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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. The key to your reply is ''at worst''. Everything in life can be worse hence if we follow that sentiment we should always be happy and never look for something better and stop trying to improve the world around us and seek for more since in retrospect the reality is yes it can always be worse. You know this is a paradox right? Because if you are satisfied with what you have because there is always worse you would never have what makes you satisfied at the first place. Our constant drive to not accept that is what actually brought us here, with games that have multiple planets to travel instead of 2D, because hey even in 2D it could be always worse, you could have no games at all. I agree with your post but i can't see it relate too much with this current situation. Kerbal 2 was being promised to have all these shiny features and the ambition to overcome the problems of KSP1 development and even at some points maybe diminishing how hard they were to tackle with and how it can be done better. If the approach was different, like ok we have an ambitious project lets release this in early access and slowly work to an amazing triple A game i would be completely fine with it, fighting the bugs all the way and that's it. Also the complexity increases for everything, not only the game itself but the tools available to create those games. We can see individuals creating games which scope would require a studio a year or more to create. I know you didn't mean it that way just a side note from me that the justification that games are too big now to be ''light bugged'' doesn't hold much value since the tools that exist now didn't exist back then not even close(and the knowledge).
  2. Very well said!There were many moments where being critical about the hardships of KSP 1 development was edging the too much area. You expressed it in a way that resonates so much with me!
  3. So let's think about this. The only time we should be judging a product's quality is when we can personally make something at least as good. This does not hold any logic, every single product you can't make at your home workshop would be of flawless quality and instant buy. When we stop complaining and we start accepting and overhyping you know what happens? A stream of hundreds of games, unfinished, unpolished, overpriced, overpromised. That's what's the current state of games so when i see the tape playing all over again that's where my frustration comes.
  4. I don't know how much smaller it could possibly have been. The roadmap is literally every single new and exciting feature that was advertised for the sequel. You have to scrap the bottom of the barrel to find any new exciting feature that justifies what you are saying. I would say lets hope i am wrong and everything goes well but that moment is gone for me, we going to see another early access troubled development cycle as we have seen already with so many games.
  5. You misunderstood. The game will have to come on consoles and that will mean taking an unstable/kinda stable version of the game and spending a huge amount of development time and resources to make it acceptable with the strict console rules. It will lead to remove or stalling features and updates and every single major update will take weeks or months of work to make it valid for a console update release.
  6. I don't understand, i am not joking, its what will happen with absolute certainty at this point i am sure of it. Except a worse case scenario where the game is never really fully completed.
  7. This is the outcome i was most afraid. A complete barren early access game, as someone said a ''remake'' of Kerbol system splashed with bloom and godrays to make it look half as good as some of the beautiful visual mods they exist out there. Total heartbreak for a game that i love and those who say if you don't like it don't buy it i answer that ignoring things you love and enjoy in life is painful and its not an adequate ''solution''. What is ahead of us? Years and years of development hell, with bugs, content getting thrown out of the window, multiple performance and technical issues. HUGE delays to bring the game on consoles, huge revamps of systems, promises, bug hunting, bug solving, community patching, mods getting outdated, modders yet again will be exhausted trying to catch up with every update that changes fundamental things and breaks their mods. This is a repeat we have seen too many times and after all these delays and promises seeing this ''early access'' which it doesn't even have colonization is a disrespect to the Kerbal universe.
  8. How can this be, early access after all these delays? All these features it will take years for a ''stable'' release and many of the features will be slowly and silently get cut down. Eventually the pressure for a full release will be too much and they will have to call it 1.0 no matter what. So disappointing after all this time and delays, now we will have to fight through bugs for years with the hopes the modding community will help fill the game with life and all the development changes and troubles. And that's the best case scenario at this point....
  9. I like how the slow stream of new information leads to some very interesting and extremely in depth analyses of various subjects that otherwise would be sideswiped from the hype. So i guess there is always a uhhh bright side to everything...
  10. You can never tell with @kerbiloid comments, it is a mystery what he really means. Serious, sarcastic, both or whatever else? I am always confused, in this case i am going to go with sarcastic/funny But yeah it is a bug and it is broken but i am thankful we got that workaround update on what it seems to be a VERY tough or impossible problem to solve 100%.
  11. Thank you so much for this important fix! This is one of the nicest Christmas gifts someone can get!
  12. Super happy everything went well and they are back home. I was wondering is the splashdown supposed to be this way? It felt a bit of a rough one but maybe its like that.
  13. That's unfortunate, probably a mod is interfering/overwriting some of those settings, maybe someone else can help with list of mods/log or something, good luck .
  14. This might be the common stock bug, there is a community fix if that's your problem: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195975-shadow-flickering-problem/ In the settings.cfg file find these settings and make sure they all = 1. SHADOWS_FLIGHT_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_KSC_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_TRACKING_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_EDITORS_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_MAIN_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_DEFAULT_PROJECTION = 1
  15. Did you save with hacked gravity and then tried to load that save? Probably not your problem but generally saving while the gravity is hacked and loading that save might lead to some kraken stuff happening, not only to that vessel but to the whole game. I never really tested it out but its one of my biggest rules, before saving i always bring the gravity back to normal.
  16. Thank you for the update and the hype for upcoming parts!!!!As i said MANY times, i LOVE this mod .
  17. I am happy that it works, if you right click the missiles do they have a Remove from Symmetry button? Then you can put each missile in a different action group, its a stock feature after you place something in symmetry you can click that and treat each part individually.
  18. Check this post i found, far chance but: You may be pressing Alt key for something during flight, which is used to trim the craft. Alt+X is default to reset trim. If it's not the case, and you have joystick plugged in, try restarting the game without it and see if it was the problem. Maybe a mod like this to help?
  19. I don't have any experience with that mod but if you can put its guns/missiles/parts in actions groups then you can change ingame the input keys for those action groups(numbers by default) to whichever button you want. Again no idea how this mod runs but if i had to guess i would do it somehow like that but...then you could only trigger them once? Sry bit of a random advice and probably wrong but just an idea i had.
  20. It doesn't show in Steam as a gamepad? Does it happen when you change the throttle? Maybe there is some weirdness there? Do you have your joystick connected to a usb hub? Its super rare but sometimes if it doesn't get enough power weird things can happen but i don't know. Some use 3rd party programs to fine adjust these things but i have no idea if its a good thing to do.
  21. Just a detail, if you completely unplug the joystick does the input still happen? Maybe re bind in kerbal's settings the inputs in case something is mixed up. If you are on steam, go to big picture mode and see the joystick configuration, settings there, deadzones etc.
  22. Yeah the switching navball is a pain sometimes, a small tip when the switch happens you can tap once F to quickly clear/reset the SAS holding without disabling/enabling SAS when the switch happens to minimize some loss. I can't remember but at the very start while you are ascending if you manually switch to orbit speed and then back to surface will it still change itself or it will keep the choice you made earlier, probably it will still change itself, been a while, just started my new career, i am so rusty.
  23. You probably clicking the shortcut for the Root Mode, go to Main Menu Settings->Input->Game->Editor->Root Mode and change that key to something else or remove it, its 4 by default which is weird why this is happening to you. The double sound must be that sound when you change root.
  24. Edit* sry my bad, didn't read carefully and this was already answered as well, time to get some sleep .
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