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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. My first SSTO, minimally customizable. With the cabin option, you should be able to have at least 600m/s for the swivel to get around in orbit. Fully stock. I've been launching it full throttle by taking off at about 80-90 m/s with SAS on stability. Set at 10 degrees, and let go of the controls. At about 20km, light the swivel(2). Make sure to toggle the Whiplashes off once they flame out(1). About 30km, switch SAS to prograde, keep burning until Ap is about 80km. Kill throttle. Circularize at Ap. Re-enter with (3) toggled, straight prograde until under 1000 m/s. Make sure you kill the swivel before re-entry(2). I'm certainly no expert, I'm sure there's a better way to fly it. This is just what I've been doing. Craft: Astrid SSTO Stats (with Cabin): 49 Parts 25.651 Tons HWL: 3.2m, 11.1m, 14.5m Action Groups 1 Toggle dual Whiplash Engines 2 Toggle Swivel Engine 3 Toggle A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. and dual Twitch Engines 4 Toggle Service Bay doors and Dock Port 5 Toggle Solar Panels Lights Toggle Gear Lights and nose cone Light Brakes Toggle Gear Brakes Gear Toggle Gear The two wings on the sides of the cabin are actually attached to the fuel tank behind it, so it's really easy to swap that piece out:
  2. Must be on your or your ISP's end. All the images in that post load for me instantly.
  3. Can you link one of the posts you can't see images on?
  4. You could check the URLs of the images and see if they're all coming from the same hosting site. Last night mine was having issues (CubeUpload) to the point I had to wait a good minute for each image to load when embedding in a post.
  5. A very recent post discussing profile image size had me thinking. The primary reason for keeping the size down is for the sake of the forum host's bandwidth. One of my arguments for that discussion was going to be consideration for people with low bandwidth or low speed ISPs as well. Unfortunately this very screenshot-heavy topic kinda mucks that up anyway, regardless of what the forum's restrictions are. For example, I used to be on satellite internet, with a daily bandwidth usage of 512 MB shared among 4 people. My colonization of Dres report would kill a large portion of that on its own. Spoilers don't help, it still loads the pictures even if they're not visible. I know when posting a picture, you can display it as a link instead. Is there a way to have a per-user setting to make the switch globally? That way, low bandwidth users would only load the screenshots if they wish. I realize Squad's options regarding the forum software are pretty limited, but maybe a request could be forwarded to Invision.
  6. I think as long as you complete everything before you turn 18, you're still eligible, correct? Been so long, I don't remember how that worked. I know my brother skirted the edge.
  7. I don't understand how you're confused by modding KSP. They literally couldn't have made it easier. You copy one folder into another folder. Done. I can't even fathom how you need it easier. I know there are several tech tree re-balancers out there that will work with the stock tech tree. Unfortunately since I don't play career and rarely even play science, I don't have any experience with them. I also had a little trouble following your post. Hopefully when your headache clears up you can clarify some things.
  8. Today I visited Jool for the first time ever, with three Kerbsicles. Sandbox, and I didn't do anything while I was there, but I went, by-golly. I expected the ship to be ugly as sin when I got it into space, but I think it actually looked pretty cool. Even mostly reusable, just needs a resupply and some KIS/KAS modifications. Parked it in a 300km Kerbin orbit.
  9. Not sure if that would help with the autonaming, but I would love a mod that did that. Mainly for Konstruction!, because you can't compress root parts. Once in awhile when you dock, one of the docking ports become root and that kinda throws a wrench in orbit konstruction plans.
  10. When you dock two crafts together, the game considers them one craft. One craft = one name. When you separate, it's gotta pick one of them, and it'll guess as to what type of craft it is based on what control pieces it has. (plane, station, rover). For example, if you have a station that uses an MK1-2 command pod and nothing else from that tab, it might consider it a ship when you undock even if you've specified it as a station before. AFAIK there's no way around it. Hopefully there is a persistent name mod, and someone will link to it.
  11. I think the only problems I had with staging were either setting it up wrong, which no button re-mapping would fix. Or, when I played on my laptop, sometimes the game would pause for a second when staging. So I'd think I didn't hit the button... and I'd hit it again. Then both would happen.
  12. I would hope any story mode would be in addition to what we already have. So instead of Career, Science, or Sandbox, you could do either Career, Story, Science, or Sandbox. I think a storied campaign would be good. Would probably actually get me to play Career. I doubt it'll happen, and if it did, I highly, highly doubt it would be forced.
  13. Banned for not having a profile picture.
  14. Banned for accusing me of being from Texas.
  15. This was a few days ago, but I landed a fish on Kerbin with no chutes or landing gear. Just cause, I guess.
  16. I'm assuming it's small to keep down storage and bandwidth usage. So unless you want to start paying for forum membership, it'll probably stay the way it is. Same reason the forum doesn't host posted pictures itself. It may not seem like much, but that stuff adds up fast.
  17. According to the wiki, it's under Hypersonic flight on level 8.
  18. Not true! I've had ladders attached to crafts the females were able to climb down after exiting the vehicle, but males wouldn't go anywhere and had to jump down.
  19. No mod needed, just put an extra, empty stage between each stage. Another thing you can do, for smaller rockets without a bunch of gizmos, is to not use staging. Trigger everything with the action groups. So you have to push 1 for the lower stage, 2 for the next one, 3 for the next one, etc. You can also use SmartParts to automatically stage based on conditioning.
  20. Wouldn't even need to give you 6 at the start. Both pilots, and dish out the other two randomly.
  21. Let me re-direct the offtopic Futurama talk back to KSP.. Leela Kerman. Or, Turanga Kerman, if you prefer.
  22. It's happened twice. Once when staging right after achieving LKO in a basic fuel tank rocket (rocket disintegrated) , and again when Val walked into a wheel strut, causing her to be launched under the surface of the Mun and into oblivion. No clue what caused either one.
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