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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. This is what I do. When I do heavy orbital construction, all the Kerbals just carry around a ladder and weld it on wherever they need it, then remove and stash it when they're done.
  2. I've actually been trying to make a strictly MK2 SSTO with no wings or control surfaces. Balancing the CoM and CoL has been nightmare.
  3. I think you may be confused as to what an acronym is. ac·ro·nym ˈakrəˌnim/ noun noun: acronym; plural noun: acronyms an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCII, NASA ). As far as what you're asking, I don't think there's anything offical for that. (I can't think of the word for it either). Use whatever you think sounds best.
  4. I would go peruse the Linux Mint forums and do some searching for what's best for that particular card. I'm running a GTX 1050Ti. I did a bit of research to determine the best Nvidia driver version for LM 18.2 and that card. At one point, I even upgraded the driver during a Mint update and it broke all my games. Reverted and everything was fine.
  5. Sounds like it might be an issue with the GPU driver. What GPU do you have?
  6. Running the native Linux GoG version here on Mint 18.2 with no problems. When you buy KSP, you get it for all three platforms.
  7. Did you have a probe core, or command pod on it? If not, it may have been marked debris and deleted.
  8. Nope! Uh, say my name three times, I guess? @Cheesecake because now I'm hungry.
  9. Present! Uh, @Lo Var Lachland worked the first time...soo...
  10. With single extruder machines, this really only works with a color change at a specific layer, which I do all the time. To do this on something like a globe, you'd be looking at several changes per layer, and hundreds or thousands of changes for the print. I'd have to sit next to the printer for days consecutively and throw away so, so much material. A two or three extruder machine would be perfect. I was actually going to print the entire thing in a dark translucent blue, then paint the terrain with some acrylic paints. I've had good luck with basic acrylic model paint sticking to PLA. Thingiverse doesn't have much in the way of KSP stuff. I've checked the other repositories, but the only models of Kerbin I've found were either undownloadable or not free. I have a vague idea of what this means, no idea how to do it, but it's certainly an option I can look into! Already got 4
  11. My mom's visiting for Christmas, and she brought me a surprise. One of my favorite toys from when I was a kid. I was a typical 90s kid, collected pogs, but I was way more interesting in the rockets. I've gotta clean these up, but they've probably got more play hours on them than the real things. I've got a couple full sets of the pogs too, which look new. Anyone else have these things? I'd actually been missing them for awhile and was considering printing something similar.
  12. This is really handy for documenting missions. I also always forget to button mash F1 when I'm doing something important.
  13. Was it Shapeways? I know the did Kerbal stuff for awhile. There's a thread about it around here somewhere, I think they're in talks with T2 to start again. I came across some people who had models, but they were trying to charge for them (IIRC I saw one over $50). I wouldn't mind floating Squad a few bucks if they had one available though.
  14. Exactly what I'd like to do, but I need the model to be able to print it.
  15. I think stock weather would be a bad idea. Not only that it would pretty drastically increase the minimum requirements for this game, but it'd be such a small portion of this space game. I bought this game so I could Lego together rockets and blast little green people into space. Not so I could wait out a weather window so I can launch. As it is, this game can be played without doing any kind of math. Let's not change that. It is not a simulator. Making it toggle able would probably be even worse, as what's the point of all the dev time (and therefore possibly increasing the cost of the game) for a feature that a lot of users would likely switch off? There's also the smackability of the elitists who would now have the ability to say "I'm a real player because I only play with the weather on." Weather, along with many other features that add difficulty to the game, is best left to the mods. If you want it, wonderful! Go get it. However, visual weather would be nice. Stock clouds and non-game changing storms would be cool. (Don't get me started on non-game changing. Last I checked, you don't slide on ice.) Again I don't see this happening. I'd rather the devs worked on new parts and functionality, and stuff that happens in space, which is where the majority of the game takes place (or is meant to, anyway).
  16. It's gonna be reeeaally hard to help with something like this without seeing what you got. Can you put up some screenshots of the craft, and possibly a video of the issue in flight?
  17. I'm sure they are too. Honestly I just didn't wanna mess with it that much. I was kinda surprised when I got what I did on my second try.
  18. Well that's what KSP really needs. Decent rig. No dedicated GPU?
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