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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Can you add some info/upvote the bug in the tracker so hopefully it gets noticed? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27365
  2. I posted a bug report, i know its not that serious since keyboard controls work but its still kinda troublesome cause i am used to stop warp with mouse. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27365
  3. When in flight or orbit after a while the up left time controls are not working/responding to mouse. The keyboard controls still work for warping but the top left is not working at all. Full stock, no mods.It seems to happen after i decouple or just do an action while in flight. The toggle time mode button works and if i go to tracking station and back etc everything works fine again.
  4. You can try opening Map and select the target but it is kinda iffy if you are so close.
  5. If you right click the hatch not the part, i think you get a crew transfer option, its been a while i used that maybe i am wrong. Also there is a cool mod that lets you manage all that stuff but hmmm it seems updated, you should check it out
  6. Are you using Steam? Disable Steam cloud saving, thats usually a problem. Do you use some other form of cloud saving? Mods that help with workshop etc?
  7. Main Menu->Settings->General->Show Vessel Labels, its the first option top left.
  8. Huh, maybe its the opposite then, maybe the Kraken wants to load but gives up after a while
  9. Don't hate me if its not that, just though i drop something random i found, again this is waaaaay out of my league but hey its only from 2015...lol https://forum.unity.com/threads/solved-screen-position-out-of-view-frustum.60851/ This happens to me on scenes that have the Main Camera object automatically created.New scene with default items. Save, close, re-open unity. Errors.Delete auto-created camera object, create one manually, save. Close, re-open unity. Good.
  10. Sometimes F4(Toggle ship labels) and the ingame setting cancel itsother, so if F4 still doesn't work then manually go to settings and enable them, and then F4 should work fine from there.
  11. Just curious, do you have like a really good computer?Do you use any mods that help with physics loading etc? I wonder if these types of krakens somehow relate to how fast/easily the pc can pass through the physics ease process. That tarantella effect is exactly what happens when i go big and use heavy autostrut, grandparent very rarely but still here and there causes the same disaster.
  12. I think this is your problem but it was supposed to get fixed in the latest patch? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26961 I haven't encountered it myself but to be fair i have very few hours in the latest patch.
  13. I wouldn't mind another DLC since i doubt Kerbal 2 will be released anytime soon. Hopefully who knows Having said that i agree that its probably gonna be a while since the next patch-update, i am guessing the rapid patch we got its gonna be the only one for at least until the next big one.
  14. Increase warp then go back to normal, and then let the auto warp thing do its job, its not working for you? I haven't tested lately...hopefully it still works.
  15. I had the same thing for months, i use a simple workourand, i time warp just a tiny bit after i put the maneuver and then it makes the burn fine. It seems for some reason lately, it needs like a small ''wake up'' call and just a small warp seems to solve that problem.
  16. This is too funny if you can actually use them, maybe they just have trolly descriptions to just fool you by trying to play Kerbal Golf ? Eitherway i need to learn, i might try it if you can actually play golf
  17. Ops yes you are right, its Alt+F12 for the debug/cheat menu, i click Alt so many types my brain forgot it
  18. I am very inexperienced with your mod list but i think it's probably BDArmory(Missile parts maybe?) related. Again just a wild guess, hopefully soon someone more experienced with your mods can drop in and help.
  19. Try going to main menu and changing Windowed->Fullscreen etc and see if it changes back to normal, just switch it to test it and then go on the one you want. Or maybe click Alt+Enter and see whats up, if its not the UI scale in settings for some reason.
  20. Well, i am not saying its that but thats definitely a way to call the Kraken. NEVER autostrut to Heaviest part, always use grandparent. If you want to use heaviest part its extremely difficult and very unpredictable especially when you dock and undock because the game tries to reroute the struts(you can try turning heaviest off before docking/undocking but its time consuming and needs a lot of quicksaves). Use extreme caution and i advise your station to have always the heaviest part no matter what docks in it if you still want to use a heaviest type of anchor autostrut system. You can virtualize autostruts with *edit* debug/cheat menu Alt+F12.
  21. Are you using Heavy Autostruts in your station or the vessels that dock on it?As Brikoleur said maybe post a picture, that can help a lot. When you do the approach, switch to the Station and see if its orbit is Stable, Also when you do the approach try time warping just a tiny bit just to pause simulation for even a second and see if that resolves it, sometimes it does.
  22. If you move the right click window top of the screen and then hit transfer does it help? Maybe reduce a bit the UI scale in General Settings?
  23. I was really hesitant to mess with shadow settings but i regret it, i played several hours with broken shadows and immersion breaking flickering that i wish i haven't.
  24. Scroll down when you click the Emojis they are under the old ones in a new category
  25. They are very nice by their own but ummmmm side by side with the old ones
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