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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Ugh that's a shame, 1.11 was supposed to fix that bug, this looks it might actually got worse. Its not the biggest game breaking bug but still its been a problem for ages. I found a bug report from 2017 maybe there are even older ones out there, don't know if there is a recent one... https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/13101
  2. Hmm, i found these older posts, a way to edit persistent and relock that tech so you get it unstuck and unlock it again, of course backup first before any changes...i haven't tested it but they seem legit solutions. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/66scom/is_there_a_way_to_undo_science/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/82940-rcs-no-longer-quotunlockedquot-after-update/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105890-how-to-cheat-science-now/ I also found that this is caused by the mods causing duplicates items and it might be your save is kinda littered with some of what the mods did(also there is a mod that you have to wait few days to unlock)
  3. Um if you hit Alt+F12(debug-cheat menu) and find the cheat to fully upgrade building-research all technologies, maybe that will fix it? Or play around with those buttons, maybe you can figure out some way to cheat just enough to get it unstuck(save before experiments ofcourse). Also are you on Steam? Maybe try verifying files and disabling cloud saving, sometimes it causes problems even if you unistall.
  4. Huh yeah, that's true, i didn't actually make that connection but it makes total sense. I wonder if we can't see signs of an intergalactic civilization just because we are looking for huge warships roaming around. Maybe there are around us and we are not understanding the way and how they conquer-colonize, that's interesting i like it.
  5. If the belters can build megastructures then it only makes sense that Earthlings would be doing the same hundreds years ago before them around Earth and Moon. And as our history has shown us, who builds first powerful well...weapons...usually takes a while to overthrow them, or wait until they overthrow themselves.
  6. Well...you do need a Mona Lisa don't you? That's the point if we are talking about species that conquer galaxies. I mean, the big bang and all that, was a system of order, or just chaos that eventually produced the equivalent of life. We keep discovering things that do not abide or explained by ''our'' nature laws, i doubt that's ever gonna stop as we explore and understand more. I think the whole system must be chaotic, if its rigged or designed into certain limitations it will only result in the same usual ''boring'' stuff.
  7. I doubt universes cares about balance, the idea that there must be a universal law of balance blows my mind. I would say balance is the very enemy of creation, life, evolution and survival. The moment you limit yourself instead of actually finding ways to do the opposite, go crazy, you will probably not even leave the solar system, no way you will become a sci fi alien race.
  8. Saints Row is probably closest we got on a GTA style game that ''almost'' managed to hold on its own without having to compare.
  9. Hmm this feels like it has something to do with the game pausing, like pausing everything physics etc. I wonder if you try to do physical warp(not the normal one) maybe it gets unstucked. Post maybe a link of the bug report so people who have same problem can upvote it/find it from this thread.
  10. Wow...those are amazing, very nice. Why the boats are fuzzy? Is that for effect or other reasons? For me at least i feel they kinda distract me from the beauty and how good you took them.
  11. NO NO AND NO, i will not accept the Cyberpunk propaganda against Rockstar and GTA. Cyberpunk is bad and not only that, the community actively tries to justify their bitterness by trying to find all the negative stuff in Rockstar. NO its just a naïve and very offensive idea, GTA for many many years, even the earliest ones outplay Cyberpunk in every way. Rockstar is creating masterpieces through the years, Witcher 3 is FINE its a really good game but not at that level. Ugh my nerves.
  12. Your post is great and you have many cool ideas/help but spaceplanes can work in every planet. If it has fuel ofcourse, it can easily land on Mun or any other low gravity planet, you just slow down like a rocket and at the last moment you do a nice SpaceX flip and there you go. Launching it might be a bit tricky but i Mun and the other planets have some nice ramps.
  13. I accept that only if you create a sci fi motivational drive of the same magnitude. For example a mortal enemy or a mystic/higher purpose etc.
  14. I was thinking of a more active solution, not deflect but actively taking down the incoming, like those early efforts to shoot down incoming missiles but in a more advanced and persistent way.
  15. Maybe but since the motivation is mainly biological it would take some major tampering with our body to alter that. Our motivation comes from many things but lets face it, the primary objective is to reproduce and our minds can work around of this but in the end they get overpowered.
  16. Sometimes i think ship to ship space combat will never be a thing until we discover a way to have those sci-fi shields that can take some damage. Imagine spending so many resources just to get destroyed by a small rock, i loved Expanse, but seeing all these trillions of resources vanishing in seconds...so unrealistic. It doesn't make any sense, realistically i think space will be used only for intelligence espionage and sabotage for many many years. Also if not already, it will be used to store weapons, the dangerous ones, makes perfect sense, you can move them around in an instant with small DV, protect better than anything in earth and keep the population ''safe''.
  17. It pains to me to see the idea we have to use birth control or a different system to control population. Our main drive is to expand so our top priority should be how to achieve that most effectively, not limit it and destroy ourselves. If we can't figure out a way to support exponential numbers of populations then eventually we will vanish even if we somehow control the numbers. I feel its almost a certainty when someone or something believes there is enough of something then its a matter of time before he no longer wants it/needs it .
  18. If you hit Alt+F12 and hit ''Clear input lock'' does it work when it gets stucked? Does Quicksave F5 work?
  19. I am curious as well if there is a way to increase all these limitations. I know this is a bit old but i found this, a way to make a part lighter i guess?Maybe it will help in some way? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/198946-received-a-mission-to-attached-stratus-v-cylindrified-monopropellant-tank-to-satellite/
  20. I am ashamed, i been using Mechjeb for years but didnt make that connection
  21. Um i am kinda rusty on things but it feels to me it has something to with the Steam Workshop thing, inside the game when you select that, or Ckan i guess.
  22. Check this, he says he has weird red lines from Persistent Thrust, dunno seems like a far bet but i though i would mention it.
  23. I don't know if it will help but if you are on Steam you can delete all of them and just verify files, or else, dunno i have these pictures of all the stock, maybe it will help you, https://imgur.com/a/OuMs18X
  24. I know its not very helpful but heavy modded troubleshooting can be a bit faster if you separate your mods in groups of lets say 4 and remove four each time so you get faster to the problem. Hopefully someone with more experience can maybe pinpoint the problem...
  25. Are you on Steam? Maybe you have Cloud Saving Enabled? I doubt it but sometimes it causes problems, try disabling it.
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