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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. When i am close to docking, time feels to speed up.Even approaching with 0.1 m/s feels like the closer i am the faster i go. It all works fine but its like everything switches to fast forward when i am few meters away from the target.(way before the magnets activate) I wonder if anyone else noticed this so i can stop being paranoid and go get some much needed coffee :D.
  2. I just want the game to improve.If its possible to please the more in depth players thats awesome as well. My point is i hope the developers never get affected too much by the playerbase that want to overclock their game. Yes that playerbase is promoting the game(twitch etc) but i always fear that it will cost me more as a personal playstyle if they get too distracted from that part. Thats all, and again thats a very personal opinion and i am obviously not inspired or interested in kraken tech just to make it clear. *I edited heavily cause i really dont want to spark a forum war here, just to state my opinion.
  3. We have to remember that the ability to build some insane ''kraken'' devices is a wonderful stock SIDE EFFECT combined with the players that come up with all these crazy stuff. If the game is improving and again as a SIDE EFFECT people get less room to work(although i am still pretty sure they will figure it out) its fine, at least for me.
  4. I can confirm!My base at Minmus was jumping almost one meter when i was going from full Warp to full Stop. Now it only makes a small bump!!! They definitely did some tweaking!!!
  5. Thank you for all the goodies!Hope everything goes well!(Mods,bugs etc). Very nice additions .
  6. Awesome!Looking forward to enjoy all these new goodies!Hopefully everything will go as smooth as possible!
  7. The problem is how long i need to hold shift until i reach 50-60% throttle.I wish we could modify that to be less or more time.
  8. I was curious if i can increase how fast the throttle changes with Shift and Ctrl.I know about the Z and X i just wanted to still control it but in a faster manner in these tough landing situations without having to resort to activating/deactivating engines or limiting thrust.
  9. So, every time the ''garbage'' is collected its when my game stutters? So this mod keep tracks of how often the collections happen and makes them less frequent with the cost of more constant memory used? I am not sure if i understand it but it seems to make my game a lot smoother so thank you so much sir for this!
  10. I found it!It was fuel priorities...for some reason they tottally confuse the stock DV....
  11. Huh...you are right...something weird is going on. When i put it like this https://imgur.com/a/weQhTyz the DV is correct, i ll try to see whats causing the confusion and post if i find it.
  12. If that can help here it is https://imgur.com/a/FmLBQbh .(Full Stock Vessel). I am just trying to figure it out because if thats the case then the Stock DV is seriously lacking the option to include weight loss.
  13. (Look for the best answer, turns out i was missing something). #Edit Looks like Fuel Priority is messing up Stock DV feature. https://imgur.com/a/HckkhP4 So Mechjeb shows me 3200 Atmo DV but the stock feature says 1321 DV. As the vessel launches the stock DV is increasing . I am assuming it doesnt calculate the weight drop at the start but as it goes? If thats the case and i am not missing something(i hope i am)then....what...It doesnt make any sense to me. If i am going to escape heavy gravity i need to know my DV including the weight drop before i launch...
  14. Yeah we do need more options, using other methods leads to some weird designs... I would really like more stock options, heres hoping
  15. https://imgur.com/a/BRpoEm6 Its the flag it still shows when you open the doors in mk2 lander...kinda...nothing major but its there. I didnt find an option to turn the flag off.
  16. They were bouncing before i enabled this mod...and they always landed upside down/got destroyed. When i used WS they loaded with zero bounceness.It worked perfectly.Sry if i didnt make myself clear .
  17. Thank you so much for saving my Mun Base(Including like 6 rovers)!!!! I upgraded from 1.5 to 1.6.1 and everything was bouncing! But you saved me!Thank you again!!!!
  18. I did some further testing and they get blurry when i zoom in too much or zoom out. Is that a feature or a graphic setting i can disable? https://imgur.com/a/DjxD15x @The Aziz
  19. The other parts look fine so its just those grey probes, their textures dont look clean.Their letters either, its like the appear in half resolution.] I havent noticed anything else looking out of the way, only them.Its not a big deal they just dont look right to me.Nothing gamebreaking lol, i guess i am being picky again.
  20. First of all i want to say that the new update added so many good things and i really appreciate it. Just, i was wondering why some reskins look so blurry.Like, they are not ''clean'' and they appear in way low resolution compared to the other parts. Does anyone else has the same issue?Or i am being too picky?Check the colours/letters in those grey probe cores, they look so washed out.
  21. Hooray !Welcome back and i hope everything is mostly ok . Looking forward for the next suspension fix!
  22. This mod is the only one i use for landing legs.I still think its the best out there.Thank you for giving us a way to land those rockets .
  23. Great, thanks for the pointers , i ll give them a try!
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