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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I'm still not quite sure what you're asking, but. You could play career, and ignore the contracts. Since you want your own reward system, you could simply give yourself a "grant" when you feel your space program deserves it. Your funds are controlled by a single line in your save file. Save the game, and open up your save .sfs file. Look for: SCENARIO { name = Funding scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 funds = 123456 } Change your funds as you see fit, then reload your save.
  2. Decided to do an ion-driven capture at Moho. No idea why. 2 hr 17 minute burn, longest I've ever had. Still under way as of posting this. Although the engines did get a little break.. "Blocked by Moho." Sure, ok.
  3. Are you sure it's a cold, and not a reaction to construction dust? I fear those two are related! I've been pretty good. Slowly teaching myself PHP/SQL. Learning new stuff every day!
  4. I had the same happen to me a few days ago. Rolled back the driver and everything was cool. Wasn't just KSP, I had other programs that quick working.
  5. Tell the retailers that have been selling Christmas stuff since August that.
  6. Whelp, Halloween is now over, so MERRY FREAKING CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, whether you like it or not. Guess it's that 3 months of the year I have to wear headphones out in public.
  7. RAM isn't the problem. The biggest influence of lag is going to be your processor clock speed. (Not number of cores. More cores won't help you with KSP.) Even if RAM was the issue, you can't "give it" more RAM. It'll use what it needs if available. 8 is more than enough.
  8. I saw the forum title was changed to 1.3.1, but when you go to the downloads, the most recent version still has 1.3. I'm sure it works, I'm just being paranoid. Honestly I don't use KIS/KAS that much, I just like having it available. I'll toss KER in tonight since it's reported the 1.3 version works. I don't mind stock, sometimes it's even more enjoyable accomplishing things with a restricted amount of parts and functionality. I grew up playing with K'nex - I know how to make things with a limited selection ;).
  9. Yeah I saw almost all of his were updated. I actually don't think I'm using too many of his. I have Konstruction! Installed now. KIS/KAS and KER are the other ones I'm missing. I'm not seeing new versions for 1.3.1, but I am now seeing comments that the 1.3 versions work fine. With 1.3, when I started modding, I kinda blunderbussed a ton at it at once. I ran into some little bugs and crashes that I was too lazy to correctly diagnose, since they weren't game breaking. I think this time I'm gonna install one at a time and play for a bit before adding another one. That's... weird. RCS never worked for me in 1.3, and only Z and X would work for throttle. I suppose it could have been that by the time I actually tried such things in map view, a mod conflict or something was messing with it. I'll fire up 1.3 in stock again and see if I have throttle control. I just assumed it was new...
  10. I haven't done much, but I can vouch for flying planes with a joystick is way, waaaay better than a keyboard. I even tricked a real pilot in his mid 50s who's never touched video games to fly around in KSP when I got my joystick.
  11. Insane. I'm happy I land on Eve and I don't hit water. Nice work.
  12. You know, I probably should... I turned them on once, and for some reason I remember autostruts (which I have zero desire to use) being on automatically, so I turned them off and didn't look back. However I just switched AT on for a test and they're all disabled. Hm. Must be gettin' old.
  13. This is from a sandbox save. Does it just keep track of more info career? KERBAL { name = Bill Kerman gender = Male type = Crew trait = Engineer brave = 0.5 dumb = 0.800000012 badS = False veteran = True tour = False state = Available inactive = False inactiveTimeEnd = 0 gExperienced = 0 outDueToG = False ToD = 0 idx = 0 extraXP = 0 CAREER_LOG { flight = 2 0 = Flight,Kerbin 0 = Suborbit,Kerbin 0 = Orbit,Kerbin 0 = Flyby,Mun 0 = Escape,Mun 0 = Orbit,Mun 0 = Suborbit,Mun 0 = Land,Mun 0 = ExitVessel,Mun 0 = PlantFlag,Mun 0 = BoardVessel,Mun 0 = Flyby,Kerbin 0 = Land,Kerbin 0 = ExitVessel,Kerbin 0 = Recover 1 = Flight,Kerbin 1 = Suborbit,Kerbin 1 = Orbit,Kerbin 1 = Flyby,Minmus 1 = Escape,Minmus 1 = Orbit,Minmus 1 = Suborbit,Minmus 1 = Land,Minmus 1 = ExitVessel,Minmus 1 = PlantFlag,Minmus 1 = BoardVessel,Minmus 1 = Flyby,Kerbin 1 = Land,Kerbin 1 = Recover } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 2 } }
  14. Just an FYI, when you see an acronym on the forum with the light dotted underline, you can hover over it and it will tell you what it means.
  15. I think I know where you can get your hands on one...
  16. So THAT'S what that does! I've always wondered. I don't use advanced tweakables, yet the UI was always there and seemed to do nothing. Every time I saw the truss I just figured it was a mod.
  17. Right now, losing his mind on Minmus.
  18. Finally got around to installing 1.3.1, and did a quick stock Mun mission. Actually liked the rocket so much I may keep it and use it in the future.
  19. Finally upgraded to 1.3.1. Gonna mess around stock for a bit, since not all my "necessary" mods appear to be updated yet. It's amazing how much I miss some of the mods. Don't wanna get too involved with a save until I get some mods installed, so decided to send Val, Bill and Bob to the Mun, which is usually neglected. Mission went off perfectly. Launch and get to orbit: Got a little scorched dumping the transfer tanks; dropped the orbital fuel pod (we'll come back to it) Down we go!; Plant flag, and leave. This is sandbox - there's nothing to actually do. Rendezvous with fuel pod, refill tanks, and dispose of pod(This step was completely unnecessary, I still had plenty to get home...but meh) Dump tanks and engines, deploy braking system (I'm sure I would have tumbled without those airbrakes Home sweet home! On a side note, whomever it was at @SQUAD that decided to introduce full throttle control (including RCS) to map mode, know that I love you and want to buy you a coffee. I can't tell you how annoying it was to keep switching back and forth to make small course corrections.
  20. Older picture, three of them have been fairly heavily modded since this.
  21. Same. Math is hard! So if I need to know that a craft has enough dV to land on a body and get back to orbit, F12 is where I go. I just consider it a simulator. The only other feature I ever used was infinite fuel, which was just to screw around. Sticking 6 Twitches on an MK1 command pod with infinite fuel (which works with no fuel tanks) is pretty amusing.
  22. That Lego kit is really neat. Wish I could justify it. I printed out a small Saturn V rocket model awhile back, but it got a bit busted up and I never got around to painting it. I should really do a bigger one that actually comes apart properly.
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