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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I had the same reaction when I got my very first one in my desktop. I shouldn't have been shocked by the size, since I knew exactly how big the spot for it on the motherboard was. Maybe it's the packaging? The box is a lot bigger than it has to be to hold the thing.
  2. I have that same picture set as the background on my center monitor. With this on the left: And this on the right:
  3. Got an NVMe SSD installed in my laptop. Nice and snappy now compared to that 5400 RPM Spinnydisk. Also got a new battery for the emergency laptop, which is going to stay in the room we hide from tornadoes in. That's one less thing to think about grabbing on the way down. Oh, and the camera I bought for our DC trip is also here. It's Friday before a 3 day weekend. The boss's wife brought doughnuts in this morning. It's been a good day!
  4. Remember that that's non-Lounge posts. You probably have considerably more. I wish we could see how many Lounge posts we have.
  5. I would much rather see an implementation like AGEx, where you have on-screen labeled clickables instead of just giving us more buttons. This would be especially helpful once the feature trickles down to console.
  6. I don't think I even noticed when I got mine..
  7. I highly doubt the new robotics will be controlled with action groups. That would be a nightmare and basically make them unusable.
  8. That might work, but my cats all hate each other, and they're too freaked out during a storm to care about treats. I live on the side of a hill, so my basement isn't truly a basement. It's a walk-out, so only about half of the basement is actually underground. Plus, between a flood warning and the chance of a tornado, I think I would prefer them getting their paws a little wet to learning to fly. The laundry room is the safest place in the house during a tornado. I need to get something like this down there, but a lot smaller.
  9. ? I only knew it was there because I asked it..
  10. This is like the third night in a row we're having to sit through a long string of flood warnings and tornado watches/warnings. I've not got much sleep, and I've found that wrangling 5 cats into one room in the basement against their will is not an easy task. I need to build them some kind of reinforced containment unit down there.
  11. Any chance the wings were attached using the wrong one? You can't attach gear in mirror symmetry if the wings were attached with radial.
  12. @Anth12 I imagine there will be quite a few paddle boats coming around once the Breaking Ground DLC is out.
  13. This, easily. The actual re-use of a Falcon 9 style rocket.
  14. I don't know why you're confused. I completely agree. The game needs little green men.
  15. I just imagine the shockwave from the explosion gives you an extra 0.1 m/s of dV. I do try to avoid it now though. Got into the habit when I started building shuttles. Ejection management there is pretty crucial.
  16. Could a powerful enough electromagnet eventually slow it down? Surely something on there is magnetic.
  17. This is literally impossible to diagnose without screenshots or a craft file.
  18. Well, the fairing part sinks into the ground, but it's definitely doable. (Re-entry was a bit hot as I made no effort to make it not be a bullet on the way down.)
  19. Yes they did. https://www.space.com/spacex-reuse-payload-fairing-starlink-launch.html And yes, it may be possible to recover the stock fairings if you do it the way @vyznev recommended. However, if you ever actually deploy them, then no, there's no chance. This should be quite possible without even using the fairings, though.
  20. Copy your save folder to a different location. Delete the entire KSP folder. Reinstall KSP. Move your save folder back to its original location in the new install. Or, if you're on Steam, you might be able to get away with just verifying file integrity.
  21. Interesting. Might be worth a test to see if the fairing pieces stick around...
  22. Can you get screenshots and/or a video of it happening? Log would be good too. Directions on how to get that in here.
  23. Just try it. If it doesn't work, then delete the changed file and copy your backup back over, so nothing will have changed.
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