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Everything posted by vossiewulf

  1. I was able to play around with it at lunch, and yes that was the problem But I followed your suggestion and built a mining rover and he is mining ore, connected to the base, and there is an Ore Melter converter that I have running, so I'm finally making Konkrete. Thanks for the help, without it I would have been stuck!
  2. Thanks again Capi, I was unable to spend time with it yesterday so I'll check on the rock resources when I get back to it this evening. I very much appreciate the clear and complete instructions
  3. When it comes to the landing autopilot, it's not being nearly as accurate as it could be, at least in my testing. I was trying it out on the Mun in a JNSQ game, dropping landers from 20k or so. The process I saw was first a burn to get the plane in line with the target, then a burn that puts the impact point right on the target. But then, at about 2500m or so, it does a burn that brings it to a dead stop, and it drops straight down from there. So obviously every time it comes up well short of the target, 400-500m or so in each case I tried and I tried 6 different landers. If on step 2 it set its impact point beyond the target landing point, when it did its burn at 2500m it could drop straight down on the landing target.
  4. Thanks Capi, I didn't know that part. But I'm still not getting any konkrete, sadly. Any other ideas?
  5. And a question, I have a Hacienda set with Omniconverter 1 on Rock Melter and I have 242 excess EC, and two engineers are present in the Hacienda- but I'm getting no Konkrete production. I have a Chuckwagon set to hold Konkrete, and it's sitting there at 0 of 5k. Am I missing something, or do we need to look in the logs?
  6. It's actually a MKS/JNSQ game, the command module there with the auxiliary cans and viewing modules manage to provide 240 days of hab time for five Kerbals, three engineers and two scientists for the Doc Science. Although these two systems aren't particularly compatible, I want to set up the Castillo parts because giant Mun base. But it's already krakened and rebuilt once, I don't know if it will stay together. The ground is dead pool-table flat and I'm using the highest detail terrain setting, but the four larger landers with pseudo-SpaceX landing legs are slowly migrating east and will probably run into each other and explode at some point, and the Pathfinder parts rearranged themselves pretty severely on a reload. No criticism there Angel, it's just a lament of the nature of KSP, it hates anything other than very small bases. Even so, still fun to put together and it wasn't exactly easy getting in those 3.75m landers with various MKS/USI-LS resources all within KAS range of each other.
  7. So I'm at my new Mun base, and cat walks across the keyboard and the Mun background went completely black. Look at it in map view, solid black. Same from Tracking Station. I've restarted the game, and the Mun remains completely black. Only the Mun is black, the other planets and moons (that ResearchBodies has let me see so far) are all fine. I am running 1.81, JNSQ, Kopernicus, Eve, Scatterer, Distant Object Enhancement, all of the basic visual improvement mods. Anyone have any idea what the cat has done and how to undo it? Mun: Minmus:
  8. The trick for orbit is it is two burns: one to set your apoapsis altitude, and a second one to circularize the orbit at that altitude. And I fly the launch burn by hand always, because I find I can do better than MJ and can get my orbit finalized with considerably less delta V than he uses. So basically, I fly the launch burn to hit an apoapsis height, and then I shut down the engines. Then I use MJ's maneuver planner and select Circularize and At the Next Apoapsis, hit create node, then execute node. The end result is you're in a nearly perfect circular orbit.
  9. Sounds to me like MJ is being smart and recognizing that the port you want to dock at is non-functional, and your problem is that the docking port isn't working. And it's probably not working as you have four ports stacked on each other, one of which appears backward.
  10. I assume you mean the RTS-1, I will try that. I tried that, it did nothing, long connector tube running from it remained.
  11. I have a probably dumb question, what does one do to cancel a connector? I started one, moved to where I wanted to connect it, it was too far and my engineer dropped the connector and now this pipe is sitting on the Mun. The context menu on the RTS-1 only has link mode docked/undocked, and disassemble the part, no cancel.
  12. I have a problem with the Trajectories mod is not showing up in-game, its button is missing from the toolbar. I asked in the Trajectories thread, the maker sent me here because of what I saw in my ksp.log. I'll quote the relevant part from the other thread: Those are the only log statements showing anything odd with respect to Trajectories, and its maker says he has no idea why Kopernicus would be trying to load his binaries, and to ask here. Can anyone explain why Kopernicus is trying to interact with Trajectories?
  13. I was commenting on that conversation above, it won't help me but it will help the next person setting up a game Thanks for the explanation, exactly what I needed. So the strategy is build a normal Pathfinder base, and then manufacture the Konkrete to be able to deploy the Castillo parts.
  14. Angel and LGG, it would be great if you got WBI fully into CKAN, I just set up a new game and installing all my WBI bits was some downloading and fiddling that everyone could do without Anyone, how does one manufacture Konkrete? In all the times I've used Pathfinder bases I've never made Konkrete, and lots of it is required for the Castillo parts, which I'd like to try.
  15. I have something similar. I just started a new JNSQ 1.81 game and used CKAN to grab most of what I needed, including Trajectories. However, in game the Trajectories button does not appear on the toolbar. I'm using LGG's Toolbar Controller, btw. Anyway, looking in the log all looks well... [LOG 13:36:55.855] [TrajectoriesBootstrap] Trajectories loaded! But then I see this: [LOG 13:41:19.735] [Kopernicus] Could not load 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Trajectories\Plugin\Trajectories.bin' [LOG 13:41:19.919] [Kopernicus] Could not load 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Trajectories\Plugin\Trajectories13.bin' ...etc. through a series of .bin files. That's the only problem I see in KSP.log, but I'm not sure if that's the cause. I could also, of course, be doing something dumb and just not realizing it. Anyway, any suggestions as to what to try? Trajectories is a required mod in my games
  16. You CAN switch to them, but only by clicking on them in the KSC view. You can't switch to them by vessel-switching or from the tracking station, which is what confused me.
  17. Thanks, and ok will try again. Last time it said you can't switch to something you don't control.
  18. I spent some time looking for the answer to this obviously stupid question with no luck- how exactly do I give one of these hotel/casino investors a tour? I pull up to them in a rover, they just stand there, I can't switch to them so I can't make them board the rover. And they don't seem to follow Jeb on foot, either. So can someone please tell me how I'm being stupid so I can do this?
  19. I am getting nice-looking textures in direct sunlight, and solid black outside of direct sunlight. Is there a known cause for that?
  20. I'm setting up a new game, and have added just a few mods over the mod list from the previous game, and as far as I remember none of them have anything to do with fairings. But now, in game, the normal Build Fairing/Delete Fairing/Edit Fairing commands have been replaced by the below UI. What's worse, it doesn't' seem to work, when I go to fly there are no fairings. Does anyone know which mod is doing this? I have about 200 mods so narrowing it down manually can take a while
  21. Ok thank you. I edited my post a minute before you replied, FYI, trying to clarify. Thanks for the clarification, as mentioned I will replace them all from Github.
  22. I did download Core from Github, since you said just "that the problem is fixed" and to "download the latest version from Github" I assumed Core was the only issue. I assume you're saying now that I also needed to replace the sub-mods. I will now replace those as well from Github.
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