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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I usually build my rockets around the Mammoth engine... or 4 of them.
  2. Staging that thing must have been a bear. The staging system in KSP is really one of my only complaints. I would love to see a mod add a staging option to the PAW menu.
  3. If gravity's real, then why don't people in Australia fall into space? HUH?
  4. I'd like to have some hotkeys for the different SAS modes. I just bought one of these guys, and when I'm using it, I'd prefer to not touch the mouse and keyboard. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16879337003&cm_re=thrustmaster-_-79-337-003-_-Product I did some searching, and this was all I found: Links to a mod that appears to be exactly what I need, but it's outdated and the creator has been absent from the forums since January. Does anyone know of any mods that have this function incorporated? I realize any new mods would be built for 1.3.1, which I don't have yet. Still on 1.3.0. I'd even be fine with just a 'cycle' button instead of individual maps.
  5. So don't! The best origin stories are told after a character is established and loved. Nothing says you need to have one anyway. One of the best Webcomics I've ever read, and re-read over and over, is Something*Positive(NOT for the easily offended). But that comic, according to the author, started out about 90% autobiographical. Tell what you already know. Once the characters get their footing, they'll create their own stories for you. You can always go back and tell how she came to be if the time is right.
  6. The Space Titanic episode was a Christmas special, which they are usually set slightly apart from the core series (Although there are some pretty subtle details in that episode that creep up later on) It's weird that episode was the first one, as it is not the start of the reboot. I don't know where you can go to view all the reboots without buying the show itself, as apparently Netflix no longer has them. David Tennant is actually the second doctor of the reboot. Christopher Eccleston was the first one (9th doctor) The whole reboot is worth watching until you get to Clara as a companion. She's pretty insufferable. Although worth suffering through as Maisie Williams comes on for a few episodes. Amy Pond is definitely my favorite companion, and I think Matt Smith's doctor has the best season-long arcs. As for the original shows, you can't watch them all. Even the BBC doesn't have all of them. They got pretty excited when some of the lost episodes were found on VHS tapes in some off the wall TV station in (I wanna say Nigeria, but I'm likely wrong).
  7. So many great ones that I just watch over and over (aka playing on second monitor while KSP is on my main) Archer, Bob's Burgers, Futurama (The Fox ones, not the CC junk), Parks & Recreation, Doctor Who, Firefly, That 70s Show, Game Of Thrones, IT Crowd, All the completed Star Trek shows except Enterprise.
  8. They've seen The Truman Show too many times. So which mod do I need to download to get a flat Kerbin?
  9. Are you opposed to mods? KAC will basically do everything you just described.
  10. Like landing and not immediately bouncing back into orbit!
  11. Usually one as well. Mainly because I usually play with life support and I really don't want to keep track of all that. On my massive Dres occupation that I'm currently working on, I disabled Life Support just because of the scope of the mission. I still dispatched each ship to Dres individually... one of them taking easily 3 years to get there while all 16 Kerbals that were already at Dres sat around doing nothing. I also all but stopped paying attention to transfer windows because I can't figure out how to use them on inclined planets (aka Dres).
  12. Been there too. What's really weird was I flew the plane quite a few times before it decided it was stowed on one flight. I didn't even really realize what had happened until after I stopped, I though the gear just exploded on impact. Turned on the "Deploy While Stowed" and hasn't happened since.
  13. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I actually enjoyed setting this up so much that I currently have two more ships on the way to Dres, and am probably going to be playing this save for awhile. Idea right now is to snag a Dresteroid, pull it into low Dres orbit, and run an efficient orbital refueling port, since the Rovanders take a few... hundred... days... to refuel.
  14. Your picture isn't loading. Can you host it somewhere other than Dropbox, or set it to public? (I'm not sure how DB works, but when I try to view your image directly it's asking me to log in.)
  15. Yup! Ever since I noticed Minmus from the surface or LKO, I'm constantly looking for it. Didn't realize you could see Eve from Kerbin.
