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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. If you cant get both then get KSP. It is such a unique game with how you can create your own space program, learn so many things about rockets and space. KSP will never limit you on how you want to play the game. You can mess around, you can make a space program, you can create airplanes, boats, submarines, all of them at the same time. It is whatever you want it to be with no time or complicated steps requirements. Thats what i like the most, it never forces you on a certain playstyle and never limits you on what you want to do. Even without mods(most of them are AMAZING) you can literally create the simplest or the most complicated savegames. Always buy both in things you like but hey sometimes you cant, so i think the best choice here is Kerbal. If you buy the game i recommend these things for a smoother start: 1)Enable Advanced Tweakables ingame and start using Autostrusts Grandparent in all your builds(It will make your crafts very strong and tight together) 2)Mods: Mechjeb to get an ''assistant'' of how you can play the game You can always ask in these forums or you google a bit more to get more info.
  2. I was wondering if anyone else had some issues with 1.10.1. I do not have a complete list but few of mine are these: 1)The fuel transfer bug(hope its fixed soon) 2)Extreme shadow flickering all over the place(its been around but feels worse lately) 3)Visual glitches with parts inside fairings, for example parachutes sometimes being invisible 4)Mountains slopes in Kerbin look really, really bad even in highest settings. 5)Have to fly really low to see all these cool textures. 6)I am having no luck with my xbox gamepad, it used to work fine, maybe i am forgetting what i did before.
  3. Hey everyone, i am trying to make Aircraft Autopilot work but i am having very little luck with the Altitude hold and the heading hold. Any ideas how can i do this? Yes i know there is the mod Atmosphere but i am trying to keep my mod count low and was curious if someone had some simple tips. Thank you.
  4. Ohhhhh i am in a new save...been so long since i had a new save....ops .
  5. Yeah its installed, hmm, well if its only me i will have to do some digging lol, i though maybe there was an option somewhere or something.
  6. I dont know if i am doing something wrong but none of my Kerbals have parachutes.I tried changing some suits but still nothing. Am i missing something?
  7. Embers, you made on of the most amazing mods, thank you!I hope the best!
  8. Omg, updated!!! I love this mod!! Thank you damonvv so much!!!
  9. Yesssssss, love the fixes!!!!!!!
  10. If you are on Steam make sure you also disable Steam Cloud saving, i remember someone else had a similar problem with cloud saving just bringing back the same problem again and again.
  11. Yeah i had this too since 1.9 i think.Maybe even before. I tried almost all graphic settings but no luck at my side. Would be very interested as well if there is some way to fix it.
  12. From what i can tell its been around for a while. Some say its mods, some say its parts that clip with each other that give some weird thrust. Maybe something related with physical warp. Personally i had some weird moments that my flight patch changed and i had to make corrections but i could never find the reason. Thankfully it was just small corrections but still a bit of a surprise because i was so sure i was heading to the right path.
  13. This is what i posted in the main 1.10 thread(I now wonder if its only me...which will be a first for me....dunno lol) New save, new install, no mods(Steam, all dlcs, verified files, cloud save is disabled). A high TWR stock rocket: https://imgur.com/a/dn4vCmV My difficulty settings are turned on(Even checked the persistent file to see if they are true there). Its not only about re entry, its also when you launch, Nothing is getting destroyed in 1.10 but in 1.9.1 after few seconds of launch anything that is left open(solar panels etc) is getting destroyed as normal pretty fast. Also i tried some high g turns but not enough testing on that to see if wings rip apart. Is it really only me that experiences this?
  14. New save, new install, no mods(Steam, all dlcs, verified files, cloud save is disabled). A high TWR stock rocket: https://imgur.com/a/dn4vCmV My difficulty settings are turned on(Even checked the persistent file to see if they are true there). Its not only about re entry, its also when you launch, Nothing is getting destroyed in 1.10 but in 1.9.1 after few seconds of launch anything that is left open(solar panels etc) is getting destroyed as normal pretty fast. Also i tried some high g turns but not enough testing on that to see if wings rip apart. Is it really only me that experiences this?
  15. Well i am gonna wait then, i can handle few bugs but i am kinda disapointed something ''obvious'' like parts not obeying pressure limits(maybe even g limits) wasnt noticed before release. Also if there are drag issues i for sure hope they are minor....not like before where you couldn't even get to orbit with the same vessel....
  16. I checked and they were true.Someone said is a confirmed bug, at this point i start to doubt any PartLimits work or if even the drag is fine. I reverted back to 1.9 and it works as it used to be. I guess time to wait for the next patch, if these problems exist i can imagine more are around that i havent noticed.
  17. I am sorry but there are so many bugs i am discovering everyday, i am surprised i dont see any posts here. Parts are not breaking due to aero forces, i think not even with g forces(Yes enabled in difficulty settings and it works fine in 1.9). Are these bugs confirmed? I am just curious if they noticed and preparing a fix... Is the drag fine in 1.10???
  18. Its not just solar panels, its antennas, its everything. And i am starting to think its even the g force break as well. what how is this not discussed in these forums, these are major bugs...
  19. Anyone else noticed parts not breaking due to pressure limits? Or its my save only.
  20. Hello, i enabled pressure limits in difficulty settings but nothing is getting destroyed when passing them.(Antennas, Panels etc). Anyone else noticed this? It was fine before the latest patch, hmm maybe something is broken with my save?
  21. I know m8 but maybe for some reason i want to put an engine plate. If we played this game only with what it was needed all we would built is the same 100 crafts. Anyways.
  22. Hello, i found these two problems with the Poodle https://imgur.com/UgsRWP1The engine plate is z fighting with it and also just a minor problem. there isnt really a certain engine plate Variant that is close to being short or long to fit a bit better in shroud.
  23. Hello, how you been? All good? :) 

    1. FleshJeb


      Kinds meh, but still playing KSP. Thanks for asking.

  24. I agree the removal of time warp limitations were triple A addition. Considering some recent grey area news for KSPv2 i think it has gotten some extended life before it ''ends'' .
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