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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. If the hardware is 64 bit anyway. If they're looking to "upgrade" to the specs they listed, I think it's safe to assume that they are not on a 64 bit system.
  2. Windows 7 is not the problem. If the OS is the problem, it's something else, like being 32 bit and running out of memory, corruption, or an infection.
  3. Hm. Star Trek Online... would appear to be free! That's good since I just bought the BL Handsome collection for my daughter (being 94% off) and will need monies for BL3 when it comes out. I may have to check that out.
  4. What does Windows 7 have to do with it? KSP works just fine in Windows 7. While that specific computer might not have the best KSP experience with only a 1.7ghz clock, it should be able to play stock game just fine. If you'd like a wealth of advice on buying a new KSP-centric system, check out this thread. Welcome to the forum, @PuffTheCloud!
  5. The entirety of the Borderlands franchise. Given a recent announcement, I just started a runthrough of all three games to prepare for the next one. Hopefully BL3 doesn't reference back to the incredibly boring telltale games.
  6. It's not terribly point and click in Linux either. This is one of those things that's as confusing as why home inkjet printers are still terrible, terrible things after so many decades. I've done it with audacity. Once you get the process down, it's not terrible. https://www.audacityteam.org/download/mac/ https://www.labnol.org/software/record-mac-audio/1743/
  7. Advanced Tweakables needs to be enabled in your difficulty settings. Scratch that. You must have that on already for Rigid attachment. Autostruts will become available when you unlock the actual strut in the tech tree.
  8. I have a hard time saying no to a nifty looking game in early access that has native cross platform support. Sign me up. Edit: completed the first tutorial on my lunch. Some of the default controls are backwards from what's intuitive and the text could certainly use some work, but it looks like they're actively working on it. I see a lot of potential and will likely play quite a bit more tonight! The fact that you can switch between space acting like a fluid and ships behaving like they're in a sci-fi movie, and space acting realistically is awesome.
  9. RAS syndrome (where "RAS" stands for "redundant acronym syndrome", making the phrase "RAS syndrome" self-referential) That's one of the best things I've ever read.
  10. As long as you get your $20 dollars by using your PIN number at the ATM machine.
  11. Speaking of the search feature, I think it's hilarious that going to the next page is considered a new search, so if you manage to actually run a search, then click on the next page too quickly, it yells at you for performing another search too soon.
  12. They can't fix solar panels. AFAIK they can only fix broken wheels and re-pack parachutes. In order to swap parts, you will need KIS/KAS.
  13. I may have to retract what I said earlier. When I got my laptop, getting Mint installed was a bit of a fight due to the UEFI on the laptop being... difficult. I managed to get it installed in such a way I couldn't remember, but I was using a UEFI install image. I wiped the thing today, and re-installed straight up in legacy mode using a non-UEFI install image. Overall the computer seems to be running better, even in KSP. No matter what, though, get a cooling pad. KSP bakes laptops like you wouldn't believe.
  14. lol no. I've been there twice, briefly. I live about 45 minutes north of Branson, MO in a lovely town best "known" for the world's largest fork, and one of (if not the only) remaining factories in the country still manufacturing cassette tapes.
  15. He's living in a blanket fort in some kind of commune. So, not ideally. He also just got there. It's also 1600 miles, and I refuse to get on a plane. I hope I will visit him soonish though, as he does have the Shuttle I do want to see. It sucks, I also really want to see a Falcon 9 launch, but I want to see it land on land.... which they don't really do out of california.... that would require going to florida... which, again, wrong shuttle!
  16. I just found out that my brother, who recently moved to CA, is ELEVEN MILES from SpaceX's headquarters in Hawthorne. And I'm about as far from everything space related one can be and still live in the continental US. Although there is a chance we'll be going to DC this fall for my wife's uncle's funeral at Arlington, so I'll get to see Discovery. Not the shuttle I wanted to see though. I'm sad.
  17. The i5-7200U is a hyperthreaded dual core. https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/95443/intel-core-i5-7200u-processor-3m-cache-up-to-3-10-ghz.html There are no single core processors in the i3/i5/i7/i9.
  18. I have nearly this exact laptop. Same specs anyway. It's... ok. I think it's held back by the U SKU processor. If I could go back and do it again, I wouldn't get a U SKU processor.
  19. It probably isn't a huge priority since that kind of situation is pretty rare. There probably aren't very many of us walking/driving up to rockets on the pad. Unfortunately there's a lot of stuff that you can ask "Why don't they fix that" to and never get an answer.
  20. Oh, I have been there. My rockets were much, much bigger than that though. It's an issue with you coming into Physics range. Two mods I can think of that will help you are KJR and World Stabilizer. I know it's marked as 1.3, but take a look at the last few pages of the thread before you install. I won't play without this mod. I'm honestly not sure if World Stabilizer will help with your exact problem, but it's not a bad idea to look at it anyway.
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