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Everything posted by Dimas152

  1. maybe u can ask @katateochi how the kerbalx part changer works,
  2. it's still inside the game, just hidden somewhere in manufacturer tab
  3. from my experience, 1.4.0 runs slightly smoother than 1.3.1 when i play it stock (although now i had mods in 1.3.1, but i have backup) on previous 1.3.1, it (kinda) lags even with low settings, but 1.4.0 runs just great even with higher settings
  4. u can change it manually, the parts are still in game but hidden somewhere (u had to look inside "Manufacturer" tab)
  5. new update on the KerbalX web does this if u downloaded an old craft before 1.4, there's an option to convert to new parts
  6. nice and simple explanation, but idk is it "that" hard too add for me it's more like higher air density near the ground
  7. no updates so far? maybe i can help for texturing also, maybe u can use NKD's KV-2 turret for scaling reference, it's a bit smaller than ur KV-2 turret
  8. i think it should be good if kerbals had different surnames, but still containing "ker" on it, like Kerbolyov, Kermady, etc yeah we can change kerbal names with notepad, but still not satisfied enough
  9. someone discussed about this in the facebook group, they said the ground effect is too hard to model, even FAR refused to add it
  10. i have a suggestion how bout making the heli blades mirrors the rotation (also torque) when we attach them with "Mirror" symmetry in the SPH? i had an Fa-223 but it rolls to the right just after i throttle it up
  11. ok the Vesselmover issue still persists after i installed it manually and i have a suggestion here what if we can surface attach parts into turrets? like E.R.As, additional ammo boxes, hatch mounted machine guns and cosmetics
  12. haven't watched it but seen some clips
  13. so battle of surabaya also not an anime then
  14. it is but american just like RWBY
  15. gonna join tis oh wait muh internet too *f word* slow
  16. do u remember what mods u have installed?
  17. i had this KV-2 Mk. 2 Block 2 Ausf. B Bis
  18. ok so some pessimistic kerbals sent them to space
  19. i wonder how animals in kerbin looks like, and the birds that chirps on the space center view any thoughts?
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