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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Hmmm i did some testing and...it doesn't work really well with the engines, it works with every part but not everytime when only the engines touch the ground....I missed that...sorry m8...good find though, i will post in the mod thread in case its an easy addition/fix. It works with all parts but when only the engines touch the ground...sometimes it doesnt really work, other times it works fine. You might be on something, like when vessels land only with their engines, might be a bug hidden somewhere there.
  2. Did you also download the module manager? Most mods including this one needs that. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-18x-110x-module-manager-414-july-7th-2020-locked-inside-edition/ You either right click any command module and see a new option to turn the ''brake'' on(thats how you know you installed the mod correctly) or you just turn the vessel brakes on.
  3. I was mostly worried if you had other modded parts or other mods making it harder to find the cause of your problem.
  4. You can reload during flight in atmo but ofcourse its tricky, especially with big crafts but you can do it and most times its fine. I do it sometimes when i try to land and test new thingies.
  5. Its probably not his design, no matter what you put or what you land, at this steep angle it will cause too much sliding due to the bug. Even in full flat areas in all planets things constantly slide, even the Kerbals slide. Try the parking brake mod and if it fixes it then you found the cause, well the bug. Anyways.''
  6. It doesn't matter, the constant sliding occurs no matter what touches the ground its a total bug. Whatever is landed slides less or more depending whats the case. I think even those new shiny grip pads slide but like really....really slow.
  7. Did you try removing WorldStabilizer and trying again? Just load a simple stock vessel though in case your current craft has other ''issues''. Thankfully lately never had a reason to use WorldStabilizer but it was a great mod back then....it saved my save when they upgraded the terrains and things got super wonky.
  8. Try to have many separate small vessels rather than one big one. That way you can combat the lag and improve the fps. If you start docking bases on the ground and the parts go high things get ugly.
  9. In my case if i quicksave/quickload many times in short time it stops working, and in stock too, i think it must be a bug...a really old bug. It only starts to happen when my save gets ''big'', i am pretty sure it doesnt happen in the early stages when not many things happening.
  10. Hmmm it feels like you encoutering the sliding bug, things sadly in Kerbal tend to slide constantly, its an old nasty bug. Same problem occurs if you try to scan something because the vessel is moving. This gem of a mod might help you to solve your problem for now, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/180083-ksp-110x-parking-brake-030-2020-07-20/
  11. Please if you find some time upvote the bug in hopes it gets fixed, https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25992
  12. If you set the Max Persistent Debris to 0 in game options and load your save all the debris will be deleted. Then you can go back in Main menu and set it to the number you want.
  13. Dunno if this helps but mods like Mechjeb, Atmosphere autopilot etc add things in command modules so if thats your case and you removed mods like them, when you load a craft nothing really happens.You just save it again and all is well, no part will be missing. Hopefully someone gives the answer you looking for.
  14. Ok you convinced me, i am gonna give it a try, i miss KSP and i see no news of a patch coming soon.
  15. Thats the fascinating thing for me in games like KSP, to create my own goals and plans. To create a set of rules etc.There are lots of amazing streamers/youtubers out there that can inspire and guide you. I learned a lot from them and helped revived my interest in KSP multiple times.
  16. I am surprised you got the dlc back and i am happy i was wrong. Since you bought this from a third party re seller that key was probably acquired by fraudulent methods. When this is discovered i am guessing Steam is notified and they remove all the keys that were not bought legitimately. One of the main reasons i avoid those websites and stick to the official stores. They just gave you free stuff congrats, they absorbed the damage caused by these sites. What can i say, seems like they were kind enough to do that...ok...cool. This is a funny/serious video that tells some truths about websites like that one and how much damage they cause: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twor6RYVtdQ
  17. Have you clipped parts maybe a bit too much in this craft? Place the wheels under the main body, not under the wings, and move them to where you want them.You can hold Shift to move them further. They will be a lot more durable that way, it is a just tiny bit cheaty, but makes things a lot easier. Make sure you use grandparent autostrut everywhere.
  18. Hmmm, you guys make a lot of sense, i aint gonna lie i feel my opinion on this matter weaken in every reply. I kinda, i kinda still want to stand by my logic. That is easier/more meaningful to control the software effectiveness and quality than try to improve the hardware. So for me it makes more sense to make the software treat the hardware better than the other way.
  19. Thank you for this, hopefully they will fix it next patch....I really do....thankfully we have an option if they don't.
  20. Let me ask you this, what if you took that software and made an exemplary job of re writing it in a much lighter and better version. Would that program still cause overheat in the same badly designed device? Ok fair enough, still, i do believe that badly made software ignore or fail to follow the hardware limits and demand more than what the device can offer. So in a way, yes as you said before, its a form of ''hacking'' and bypassing some things it should not, your system tries to run in a way that it shouldnt by design.
  21. ''Software is only able to utilise the power that the hardware allows it to use'' Is that statement true? Cant software demand more than what hardware allows and cause problems? Is that not the definition of a blue screen back in the day? Its an analogy, Nisan batteries are the software that is not adequately made for ''hot'' hardware... Yes its a problem of Minecraft as well. It should have the capability to diagnose your system and refuse to run or shutdown if it detects overstress. Check BeamNG it stops the simulation of physics if it detects instability with the program or your hardware.
  22. I apologize for being a bit rude, i get passionate some times for random things. But that software was designed for certain hardware and its bind by its capabilities and the possibilities of being badly maintained or overused or just you know Minimum Requirements. It should not push the limits by default or reach its limits....i am so fuzzy how i cant get my point across. So you are saying a car company should not care if its cars get too hot in southern countries as long they run good enough in northern countries. How does that even make sense, how can you design a product that surpasses its platform limits and exceeds safety precautions?
  23. That would be cool, i am happy to hear more on this, although i do think at this point we are playing around with words and meanings. Making a bad software, again not talking about Kerbal, that stresses your pc will increase the points of failures. When you make a product you never, ever have for certainty that it will be perfectly user-maintained. There are so many users and so many devices out there. Many people just dont pay enough attention to the device health and some devices are just not well made or just not strong enough to handle some things(red ring consoles etc). Things go wrong sometimes, maybe you missed some thermal paste, maybe the pre build didnt have a good enough power supply. It might be not much damage but it will still be some, it might not be the single cause but it will still be part of the overall decline of your device.
  24. I do not have the energy to explain how wrong is this. Dude bad programming can cause resource leaks and can over stress any hardware no matter the cooling and yes, it can cause hardware damage in the long run. I am done with this since its getting way too off topic but i gotta say i am surprised you gonna stick with it....well...each to his own i guess.
  25. So a game, not talking about Kerbal, badly programmed that bottlenecks your cpu and makes your pc freeze and hard crash every few minutes doesnt wear out your hardware? And talking about ''old'' games not trying to play a next gen game ultra graphics in an medium pc.
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