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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Transfer the game? No. But you can transfer the mods/save files. Do a fresh install of the Mac version. You get the installer from the same place you got the Windows version. You don't need to re-buy the game. When you buy KSP, you get the Windows, Mac, and Linux versions all at once, regardless of where you get it from. Once you have the fresh install on your Mac, copy the content of your saves folder from the Windows machine over If you're running mod, copy the contents of your GameData folder over (minus the Squad folder).
  2. I've never seen it before, and I use engine plates on... pretty much everything I make. This happened when I used MM to create another variant that moves the decoupler node up flush to the plate, and doesn't have any shrouds enabled. It still does turn on the shroud if I have it turned on in the PAW. Every other variant works fine. So clearly I did something the game did not like.
  3. I broke reality. All I wanted was a shroudless engine plate with the decoupler flush to the plate itself. Apparently this causes the plate to be quantum locked or some crap. Nothing will let it move from its point in space.
  4. Yes, all of this. Even if it's an advanced difficulty setting or something like that, let us shut those stupid things off.
  5. Yes! If you're quick enough, you may be able to just go to Load Game and pick the persistent file, which will load your last autosave. Failing that, in your save's folder, is another folder called Backup. In there are 5 save files with timestamps as part of the name. Just copy one of those up one level into the save's folder along with all the other ones, and then load that from the Load Game menu. You might lose a tiny bit of progress that route, but it won't be nearly as bad. Edit: You don't even need to restart the game to do this. In fact, it would be better if you didn't.
  6. Really? I think MH is worth it just for the engine plates. I don't know how I ever played without them.
  7. It's almost as if the rotors were not intended to make propellers.
  8. Did you install 1.7.1? You're also missing the storage / surface science tab altogether.
  9. Not having a store account, I can't really help you with that.. but. I'm not sure Squad has direct control over sales. Over at GoG, KSP is 50% off, while MH is only 30% off. If having an hour counter is really the only reason to not go to Steam, there's good news! You don't need Steam to launch KSP, just to install it. There's no DRM, so you can move the KSP directory to wherever you want, and launch it manually. It won't increment any counters.
  10. Is Breaking Ground getting its own forum section? If it is, I think it would be better to have the first setup here, as it would be less clutter, especially if there's going to be more DLC in the future. (Community parts for structure reference) Main Page: Community Welcome Aboard Science & Spaceflight Kerbal Network The Lounge Forum Games Expansions Making History Making History Missions Making History Discussion Making History Support Breaking Ground Breaking Ground Discussion Breaking Ground Support Versus keeping the current format. Main Page: Community Welcome Aboard Science & Spaceflight Kerbal NetworkThe Lounge Forum Games Making History Expansion Making History Missions Making History Discussion Making History Support Breaking Ground Expansion Breaking Ground Discussion Breaking Ground Support Edit: OK, I swear that was NOT there when I started typing this?
  11. Not always, I don't think, but they do seem to take a little extra times on their Linux packages.
  12. Has that been changed? I recall having a "Don't update this game" option in Steam before, and I know I've seen turning off updates being suggested a ton of times here. But I guess that's just the nature of today's internet. Making everything better by taking away our choices. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Microsoft.
  13. That's bit me so many times. I'm not 100% sure I know what it is. I think it's got something to do with tabbing outside the edit box.
  14. Wait, so turning off updates doesn't turn off updates? This is odd. The game didn't used to warn you until after you load the save. At some point, though, I think in 1.5 or 1.6, they changed it to warn you about missing parts before it loaded the save, to prevent exactly this. I know from personal experience that it is pretty easy to instinctively click through that warning without even noticing what happened. I know you're frustrated, but yelling about it without much information isn't going to help much. Inside your save's folder should be another folder called Backup. In there should be five files with datetime stamps. Remove or rename the persistent.sfs file in the save folder, the copy one of those backup files up one level and rename it to persistent.sfs. This should let you reload your game after getting your mods back installed without much progress loss. There's also a good chance you have other saves you can load if you've ever had any quicksaves. It shouldn't delete any of that when your main save file got borked.
  15. I'm probably going to have to wait 2 days anyway since GoG isn't too speedy with their Linux releases.
  16. Could be worse. I used to keep an emergency travel stick in my glove box, because I forgot that summer was a thing. I'll let you guess what happened.
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