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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Aww, you gave it eyebrows. Why does it always look so surprised?
  2. Welcome aboad! Quite! While it's certainly not real life, this is rocket science. I was right in your position when I started. My first couple weeks were essentially sending useless impactors to the Mun just to see if I could hit it. I didn't know anything about orbits that Star Trek didn't teach me. (And Star Trek couldn't have gotten it much more wrong) Lots of good tutorials and people here. If you have any specific questions, head over to the Gameplay Questions section. If you can't find what you're after, just ask! Since you seem to have at least gotten past the "pointy end goes up" stage, you're doing well. If you're having issues collecting enough science, you'll need to read up on biomes.
  3. Howdy indeed, @MrSystems! You and I... have very different playstyles. I'm on the "just wing it" train. Of course, I don't do much exploring now. I tend to just build silly things and see if they work, blow up, or break the game.
  4. New release, v 0.2 Added some nodes: RCS Ball Radial RCS Tanks Wings @ioresult Some Control Surfaces Nosecones @Tonka Crash Cargo Bays
  5. My guess would be there's an issue over at Cloudfare, not with KSP's website itself. I'm "banned" as well. @UomoCapra?
  6. Well, this is weird... I thought your name looked familiar.
  7. Since it's so confusing for you, go with CKAN. It's a separate program, it doesn't actually interact with KSP, just manages the mod installs for you. Once you get CKAN running, you shouldn't have to worry about proper directory structure, dependencies, versions, etc. Not to say that means you can't have issues, but I think it's your best bet.
  8. This weekend will be a good amount of the Anthem demo, probably. I don't know much about it, but a friend gave me a token to get access to the demo this weekend. Which means I'll need to boot into Windows. Sigh. The things we do for friendship.
  9. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/55-suggestions-development-discussion/
  10. It took me awhile to figure out what you guys were talking about. I stopped using that thing about 5 minutes after I got the game. I was just sick of it constantly whining about decouplers being on backwards when they, you know, weren't.
  11. Up until I actually jumped into 1.6.1, I would say 1.3.1. But I'm rather pleased with 1.6.1 so far.
  12. They're working for me. Do you happen to have MalwareBytes? They falsely flag CubeUpload as Malware, and, despite admitting it's a false positive, they haven't whitelisted it.
  13. That's pretty much what I did. Most of them I had a good start by just duplicating what they had for node_attach and tweaking from there, usually just needing to invert the vector for some reason.
  14. How? They didn't make the console version because they decided the game needed to be played with a controller. They made it to expand their market. There's plenty of people who only have a console capable of gaming, either by choice or financial reasons. We've even gotten to the point where plenty of people don't even own a computer by choice. Enabling keyboard and mouse inputs on console KSP is a good idea. Personally I don't see how this game could be playable without at least a mouse. Enabling these inputs on the consoles would not only help a lot of player frustration, but it would help show that the console players haven't been abandoned.
  15. I hadn't really thought about it, but I'm now envisioning being able to build larger wings with nodes similar to the structural plates instead of surface attaching. Would be a bit involved, so could take awhile. Which wings are you using? I'll do them first.
  16. Everything looks fine to me. I noticed on the first couple videos I uploaded, they seemed to get knocked down to lower quality when uploaded... Then I realized I was just watching them in low quality. If you click on the gear in the bottom right, what resolution are you viewing at?
  17. Hello! I don't know either of you, but welcome back!
  18. I made a mod! (sort of) Introducing: Superfluous Nodes! Ever get tired of precisely placing surface attach parts, such as solar panels, science experiments, wheels, etc, when there's a perfectly good node available? ..no? Well, I did. So I played around a bit in MM, learned a thing or two, and patched up a bunch of stock parts with nodes. Complete Parts List (as of 0.8): Pods: EAS-1 External Command Seat (switchable) Mk1 Lander Can (switchable) Mk2 Inline Cockpit (switchable) Mk2 Lander Can (switchable): Nodes meant to be used in Rover variant for wheels. Patch provided by @zer0Kerbal Mk3 Cockpit (switchable): Nodes are meant to be used with Kelsus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer. Attaching the ladder with the nodes ensure smooth transition between the Kelsus and the handhold on the cockpit for your kerbals. This has been a huge pet peeve of mine. Fuel Tanks: Stratus-V Roundified MP Tank Stratus-V Cylindrified MP Tank Engines: Sepratron I Command And Control: Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port RV-105 RCS Thruster Block[+v2] Structural: M-2x2 Structural Panel(switchable): This patch is disabled if KIS present. M-Beam 200 I-Beam(switchable) M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition(switchable) Modular Girder Segment(switchable) Modular Girder Segment XL(switchable) Modular Girder Adapter(switchable) Octagonal Strut(switchable) All Structural Tubes (Making History)[Texture Color Variants] Robotics (Breaking Ground): G-01L Alligator Hinge G-01L Alligator Hinge G-32W Hinge Coupling: All Engine Plates (Making History)[Texture Color Variants] Shielded