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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Would you mind removing the MJ module, and then sharing the craft?
  2. Oh! You had a fairing this whole time? Forget the service bays entirely then, stick the whole thing in the fairing! You won't need the nosecone now either. Just taper the fairing in to make a point.
  3. You can also hide different vessel types from showing up in your tracking station and/or map view. There are icons on the very top that you can enable/disable viewability of each type. I believe it's always there in the tracking station, but you have to move your mouse up there in map view to get the buttons to appear. If you want to have more fun with it, there's a mod called TAC Self Destruct that lets you blow up ships with a self destruct module.
  4. Deleting the ship from your subfolder won't remove it from flight. You can delete any ship in flight from your Tracking Station already. Big red button with an X in it on the bottom left when you select the vessel.
  5. That might look fine, but it actually won't be hidden from aerodynamic forces unless it's inside the service bay. Just clipping parts inside another part doesn't actually protect them. Might be alright though with the other changes though.
  6. You may need to use the Offset Tool (green) with Angle Snap off (Red) to get things to line up so they look right.
  7. Two biggest problems I'm seeing: The rocket is short and fat. The biggest issue here is that while your engines gimbal (At least, I think - I'm pretty sure those are swivels), they're pretty close to the Center Of Mass, so their authority isn't that great. Which leads to the second problem - the blunt, draggy nose. I would ditch the stayputnik. Get a second service bay, and stick the HECS in there along with the MJ module, and if you turn the solar panels sideways, you can probably get them in there too without them clipping out. I do it all the time. Then stick a nose cone on the top. You could probably also get rid of that giant reaction wheel since the HECS will have one. Slide the boosters down a bit, and maybe get some small fins on the bottom to help keep the drag as far back as you can.
  8. I doubt it. They don't hold onto the ladders very well. I would attach a command seat for him to sit in.
  9. The HG-5 is a folding relay antenna, it's just not very strong. The best way to get multiple sats in one launch is to use the "Interstage Nodes" option on the fairings, which will let you attach multiple stacked payloads without them touching. (not my pic)
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/Kerbal_Space_Program/ 75% off for the core game, 65% off for the "complete" edition. I know there's been at least one person recently waiting for a sale, I don't remember who they are, but I don't think it's ever lower than this.
  11. Poor Tim. His equipment loves to crap out just at the last minute.
  12. You can rotate any part in the VAB/SPH was the W,A,S,D,Q,E keys.
  13. The Abort action group can be triggered with the backspace key.
  14. I've seen it reported that it will stay with which ever part has had the "control from here" point selected. This has not been true in my experience. When launching from the editor(VAB/SPH), you can control this by making sure the root part is on the craft you want to stick with. Unfortunately that's not an option. What we really need, and have needed for awhile (especially if you use the Konstruction! mod), is an in-flight re-root tool. Hopefully someone has an answer, I would like to know it as well.
  15. I don't think so. The $ is always first, even though we say it after the number. I believe this is the correct way:
  16. Yes it would. The exhaust will go through the decoupler properly as well. Personally I wouldn't use that method as you would have a part of the ship that isn't visually attached. No need. You just decouple them top to bottom. When nothing's attached to the interstage node plate anymore, it and the support structure disappear down to the next plate. (Notice my screenshots - it's gone after decoupling.) You can also disable the truss structure, which makes that all go away. I do that sometimes when the side trusses would "go through" the payload. Then I just use struts to make it look right. Here with the truss structure on. Doesn't look great with those bars clipping through. Turn if off, and the bars and plates go away - but the nodes still exist. I made it still look attached with the struts.
  17. I think this has been since the most recent forum update. When I double click on a picture I'm embedding into a post, it's usually to resize it. The checkbox for "Keep original aspect ratio" is unchecked by default now. It did not used to be this way. Can we get this fixed? It doesn't make sense to have it off by default, since you'll want to maintain the ratio almost all the time when resizing.
  18. Could be a lot worse. On my very first interplanetary mission (Duna) I left a man behind in orbit of Ike.
  19. Then you can't get mods anyway, even if you had the best internet in the world. This: Directly implies you're on a computer.
  20. I've only experience this in target mode during docking in low alt, high drift orbits. While it may frequently work, keeping retrograde during landing isn't always the best idea. You want to zero out your horizontal velocity just above the surface, then switch to radial out for landing. You'll never flip around with radial out. A few days ago I was doing some hopper tests with landing a rocket back on its landing clamps, and it was radial out the whole way, even before launch.
  21. Exactly. You can pump it between tanks fine, but the engine won't just drain from the big tank with crossfeed, because of the heatshield. If you had that difficulty option enabled, you wouldn't be able to even pump the fuel back and forth. As simple ModuleManager patch will change that for you. @PART[HeatShield*] { %fuelCrossFeed = True }
  22. The picture is a little confusing anyway. According to the priority, the smaller tank will drain first. But since you have both the fuel and oxidizer disabled, it shouldn't drain at all since they're turned off. You also appear to be pumping fuel, but I'm not sure how that's working since you don't have a "Stop" button on the larger tank, and the larger tanks is full. What's pumping and where? Your SS shouldn't even be possible. Edit: Alright, brainfart. Your SS still confuses me, but, it is an issue with the heatshield. Fuel cannot crossfeed through a heatshield, ever. What the difficulty option does is prevent you from pumping fuel through it.
  23. The only other option is that crossfeed is not enabled on one of the docking ports.
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