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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. I tested most of my crafts in Kerbin, Mun, Minmus and all was fine. Some of them touch the ground with structure panels other with wheels, landing legs etc, i didnt notice any sliding. I am taking a break right now waiting for the fuel bug fix but as soon that comes i will make sure i pay more attention and report if i find something. i just wanted to thank you once more for a very useful mod that fixes a very annoying and sometimes gamebreaking bug(cant scan in Kerbin the trees etc because it says the vessel is moving).
  2. I do not think you can find the info you seeking without cheat sheets. Make Kerbin, Mun and Minmus your testing grounds. They represent in some scale most of the challenges you will face anywhere in the system. Your probe/lander will then be able to survive long enough to gather all the info you need for the next journey. Having failed missions is not a bad thing as long you pay close on what failed and when it failed. Its the Kerbal way you know, fail is part of the fun .
  3. If you are ok with using a light mod, i use this and its great.Apparently its an old bug.
  4. I am sure they gonna fix them, i understand it takes time, maybe more than usual but i am ok to wait as long the biggest ones are squashed. Unfortunately most of the playerbase are in older versions of the game. Thats extremely bad for all of us, the bugs take a while to get spotted and the community fixes are slower. I see some examples of mods fixing constant gliding, texture flickering etc or just bypassing bugs like the fuel one. I havent played for a week now since i am kinda in my limit of every ''pet'' bug i meet every 5 minutes. Even if they were small bugs, which they re not, they re so often that only using an older version with mods gives you some peace of mind.
  5. You are so spot on with this comment. I think it was manageable for a while but now you can see minor and major bugs in every single corner of the game. Well said....hope they listen...i really do.
  6. For me is to change warp speed, it takes two or three warp changes....
  7. What do you mean you have not seen it?You dont play the latest patch or you just dont encounter it? Because it happens every single time....if you have the latest version and you dont have this bug then....lucky you i guess.
  8. I have been using this mod for a long time and never had a problem, do you use the latest module manager? Are you on Steam?Verify files, disable cloud saving etc. I doubt this mod caused your problem.
  9. No one is bad-mouthing, its just concern for a game we love, some constructive feedback. Its not only the last patch, almost every single update/patch in the recent past is filled with sometimes ''obvious'' and game breaking bugs.(talking about the drag bugs) The new content is amazing but quality control is average, massive bugs that you can consistently replicate with simple steps/actions get through, drag bug, fuel bug etc. Yes, its being impatient, and unappreciative at times but who stops complaining about things they care.
  10. How many bugs are caused by minor typos? If there was a decent quality control effort a lot of recent bugs could have been avoided. I am really thankful we still getting content for this amazing game...but so many gameplay/visual ''small'' bugs that is getting hard to play through them.
  11. I posted in your bug report, how heavy is scatterer? I fear for my frames lol
  12. https://youtu.be/dfA8yulRnrE?t=36 I am just wondering if in the near future space tourism becomes a thing, how can you smooth the ride to space, if its even possible. Or its always gonna be ''rough''
  13. What if the second stage had some extra small thrusters just to smooth the transition/difference of acceleration when the big main engine starts, would that make the ride smoother?And same with the stop, if main engine cut off but the smaller ones kept running for a bit to smooth the de acceleration, thats if removing the factor of complicating things etc, would that make the ride smoother?
  14. So you saying the real problem is how high those parameters will reach not how fast you gonna reach peak accelearation/peak TWR? Is it possible for the second stage engine to stay close to 30% or is it bound to increase a lot and then maybe throttle down?
  15. Hello, i was watching the SpaceX recent crewed launch and their comments that the second stage was a lot more rough ride than the first Stage. Can a second stage be selective and be more smoother when it starts/stops? Or its a certain threshold they cant control and it has to be rough everytime they start to burn/stop burn?
  16. Ok, check under Jool it says : 22300 dV, thats the complete cost of Kerbin Ground->Jool ''Ground'' The last icon before the planet is how much it costs to reach 210km orbit, so you go 22300-14000=8300Dv Does that help a bit? Every DV number is the cost to transition btw orbits and btw orbit and ground, so its just a matter of calculating each trip, uhh i hope i helped a bit.
  17. Do you have cloud saving enabled for Kerbal on Steam? Sometimes that carries over some problems that verifying integrity of the game files cant overcome.
  18. I meant more/stronger Reaction wheels, does KER have a Suicide Burn Timer? I use Mechjeb and has this handy info on Time to Impact and the Suicide Burn timer, really helps with landing with the lowest possible DV and also has the option to show where you gonna land and how far from your target you gonna be. Assembling is up to you, it doesnt matter, what is best for oyu.
  19. Hello, i was wondering during long burns should i retract the Panels and the Antennas? Does it make some sense/realism/real life or its not something that they do? Do they leave them open? Without knowing i get the feeling that whatever is retractable is more safe during long burns, the g's and stuff, not sure if thats correct though.
  20. The shadow flickering is really bad, you can easily replicate it by just moving the camera a bit with an active vessel. These are with zoomed out because they are more ''steady'' when you are close to zoom they flicker way too fast to screenshot. Kerbin:https://imgur.com/ah0RrHO Mun:https://imgur.com/6gEA52d Minmus: https://imgur.com/4P6stl1
  21. Hmmm, I dont think its possible to land with your current configuration. The poodle engine has limited gimbal and your RCS/SAS is very weak, even when you decouple all the other fuel tanks and engines, its still gonna be extremely hard to control. My suggestions are maybe three: 1)Put a LOT more powerful RCS and more SAS and see how it goes. or 2)Put more engines and if you dont want them around put them in decouplers and after you land decouple them and use the tracking station to collect their debris, feels a bit cheaty, you can send a vessel to simulate their destruction or something, recovery or 3)Try thinking about horizontal base designs and landings with side engines or just more complicated deliveries.
  22. Can i ask how do you plan to get those on the ground? I dont see any engines on the main body of your base. You will most likely be able to fly straight with gimbal and rcs controls, but you can always change the thrust limiter and limit those engines that cause the most trouble.
  23. Check this, it will make you feel better, and some even play upside down. https://preview.redd.it/kkm0pizca3d31.jpg?auto=webp&s=44cbd6781bbedc30fe536e98f50cd41e8005371f
  24. What do you mean? By using Docking mode, you only have to use WASDQE/shift/ctrl and space to switch to rotational.
  25. I been using Parking Brake mod since yesterday and i have no problems at all. The vessels are anchored, nothing is sliding, ofcourse i might have missed something but so far it does a perfect job. No more constant sliding for me
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