  16. I'm gonna have to get this Hanger Extender and make some 10 second per frame wonders.
  17. How do you even assemble stuff that big? My twins barely fit in the VAB.
  18. So far, just a little shy of 4,000 tons. I'd have to check the exact number when I'm home.
  19. Experience doesn't matter. ^^ This does. Great job! Sounds like it was an adventure.
  20. This is why, whenever I do a game where I have to build the tech tree, my first priority is always unlocking the first solar panel. Glad you got home!
  21. My computer started whimpering just looking at that, and while it's no super gaming machine, it's probably on the better end of the spectrum for KSP.
  22. Here's my submission! First challenge submission at that. Biggest project I've even attempted, and everything went... mostly ok. (Once I got this problem figured out)
  23. This is mainly for a submission for @SpaceplaneAddict's Dres Awareness challenge. This is pretty screenshot heavy, so I'm going to put the bulk of them in spoilers for your viewing inconvenience. Mission: Occupy Dres with a single landing base station, space station, 8 satellite network, and 4 Tetra class ISRU Rover/Landers. The Tetra class Rovander will be capable of returning to the station and biome hopping. Mission completion to be done with two launches from Kerbin using convertible Washburn class ships. Mission Flag: Meet The Ships! Tetra Class Rovander: Equipped with 4 LT-1 landing struts, dual aerospikes, SP-G solar panels, Drill-O-Matic Jrs, and a RefineOre Y-600 Mini ISRU converter. This docking-stackable Rovander is capable of endless Station-Surface-Station trips. Connecting Living Space complient... sorta. If you stretch a bit. Holds one Kerbal. Lance Relay Satellite: I'm sure you've never see a relay satellite before! Washburn Class "IDT Maya": The IDT Maya sports copious amounts of living space, research center, science array, and deep space communication/relay abilities. It also features 8 LT-37L landing struts, as Maya's mission finale is a research base landed on Dres. Core is comprised of 6 Large Advanced Reaction Wheels to minimize RCS usage. Payload is 8 satellites. 6 Comm/relay, 1 Survey Scanner, and 1 Narrow-Band Sat. Bottom piece is a detachable-before-launch Kerbal loading system. Also CLS complient if you tweak your imagination a bit. Crew is 6 Kerbals, you'll meet them below. Washburn Class "IDT TinyTina": The IDT TinyTina is very similar to her sister ship, Maya. Differences include additional decouplers to completely detach the 4 engine nacelles. TinyTina's mission finale is a Rovander Waystation / Science station in low orbit around Dres. Other main difference is the payload, of 4 Tetra rovanders. Ship will launch with a crew of 10. Standard 6 positions as the Maya, with an addition 4 rover pilots. Phase 1.1: Loading Maya: Phase 1.2: Launching Maya: Phase 2.1: Loading TinyTina: Phase 2.2: Launching TinyTina: Phase 3: Satellite Distribution: Phase 4: Rover Relocation: Phase 5: Maya Landing: Phase 6 Rovander Landings: ~6.1: Raysel - Random Spot ~6.2: Josen - Trench ~6.3: Leeford - Maya Base ~6.4: Maubert - North Pole Mission Summary (AKA TL;DR) IDT Maya brought a full 8 satellite network, then touched down on the surface for a permanent base. IDT TinyTina brought 4 Rovanders to Dres. The ship became a space station. The rovers all landed at various parts of the surface, including the north pole, Dres trench, and Maya Base. *** A few notes: Yes I know the bright pink visors are annoying. I probably should have gotten that fixed before I did this, but I was too excited about this mission. (As of writing this, I realized I should have just removed TextureReplacerReplaced after the ships were launched, as I only use it for no helmets in atmosphere.) I probably did it incredibly inefficiently. I know it would have been better to stagger operations more, but meh. Probably would have cut a good two years, at least. I hope you enjoyed reading!
  24. I don't know the math for you, but since I started using this, my interplanetary stuff has gotten easier... just have to plan for while you're there!
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