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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Hardee's needs to bring this back. I had this for lunch... probably a bit too often.
  2. Cubeupload is still down? I may have to switch... Oh, damn. https://twitter.com/CubeUpload?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
  3. Did CKAN install the dependencies correctly? Make sure you have the CommunityCategoryKit, CommunityResourcePack, REPOSoftTech, and ThunderAerospace folders under GameData.
  4. I destroyed my phone on Sunday. Ordered a new one Tuesday, shipped to work. (As with everything - safer that way) Tracking said it would be here today. It didn't come today. And it's a three day weekend. On the plus side, the new Chvrches albumn released today, so I'll live.
  5. I love Dres. I'm sure a lot of people only consider it boring because they were told it was boring before they went there. How many people have just never gone because "everyone knows" it's boring?
  6. Useful is very subjective. A strictly rocket player wouldn't care of prop engines and wings. Someone who never leaves the atmosphere probably doesn't care about heavy lifting engines or large fuel tanks. There are some people who got really excited about all the structural panels in MH. I couldn't care less. What kind of parts are you after?
  7. I'd probably nuke the OS and start over.
  8. As long as it has a magnetic shield to prevent beaming. You know the F12 menu can spawn tourists, even in Science mode!
  9. Couldn't reproduce. Tried focused SOI changes in real time and high speed warp.
  10. I also have the GoG version. I haven't done diddly squat in 1.4.3/MH yet. I'm also on Linux, but I will load up a sandbox quick and chuck something out of Kerbin's SOI when I get home.
  11. Cats gotta stick together, man.
  12. I wouldn't call him a geologist. More like "Tyrannical economist"
  13. Might have to summon @bewing on this one. Can you upload the save file and/or log?
  14. Does hacking gravity affect anything in orbit? I use the hack gravity system for testing, but I do it in a separate sandbox save where nothing matters.
  15. KSP didn't kill your computer, a poor cooling system did.
  16. Wouldn't matter. Rotation doesn't affect G forces on the kerbals. Notice the bars in the SS are empty even though that thing is spinning at like a billion rpm.
  17. Would doing your G engine burn Normal or Antinormal help? Should be a lot harder to accidentally hit escape velocity that way. Rather disappointed that this does not work. Even after exploding, the cabins reported max G of 0.0G
  18. If you right click on the Spark, is there a button that says "Run Test"? Try using that instead of activating it with staging. With your staging set the way it is, the engine will activate before the parachute... which isn't what you need, as it needs to be activated after you're in the water. The flea should be able to get you over water by itself. If it's not making it.... ditch the head shield and LFO tank.... you don't need them, they're just extra weight.
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