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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Yeah I didn't know about it either. My cousin works for a real estate agency up in Wisconsin, and their heater broke. She posting on FB about how freezing it was in the office, so I Google heated keyboard... and sure enough, they're a thing! I bet they have mice too.
  2. I'm a huge fan of the show, but I completely agree with this. It is cheesy, very much so, that's a good portion of the appeal. Certainly not for everyone, but no show is. Although I do have to say, if you started with the first season of the reboot (with Eccleston as The Doctor), and quit before the season was done, I recommend powering through. It gets much better when Tennant takes over.
  3. Yeah I keep forgetting about that. I have the GoG version, no forced updates.
  4. Geonovast


    I'm assuming you had the unfocused craft's SAS set to Target. When you moved the other one, its target shifted, so that's why it moved by itself. If you need to zero out like that again, make sure you either turn SAS off on the non-controlled craft, or set it to Stability Hold.
  5. There's a small circle down to the left of the Kerbal's portraits. If you click on that, it will give you a cutaway view, and show you the inside of every part that can house a Kerbal. You can also click on their portrait, and tell them to go EVA. If they're in a part that has door, they'll go outside and the camera will instantly focus on them.
  6. You can also simply copy the GameData folder instead of the entire install. Keep one stock, with just the Squad folder in it. Put your mods in the other one(with the Squad folder!) Keep them names GameDataStock and GameDataModded, or however you would need. Whichever one you want to play, rename to GameData. So if you're playing stock, your two folders would be GameData and GameDataModded If you're playing modded, you would have GameData and GameDataStock.
  7. They'll break joints without actually destroying any of the parts?
  8. This thread has given me a great idea for a mod. Too bad I'm clueless on how to make one. A ship-mounted laser cutter would be awesome. Point it at the joint of a ship, use up an enormous amount of EC, generated a ton of heat, and BAM! Ship cut in half.
  9. Small suggestion: Turn that sucker 90 degrees. I think you'll find you'll have smoother, safer launches if the boosters are on the North and South sides of the center. Better eastward pitching, and you don't need to worry about the bottom one being able to clear the rocket when it's ejected.
  10. You can also turn on rigid attachment (I'm assuming, anyway. I believe the console port is 1.2.2, which I've never played), should help. I try not to build that way, because it would bother me to know that it's not really connected. It would be handy if the crafts could be built that way, but I understand it's impossible with Unity.
  11. I've got a couple subassemblies like this. I got tired of putting parachutes, LS, docking port, etc on the MK1-2 (Pretty much the only capsule I use), so I made one for that. Call it the SKREP. Don't have a pic as I'm not home. I've also made a few for relay satellites, ore drones, stuff like that.
  12. I think this a big one. Solar panels are pretty useless that far out. Array of RTGs or some sort of fuel cell.
  13. Doctor Who, man! The science is all kinds of wrong, but still a great show.
  14. Much better to pull instead of push. @Rocket In My Pocket
  15. Like, how inside? After clicking on it? Driving around in it? After blowing it up?
  16. I liked this thread better when it was locked.
  17. Depends on the mod. You'll have to check each mod's thread and see if it's mentioned.
  18. You could also slap on a few of the monodirectional RCS thrusters that don't use MP and only set them for prograde/retrograde use.
  19. If you want something a little more lightweight, you can take a look at this too.
  20. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/17833-130-kerbal-engineer-redux-1130-2017-05-28/
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