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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I never thought I would, but I'm right with ya. I once sent Bill and Jeb on an excellent adventure around Kerbin in a single prop plane that topped out around 130 m/s. Spent some time circling the mountain ranges too, since it's nifty to look at, even with stock graphics. Rovers may not always be the most practical for getting science, but as a person that mostly plays sandbox (and therefore most just for enjoyment), rovers can be pretty fun. Especially if they're hybrids, and can puddle-jump on non-atmospheric planets. My favorite being my Dres Rovanders. I don't suppose you'd like to share that wonderful piece of UNSC engineering?
  2. -2 is too cold for snow anyway. The best snows come at around 25-30 degrees. (At least where I grew up, but Lake Michigan had a tendency to make the weather do whatever she wanted)
  3. Post what you found. Remember, you asking a question on a forum doesn't help just you, but other people searching who come across it. Please post the resolution in case someone with the same question finds this thread!
  4. Mine was pretty similar to OP's, but without the youtube videos. I just kinda of clicked stuff together. Eventually did the tutorials. They helped.... a little. I crashed oh so, so many times during the Mun landing tutorial, and I got pretty good at orbiting other ships during the docking tutorial. My first rockets were wobbly messes, not because of misplacing the COM or not having fins at the bottom, but because I didn't know what a strut was and didn't realize that I couldn't use multiple decouplers on boosters. Once I learned about docking and how to strut my stuff (oh yeah), more and more clicked and now the early stuff is pretty trivial. The Mun used to be the huge obstacle, now I throw on my bunny slippers and go there to get bread.
  5. I've battled depression my whole life. I'm not judgmental and can be a pretty good sounding board. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
  6. + Quite a few others not on the board, most notable Konstruction!, DeepFreeze, DMagic's stuff and Universal Storage.
  7. Is that one of the stock craft? I've never even looked at those.
  8. You know it's really hard to be a cranky old man when people like you fix my problems. Thanks!
  9. I tried something similar when I first started trying SSTOs. I dunno why, but I just can't build anything around the rapier. I've had better luck using two sets of engines. I like how it looks. How's the dV after achieving orbit? Enough to rendezvous and dock?
  10. Star Trek The Animated Series? Misadventures of a seemingly invincible drunken spy.
  11. I can't just go "up" that I'm aware of. I frequently put stuff on the bottom of the plane, and if I'm lucky, I can barely see what I'm doing at the very top of my monitor. I've never had a problem with the VAB camera. I've even switched to the VAB while working on planes because the SPH camera wouldn't let me do what I want. I'd offer some screenshots, but I'm not at home.
  12. If you're completely new to programming, I would start with a language that allows you to instantly see results. It doesn't have to do with KSP, but just to get you into an environment where you're comfortable staring at lines of code. I don't know squat about Python, but from what I understand, this would be a good start for beginners. You could also play around in HTML/Javascript/CSS. Pretty straightforward, easy to learn, and you can see what you've changed with a simple refresh. After you get comfy in the programming environment, you can move onto stuff like C# for KSP.
  13. I've gotta see that show, apparently. Many years ago, a friend of my brother's met me for the first time. My brother's name is Trevor. Mine is Correy. She LOST IT and it took way too long to figure out why. Welcome, @Lifeisgreasy! This is one hopefully you won't catch up to that wagon again
  14. Considering it's $20 less than most mainstream cookie-cutter video games, I'm not seeing the problem. I've gotten way more enjoyment out of this $40 game than pretty much all of my $60 ones. I was super happy to only pay $40. It's also being consistently updated with new features and parts without asking for another penny. You don't get Call Of Duty 17: Whatever We Grabbed Out Of The Scrabble Bag This Time when you buy Call Of Duty 16: Pwned By A 13 Year Old.
  15. It took me a long time, but I did finally make an SSTO that not only gets to orbit and back, but can in fact do stuff! (Not much, though) Here's a video of it taking off, achieving ~80km x 80km orbit, then coming back down and landing at the KSC (Not the runway - I can't line up with that thing to save my life) with three Kerbals on board. Please don't D/Q me for forgetting to shut off SAS after touchdown causing the bottom aibrakes to explode when they deployed on stop! It's completely intact otherwise! Video taken in a completely stock game, except for KER. Craft: And here's a SS of it docked at a space station from a different flight.
  16. My first SSTO, minimally customizable. With the cabin option, you should be able to have at least 600m/s for the swivel to get around in orbit. Fully stock. I've been launching it full throttle by taking off at about 80-90 m/s with SAS on stability. Set at 10 degrees, and let go of the controls. At about 20km, light the swivel(2). Make sure to toggle the Whiplashes off once they flame out(1). About 30km, switch SAS to prograde, keep burning until Ap is about 80km. Kill throttle. Circularize at Ap. Re-enter with (3) toggled, straight prograde until under 1000 m/s. Make sure you kill the swivel before re-entry(2). I'm certainly no expert, I'm sure there's a better way to fly it. This is just what I've been doing. Craft: Astrid SSTO Stats (with Cabin): 49 Parts 25.651 Tons HWL: 3.2m, 11.1m, 14.5m Action Groups 1 Toggle dual Whiplash Engines 2 Toggle Swivel Engine 3 Toggle A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. and dual Twitch Engines 4 Toggle Service Bay doors and Dock Port 5 Toggle Solar Panels Lights Toggle Gear Lights and nose cone Light Brakes Toggle Gear Brakes Gear Toggle Gear The two wings on the sides of the cabin are actually attached to the fuel tank behind it, so it's really easy to swap that piece out:
  17. Must be on your or your ISP's end. All the images in that post load for me instantly.
  18. Can you link one of the posts you can't see images on?
  19. You could check the URLs of the images and see if they're all coming from the same hosting site. Last night mine was having issues (CubeUpload) to the point I had to wait a good minute for each image to load when embedding in a post.
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