural Real Fuels Tank" if it detects Real Fuels., and the procedural real fuels tank has a seperate config, so i don't need to change the Procedural Liquid Fuel tank config but the Procedural Real Fuels tank one. Can you add configs that change Procedural parts that replace the original ones when it detects a specific mod in a future update ? For now I will play without Real Fuels since the config confused me. It seems it relies on more tech nodes than the SETI config does, and I don't know what to do with them. So it would be nice if we get a config for Real Fuels tanks in the future.
  13. Hey, can you post the Procedural parts fuel tank size limit changes the SETI mods make, i downloaded Real fuels and it resets them to default, so I am stuck with minimum diamater 1.0m and can't change fuel tank and SRB shapes.
  14. Has anyone got a fix for procedural real fuels tanks ? They can only be scaled from 1.0m to 1.5m diameter at the start of the game and can't be tweaked at all in SPH.
  15. Yes, it is remotetech, it even says it in the debug menu. just got confused since I saw a few people have this exact issue.
  16. Sorry, I often just post the issue I have without logs in hope somene already knows what is going on. My log can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8o3_OKhDQ4aQzBqMWFaVVE3cWM/view?usp=sharing Also i am getting a purple light on the staging circle thing, ALt + L won't unlock staging.
  17. Sorry for being so late, but this worked. Thanks alot for your help.
  18. So, I can't control my rocket at all, can't turn on SAS or stage it in any way. I can't even turn on my engine by right clicking it.
  19. I don't get the action groups at start. I think it's because the Custom Barn Kit version is newer than the version SETI Rebalance is meant to run with so configs and files can't interact with SETI due to them being different than in older versions.
  20. @Yemo I have done the VAB upgrade test again and copied my KSP log to Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8o3_OKhDQ4aeXcxMkFnZ1FOajg/view?usp=sharing
  21. At start you only have SRB's for engines and SETI disables the "magic torque" so you'l need either an engine with gimbal or RCS thrusters to steer your rocket, which you don't have at the start, so you should build an aerodynamic rocket capable on flying with control, add the probe core, a nose cone on top of it, a SRB below it , ( make sure your TWR is balanced enough, if you take the Grasshopper SRB from Ven's, aim for around 2.0 TWR ) and 4 fins near the bottom.
  22. KCT can't be the issue, since I added it when i was reinstalling my mods, and I didn't have it when I encountered the issue first time. Btw, i used ckan for my mod installs, if that matters in any way. I was able to aquire a ModuleManager.ConfigCache though: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8o3_OKhDQ4aOTVFbm56WWZjWVk/view?usp=sharing
  23. I'm pretty sure Module Manager did mention 5 errors concerning Deadly reentry config.
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