Docking Port (This is a static node and isn't affected by the port being open or closed) Payload: Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04(switchable) Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-08(switchable) Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25(switchable) Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-50(switchable) Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-100(switchable) Aerodynamics: Advanced Nose Cone - Type A Advanced Nose Cone - Type B Aerodynamic Nose Cone Big-S Delta Wing(switchable) Big-S Elevon 1 Big-S Elevon 2 Big-S Wing Strake(switchable) Delta Wing(switchable) Elevon 1 Elevon 2 Elevon 3 Elevon 4 FAT-455 Aeroplane Main Wing Small Delta Wing(switchable) Structural Wing Type A(switchable) Structural Wing Type B(switchable) Structural Wing Type C(switchable) Structural Wing Type D(switchable) Swept Wing Type A(switchable) Swept Wing Type B(switchable) Swept Wings(switchable) Wing Connector Type A(switchable) Wing Connector Type B(switchable) Wing Connector Type C(switchable) Wing Connector Type D(switchable) Wing Connector Type E(switchable) Wing Strake(switchable) Ground: LY-10 Small Landing Gear LY-35 Medium Landing Gear LY-60 Large Landing Gear LY-99 Extra Large Landing Gear RoverMax Model M1 RoverMax Model S2 TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel Thermal: Thermal Control System(small) Thermal Control System(medium) Thermal Control System(large) Electrical: Fuel Cell Fuel Cell Array OX-4W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels OX-4L 6x1 Photovoltaic Panels OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels SP-L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panels SP-W 3x2 Photovoltaic Panels Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack Z-400 Rechargeable Battery OX-10C Photovoltaic Panels SP-10C Photovoltaic Panels OX-10L Photovoltaic Panels SP-10L Photovoltaic Panels Communication: Communotron 16-S Communotron DTS-M1 Communotron HG-55 Science: 2HOT Thermometer Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer Double-C Seismic Accelerometer GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector Mystery Goo Containment Unit PresMat Barometer Surface Scanning Module Utility: Illuminator Mk1 Illuminator Mk2 Kelvus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer Mk12-R Radial-Mount Drogue Chute Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute Mk2 Crew Cabin Navigation Light Mk1 Domelight Mk1 Spotlight Mk1 Lightstrip Mk1 I'm working on the landing legs (on hold). They're proving to be more of a problem than I'd anticipated. There are patches in here that give you a switch to disable the corner nodes on all the square and right triangle structural panels from Making History, at the request of @Barzon Kerman. They default to on, so if you don't care, you won't notice. License: MIT Download: SpaceDock Secondary (please use Spacedock if able) Source: These are just MM patches, they are the source. Dependencies: ModuleManager B9PartSwitch Installation: Remove any Superfluous Node folder from your GameData folder, then copy the contents of the zip folder into your GameData folder. Recommended Mods To Go With Superfluous Nodes: KIS/KAS: Precision building in the field is much better with nodes Konstruction: You can weld nodes, you can't weld surface attach parts (iirc)!
  19. I've been fiddling around with making a group of patches to add some attachment nodes to some stock parts. I think I got it all figured out, except for the two larger landing legs. The rotation is causing me issues. After changing parameters in initRotation and node_stack_top for awhile, I finally got them to basically line up ok..... from one direction. You can see that one of these is obviously fine, which is the default position that I was testing with. When I use 'W' or 'E' to rotate, the part looks fine, until I attach it to the node. Here's my patch: @PART[landingLeg1] { node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.0, 0.95, -1.0, 1 @initRotation = 21.05, -1.0, 0, 0 @attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 } @PART[landingLeg1-2] { node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.4271562, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0, -0.33, 1 @initRotation = 36.5, -1.0, 0, 0 @attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 } Original initRotation values landingLeg1 initRotation = 92.098920000, -0.1879652,-0.9640219,-0.1879652 landingLeg2 initRotation = 95.187980000, -0.2879681,-0.9133175,-0.287968 Also the node itself seems to be rotated. However, it does basically work if I nix out the initRotate and use different node settings, like in these patches. The leg just doesn't look lined up when it's not attached, and the LT-2 has trouble attaching, by rapidly switching between on the node and hovering/red. @PART[landingLeg1] { node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, -1.0, 1 @initRotation = 0,0,0,0 @attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 } @PART[landingLeg1-2] { node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.4271562, 0.05, 0.0, 0.7, -1.0, 1 @initRotation = 0,0,0,0 @attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 } I have a feeling I'm using one of these parameters incorrectly. I would appreciate any direction.
  20. I recommend using wheels. That said, are you playing career? Landing a plane with early landing gear on that bumpy runway with the crappy stock wheel physics/settings is ironically not for beginners. If you are in career, I recommend loading up a sandbox game with the more advanced parts and get your skill honed first.
  21. Can you change the pole so we can pick more than one?
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