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Everything posted by siimav

  1. Did some poking around in the code and it looks like the planetary logistics has a 5% penalty for pushing resources to storage. Although that's small enough to not make much difference at all. Edit: it looks like the penalty should also be applied for pulling from planetary. So 10% total for transferring from one base to another.
  2. The reasoning behind my decision was to have all the power generating done only in my main base. Power can be transmitted wirelessly up to 2km away. Also, nuclear reactors need maintenance once in a while. Although it looks like they can run on the same batch of fuel for more than 10 years.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean but I'll try to explain it better. * 2 bases in 1km proximity of each other * Main base has all the resource converters * Mining base mines different kinds of metal ores because main base's biome does not have those * Parked next to main base is a Karibou rover with a pilot * Ores from mining base are pulled to the main base's storage and used by the resource converters * Mining base produces more ore than is consumed by the resource converters. Excess ore is pushed to planetary storage. * Issue: going to KSC -> warping time forward multiple days -> returning to my main base -> metals is set to 0. I can also briefly see that metallicOre is set to 0 in my main base and then it is again pulled from the mining base.
  4. Does the resource generation catch-up mechanic have issues with >150m local logistics? I have a small metal ore mining base about 1km away from my main base in another biome. The Karibou rover logistics and resource production are definitely working properly when the base is in focus. But when I go to KSC and run the time forward 40 days, it looks like no production has taken place in the background because both metals and materialKits are now 0, although previously I had a positive amount of both in store. If I run time forward only 1 day, I get the correct amount of resources added to storage. 1 day looks to be time where all the metallic ore stored on my main base gets processed to metals. I also tried time warping 2 days and materialKits storage increased but metals was now 0. Am I doing something wrong here or could it be classified as a bug?
  5. Actually you can get away with only 1 kerbal when you park a Konstruction vehicle next to your kerbal. Each one of these parts can increase the weight that your lone engineer can move around with KIS. Doing a simple vehicle with a single crane already adds 6 tons to the weight a single kerbal can carry and can be parked up to 16m away. Some of the parts have even higher mass bonuses (like the forklift at 22t) but the influence radiuses are smaller. The bonuses also stack with multiple instances of the same part. So 2 cranes would be 12 tons at up to 16m away. Forklift + crane would be 28t in 6m radius but 6 tons at 16m radius. The actual values for different parts can be found in this file. grabMaxMass is the added lift capacity and maxDistance is the radius of influence.
  6. Does the MJ's 'execute node' functionality use some custom code for keeping my craft pointed at the maneuver node or something in the stock game handles that? I'm asking it because some of my big crafts tend to start oscillating continuously with greater amplitude around the node marker. The amplitude needs to be manually damped from time to time to make the execution anywhere near accurate. So I'm wondering whether it could be fixed in MJ or I'm stuck with whatever the stock game does.
  7. Updated previous post and added link to download source code along with licence. The dll download link is still valid.
  8. Can't really imagine how it could possibly work for you in 1.3. The code has a check for the version of the game and does not really do anything when the version is not 1.2.x. So unless you somehow managed to hack your 1.3 KSP to show as 1.2.x to mods, KJR is not applying any of it's joint-strengthening magic. Or you just have some other mod installed that does something similar to KJR (not sure whether there are any).
  9. You could also try setting the Limit Q option to somewhere like 15000. I haven't tested it with FAR but it has helped get some of my really unaerodynamic payloads to orbit. If nothing else helps, you could fly straight up for about 20km and only then start the gravity turn. Yes, it's really inefficient but sometimes the craziest payloads require it.
  10. If i remember correctly, MJ doen't show CoL when the vessel is outside the atmosphere. Not sure whether it's intended to be that way or just some limitation. Having both CoM and CoL visible in space would allow to re-balance fuel before reentry to make the vessel perfectly stable.
  11. I didn't notice any framerate information in your posts. My feeling is that when fps starts to get into the single-digit range, the game gets even more bound by the performance of the main thread. The main thread no longer has enough time to feed tasks to other threads and thus you see even lower utilization on other cores.
  12. Sorry but you are out of luck then and have to wait for the official release. So far I haven't heard from anyone else that my recompile has caused any crashes.
  13. There seems to be some kind of strange behavior when using the "Deploy" option on control surfaces. See the picture below. B9-PCSA control surfaces (on the lower portion of the spaceplane) are working as intended and both are deploying in the same direction. B9-PCST surfaces (upper portion of the spaceplane) on the other hand are deploying in different directions. I'm using radial symmetry in both cases. Is this a bug or some kind of intended behaviour I couldn't figure out?
  14. So there's been quite a bit of requests for my 1.3 recompile. And there's also the issue that the forum does not allow sending private messages to others unless you have 5+ posts. I'll just leave a public link to it here now. If Ferram himself or any of the mods feel offended by it, just let me know and I'll remove it ASAP. Once again, this is an unofficial release and is in no way supported by the author of this mod. Download and use it at your own risk. KerbalJointReinforcement.dll ------------------------------------------------- To get any of the legal stuff out of the way - here's the download link to source code + licence.
  15. Not sure whether I'm allowed to distribute it publicly here. I could send it to you privately though. 'Use at your own risk disclaimer' applies here.
  16. I have now used this mod for multiple months already without any issues. Without this mod my big spaceplanes and bases tend to explode when physics is loaded. When testing 1.3 without KJR, I already ran into issues with repeatable kraken attacks. Because KJR is so invaluable to me, I fired up a Visual Studio to find out if I can make it work with 1.3 before the official release comes out. I think I got it working with only a couple of changes to CompatibilityChecker.cs and a recompile with 1.3 DLLs. At least I haven't gotten any more kraken attacks or crashes in about 30 minutes of testing.
  17. Does FAR require about twice the wing area compared to stock model for <100m/s landings? My spaceplane used to land at ~80m/s with stock but now it's more like 150m/s to get the same AoA. Also flaps do not seem to make much of a difference with stock parts. Are some of the plane part mods better in that regard?
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