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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I hope not. I'll refer you to the dozens of threads where multiplayer is thoroughly discussed and no agreement is ever found to take care of the handful of multiplayer game-breaking issues.
  2. Steam KSP is DRM free. There's also GoG. You should also be able to get him an online VISA gift card or something.
  3. I woke up. Now I'm at work. I'll do some things at work. Then I'll go home, and lie to myself that I'm going to do housework while I sit at my computer and flip between games until I actually catch interest in something. Then I'll watch an episode of Game Of Thrones, and go to bed.
  4. When I wait the 5 minutes for the game to load, then as soon as I get into the VAB I realize I don't really wanna play it. Been happening a lot lately.
  5. Maybe 1-2 hours after starting the (terrible) tutorial, which was a couple weeks after I got the game. I didn't watch any KSP videos on YouTube. Still haven't, really. All the Scott Manley videos I've watched have been the real-life ones, I don't just watch people playing video games on YouTube. The only KSP playing I've seen on YouTube was for a point, like something someone on here shared, or someone using KSP to demonstrate some factor of orbital lauches. I never played the demo. I bought the game because of Randall Munroe.
  6. There have been plenty of times I could have used an extra 10-15% oompf from the engines. It certainly shouldn't be "free", have it make the engines overheat, get an ISP hit, be unable to overthrottle while gimbled, something. But the point is, if the game's attitude is that the engines should never go above 100%, that's fine, but then why is it part of the indicator?
  7. It's not that great even on a good computer. I tried, again. This time with two. At the pad it was almost 1,800 parts. Launch didn't happen until 5 minutes after I hit the space bar. This probably would have been better if I had gone into a stock + KJR/KER game instead of my main modded install though. There is just too much drag in the saucer section from the sheer number of parts. The solution here may be to launch the thing upside down. I might give that a try later today. Notice the navball - I apparently irritated the game so much launching this thing that it changed the control point when I launched. Uh... Well, crap. Your English is a little broken, but I can understand you just fine. Stick around here and you'll get a lot of practice. That really sucks! Not that the movies aren't great (except 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, & 13)... but there is so much to all the TV shows!
  8. It's always bothered me that you can't click and drag for throttle control. Also that the gauge goes above 100% with a redline as if over-throttling your engines was an option.
  9. I spent an hour trying to build a launcher for this 852 part beast. I think the biggest issue is that there's an insane amount of parts in the saucer section, which causes all kind of drag issues. I finally got it stable enough to do two full somersaults before it would finally crash back down. Nice ship though. I haven't F12ed it into orbit yet to see how it does in space. Caveat on that - it does require MH.
  10. Well, it seems I am. I apparently downloaded the newer version, but never got around to actually upgrading it. Sorry about that. All is well now, thank you!
  11. ModuleManage.ConfigCache: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OilSexcfauP5IPlJnFIcypYLCdmJGWWt KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AQVqIGbJ6Mi0BL1XrL9cPUmyGLMDt-WK I do get that message with the LAMF.
  12. Do you have the "Fuel Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules" enabled in your difficulty settings?
  13. Ok. I also launched two rockets. They were identical except one used the BLAM/SLAM setup, and one used the LAMF. I used an MP tank inside the fairing as ballast because the LAM(F) weighs 0.2T more than the BLAM with 4 SLAMs on it. The rockets are 121.034t for the BLAM, and 121.042t for the LAMF. BLAM/SLAM: The Mk1-3 capsule inside the fairing has a drag number, and the highest altitude is ~506km. LAMF: The Mk1-3 capsule inside the fairing doesn't have a drag number, and the highest altitude is ~604km.
  14. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it by searching. Is there any way to have what's inside of the Sarnus-SIVB-BLAM / SLAM occluded from drag like it is inside of the Sarnus-SIVB-LAM(F)?
  15. As with almost all questions about rocket design, we're going to need to see some pictures of the craft you're working with. Based on what you're saying, you have way too much drag up top, which is grabbing the air and whipping the rocket around. Impossible to say without pictures though.
  16. Co-worker said the words "cream cheese", and now I'm hankering for a Ham, pickle, and cream cheese bagel sandwich.
  17. IIRC it worked perfectly on the first launch with all 13 souls making it just fine. As @The Aziz pointed out, you have symmetry, so it's not much different than launching a rocket. I did have some Kraken-y issues once in orbit though. And there were many failures of single-shuttle launches. Such as boosters hitting wings. And, of course...
  18. Considering it's on sale on Steam right now for $15.99, not sure you'll do any better with a discount. https://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/Kerbal_Space_Program/
  19. Since it was invented for a small group of students to share notes and homework assignments, you're probably right. It was several years old before you could even sign up without a .edu email address.
  20. I saw this and immediately thought of this thread.
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