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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Oh nice, yeah ofcourse if you can stock solve it but if you cant, you install the mod, you save the craft then remove the mod.And you still playing stock that doesnt mean you went ''modded''.
  2. Try using the World Stabilizer mod, if it still works, it should work. It softly places all vessels to the ground to avoid that.It works and its simple, i use it when i change the Terrain Quality or in a new patch that somehow causes this. If ifs not working...for some reason, you can also use HyperEdit mod. And ofcourse always backup your save before messing with all that.
  3. Are your pc temperatures ok while running Kerbal? If you dont have a monitor program i use https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html , its not a bad program to check if all is well.
  4. This is one of my adventures dealing with locked autostruts, just a warning though locked autostruts are there for a reason and if you patch them out the kraken comes realy close Also i like to just put a decoupler at the end of the payload with heavy autostrut and just jettison while in orbit to keep my payloads safe while launching.
  5. I didnt have any problem Hmm, i dont recall any problems, are you sure you havent messed around with the module manager?In the screenshots i see the rover wheels but those are locked to grandparent usually.Ummm i ll have to test it more and i will answer to you .
  6. How?If its set on Heaviest Part the autostrut will connect to the launchers biggest part(Probably the main fuel tank). You can Alt+f12 and virtualize the autostruts to see if the design has a working autostrut ''tree''.
  7. My solution is to put ONE HEAVY Autostrut at one of the tallest parts of the payload.If the payload is not very large i put it to the part right above the fairing. Be very careful with this and when you are in orbit remember to turn that autostrut off or to grandparent!
  8. Welcome to Advanced.You now also unlocked the Autostrut option which is a very nice way to strut things without external ugly struts.Use them wisely.Try to avoid heavy and root.
  9. Yup same here!I am also fine with electric/robotic parts being silent but i want my ''real'' engines to be loud .
  10. This looks like an autostrut problem or the lack of it.(Options Advanced Tweakables, preferably use only grandparent). Does it have Heavy or Root autostruts?They tend to call the kraken. Also with Alt+f12 you can cheat/rendervouz with the telescope so you dont have to do all the work again to put it there. Are you on Solar Orbit?This post has some more info on this and also some weirdness in solar orbits:
  11. Are you on Steam?If you are try to Verify the files, Right Click Kerbal in Library->Properties->Local Files->Verify Intergrity Also from the Properties->Updates Disable Cloud Saving. Last if you open Local Files it opens the game directory, there you find the ''saves'' folder, always backup that, and the ''Gamedata'' is the place you put mods.
  12. I mean ok sorry for bumbing this....the update is awesome and all is looking good.Just i have to say it, why not put some placeholder sounds for the engines.Feels so weird thats total silence.Even a random noise would be fine with me until there is a chance to do something more realistic.
  13. Do you have cloud saving enabled in Kerbal? Check from Library, Right Click Kerbal, Properties->Updates->Steam Cloud Do you have any antivirus?Try Disabling it while you install Kerbal. After that clear the Steams Downloads Cache and last maybe try installing to a different library/disk/directory.Maybe you have a user permission problem.
  14. I also posted on technical support but i am too anxious to wait there, sooo do they have sounds?Because mine are silent, even the rotors, i dont hear anything from them.
  15. Well, that does sound a lot like your CPU is maxing out, maybe due to temperature problems.Try monitoring your cpu from task manager and see if it tops out. Maybe you have conflicting audio drivers.How much memory you have?
  16. There are multiple posts about this problem its not a fuel flow problem...i think its just a bug...cant calculate all the crossfeeds correctly.
  17. Ummm the new engines and the rotor blades make no sound at all.They are silent...is it a bug, just me maybe?
  18. So close to the weekend!!!Yesss!!!!Thank you for all the updates/fixes and also for the perfect timing!
  19. How about Terrain Detail and Surface FX? BE very CAREFUL when changing terrain detail!!!!Its very risky!Backup first and i suggest using World Stabilizer mod if things dont go the right way when loading vessels at ground!!!!!
  20. Yeah, its really easy to confuse the stock DV calculator.Also Fuel Priorities can mess it up .
  21. I probably got the wrong idea and you meant something else but just in case...autostrut is a stock, stable feature.You turn it from options->advanced tweakables and helps a lot.
  22. BDarmory without physics range extended sounds like...uhh like not really a good idea.You wouldnt be able to do most ''fun'' things. Personally in my largest ground bases i just deal with it.I put my brain is slowmo and tell myself 15-20 fps is fine .
  23. , Physics range extender mod is the Death Star of Kerbal mods.It can be so good and powerful but it can also destroy your frame rates if not used properly .Try playing without it, it shouldnt affect anything...hopefully...make a backup and see if its better.Still so many vessels there as @Geonovast said, 15-20 fps sounds normal for so many things in physics range.
  24. Too many lights/shadows might be the major issue. Go to graphic settings and lower/disable Pixel light count and Shadow cascades.
  25. Umm you probably already know this but just in case, with Alt+F12 to open the cheat menu and you can renderzvous with any vessel or set an orbit etc.(Also Hyperedit if you are using mods). Yeah sometimes is rough and have to get creative to overcome such problems.I am glad you fixed your vessel.Also if you are on steam(after doing backup) try to verify the files, doesnt hurt in case something is wrong.
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