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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. With a 60% chance of no-go, I wasn't staying up for it. C'mon, Saturday!
  2. I've gotten a lot of crap from people because I don't break my eggs into whatever I happen to be making at the time.... Next time I should just feed them scramble eggs & shells..
  3. Despite not thinking I would ever enjoy it, I decided to give The Orville a shot. Three episodes in, and I gotta say I'm impressed. I think it's actually a better Star Trek series than Discovery.
  4. That's.... uh, Thursday night / insanely early Friday morning.
  5. You can buy lasers at Wal Mart. I use them to entertain the fuzzy little creatures that live in my house.
  6. This is stuck in my head so bad right now, I legitimately cannot sleep.
  7. I saw it yesterday, and I'm caught up on Game Of Thrones, so the internet is safe for me once again.
  8. Don't do it unless you're caught up, though. Googling "Thanos" is nearly guaranteed to spoil the crap out of the movie, since so many "media" outlets are bound and determined to ruin it for everyone.
  9. Or, better yet, use a MM patch. Never a bad idea to have a "pure stock" copy of the GameData folder as well.
  10. I uh... may have overshot. But after a long drive, I'm at the base of the mountain. Jeb and Val are gonna chill down there overnight, and I'll begin the climb tomorrow. (I hope this is the right range... it was the only one sticking above the clouds, after all)
  11. You can't do that, though. Since off-premises termination escorts are apparently too hard, they'll just steal the whole register.
  12. That's the bank's problem. And, consequently, the coin-counting machine's problem. Which will break it. And I'll have to fix it...
  13. Oh, I'm not the user. I'm the poor sap who has to drive over an hour one way to fix the thing when it breaks, which it likes to do monthly. They're terrible, terrible unreliable things. That's right up there with "Would you rather have a million dollars, or a penny that's doubled every day for a month?" (Assuming 30 days) I'll take the $10,737,418.24 please.
  14. I'd just be happy with a "master grid" that I can lock to, no matter what. But it seems they're pretty adamant against that. I'm pretty picky about all my diverging diamonds being identical, so I made one in the asset editor. But placing that thing without a consistent grid to lock it to is a complete pita.
  15. I got it on sale and didn't like it. But I'm a stickler. I don't like change. And SR2 is definitely different than KSP. It'll be interesting to see what it matures into.
  16. How would it be different from just using the navball?
  17. That first one is reported to be working in 1.6.1, which means there's a good chance it will work in 1.7. Have you tried just installing the mod(s) and seeing if it works, or are you just going off the non-update thread titles?
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