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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Looking forward to enjoy all the improvements a sequel from talented Devs can offer. I do feel though there is some disrespect to the original game. Yes it has many rough parts but in this video its described almost as an impossible game to enjoy and create crafts to traverse the Kerbal universe. Anyways.
  2. Its probably a far bet but i think it has something to do with how windows handle the whole integrated graphic card thingie. You can explore this or google a bit more about how to make it clear/select which card you want Kerbal to use, i am not really well versed in that: https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012015659-Switching-between-discrete-and-integrated-graphics-Windows-
  3. If you are(and you should) use autostruts then heaviest cause krakens like yours. Using only grandparent usually solves the problem, every time physics load, or you dock/undock, the heaviest part changes sometimes and the game tries to re route the heaviest autostruts causing major problems. Using anchor type is a very good solution, like having the heaviest part always in the main station but generally avoid using heaviest or root autostruts and you should be fine.
  4. You might be encountering a really annoying bug thats been around for a while. You can use this editor to auto check and fix the broken ports or you can manually edit the persistent file, this editor saved me so many times from bugs like that one, backup first. The manual way i think its in this post but ofcourse backup first
  5. Actually Scatterer does fixes the flickering problem but there is also a workaround for this bug, you can find it here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195975-shadow-flickering-problem/ In the settings.cfg file find these settings and make sure they all = 1. SHADOWS_FLIGHT_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_KSC_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_TRACKING_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_EDITORS_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_MAIN_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_DEFAULT_PROJECTION = 1
  6. Not likely but do you have GeForce Experience overlay or any overlay enabled? Its the only thing i could find about this, also try holding Alt+FN+F7 but i doubt it. Hopefully someone can help a bit more.
  7. We need the folder before, the Gamedata folder not inside Mechjeb, have you installed module manager as well?
  8. Have you unzipped the files and also put module manager in gamedata folder as well? Posting a picture of your gamedata folder could help. You can download the latest from here(Click the latest build): https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/ https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/
  9. Can you change my name to ''Serenity'' Thank you!
  10. I am glad we got some fixes but i am not a fan of having to check the forums every single update for new bugs and new workarounds. Especially the phantom bugs, like the deltaV one when i had no clue why all my vessels were underperforming. Also i feel like the Time Warp bug should get more upvotes or a new issue in bugtracker, i fear it wont be noticed and it is a bit annoying if you are used to control warp with mouse, https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27365
  11. Not likely but maybe try increasing Max Persistent debris and see if it happens again. If for some reason it considered your vessel debris and you are over the limit then some of the debris would dissapear like that.
  12. Docking automatically transfers science? I don't remember that, is it a new feature?Haven't played much lately but in older versions that never happened. I usually put Experiment Storage Units in various places, like the lab, and i click collect all to organize/filter them out etc. You might need multiple since the same experiment wont fit in the same unit.
  13. Are you using autostruts or the simple struts? Go to Settings->Enable Advanced Tweakables then right click to any part to enable them individually. They are better than the simple ones, and they are hidden, you can google for more info/guides, i suggest using grandparent ones.
  14. Can you try with Alt+F12 cheat menu to fully re-upgrade the buildings and then save-load the game, maybe that will be a permanent workaround, i don't remember seeing this on bugtracker, maybe post it and hope it get noticed?
  15. If you go to Options and enable Advanced Tweakables you can use Autostruts. Autostruts are far superior than the normal ones, they don't count as parts(less lag in big crafts), they don't appear visually so you avoid all these lines, they are just awesome. You can right click almost any part and you can turn them on independently and your craft will be so sturdy, i recommend using grandparent only since heaviest is a bit tricky. There are several posts-guides if you google, sometimes the normal ones are still used for visual reasons but autostruts is the way to go.
  16. I think thats not a true FullScreen, its still a Windowed Fullscreen, if you google there must be a fix to add a launch parameter to go really full. If thats what Dr. Kerbal is asking, although from some search i did its like a Unity thing, maybe i am wrong.
  17. That version was super solid but i am having a really hard time rolling back after i got a taste of the new construction/repairing stuff... I never really delved into KIS/KAS so when we got this stock version of them i got so excited, i doubt i can ignore it. Ofcourse if you using KIS/KAS then its like cherry on the top and not a deal breaker, at least thats how i see it.
  18. I am sorry if i sound too whiny but i tried so much to enjoy all this awesome free content we got but... there are so many issues and bugs scattered all around the game that without using several mods and workarounds and even then... I don't know...i do have countless hours so its not the only problem when i try to find some joy in the Kerbal universe. For now i will wait, i want to play the game and yeah i wouldn't mind for a second to buy a new DLC. Maybe that will help to get some more attention to squash all these annoying bugs that come up in almost every click... Anyways again sorry for the negativity but i wanted to express how i feel about the state of the game right now.
  19. Sadly it is a very known bug but there is no official fix(YET) for this bug but you can use this workaround by @Anth12 from this post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195975-shadow-flickering-problem/ I been using it for a while and i haven't seen any side effects, it stops all these weird issues. Heres the fix to this problem: In the settings.cfg file find these settings and make sure they all = 1. SHADOWS_FLIGHT_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_KSC_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_TRACKING_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_EDITORS_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_MAIN_PROJECTION = 1 SHADOWS_DEFAULT_PROJECTION = 1
  20. It is for all vehicles, the moment you add more than one stage things get wonky, for some reason the game likes to put delta v in decouplers especially if you use SRB's, sometimes its not showing at all. And if you re rout things then things break even more... I am trying to do a non mod playthrough or else i would have given up ages ago...
  21. I been trying to figure out what's wrong but everything seems so broken, even decouplers for some reason inherit engines delta-v, the calculations some times vanish or don't appear. Anyone else had these problems while building stuff or launching, full stock game, no mods. Is there something on bugtracker for this?
  22. Some parts, not talking about landing legs or wheels, seem to default to Root autostrut when placed, anyone else noticed this? I don't remember this before, they were just turned off as usual, structural parts etc.
  23. Not saying its that but its never a good idea to have heaviest for the long run, the krakens like them a lot, especially after multiple docks/burns/rendervouz etc, try to stick with grandparent.
  24. Ugh i totally missed this post, here is i think the same issue i posted at bugtracker, if you can upvote it, add info etc to get noticed/fixed. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27365
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