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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I believe that's happening because it's inside of the service bay. Move it outside and see if you can put a kerbal in it.
  2. I did find a small bug, easy fix. For so long I thought it was stock, and I was just going to correct it with SuperfluousNodes, but it turns out it's KIS. The added Nodes on the 2x2 structural panel need to be fixed. I noticed one of the corners on one side didn't have a node some time ago. @PART[structuralPanel2] { %node_stack_topSW = -0.5, 0.0275, -0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0 %node_stack_topSE = 0.5, 0.0275, -0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0 %node_stack_topNW = -0.5, 0.0275, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0 %node_stack_topNE = 0.5, 0.0275, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0 %node_stack_bottomSW = -0.5,-0.0275, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0 %node_stack_bottomSW = 0.5,-0.0275, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0 %node_stack_bottomNW = -0.5,-0.0275, 0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0 %node_stack_bottomNE = 0.5,-0.0275, 0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0 } Change one to bottomSE and all is good.
  3. I'm seeing the same thing, the SEP Central station went from 45L to 795L
  4. I dunno, I had that happen on a new save before I had a chance to launch a rocket.
  5. Well, there are timers. You could set the timer for the length of the burn, to trigger a shutdown action group when the time runs out. Activate the timer and the engines at the same time. Not terribly precise though.
  6. I love me some Cities: Skylines. But I had the same irk, it's too free. It's not griddy enough, so it took some getting used to, especially trying to build perfectly symmetrical diverging diamond over the interstates. One or two pixels can ruin the whole thing. I do that too, in most games. KSP is really bad for it. I had a city that wasn't going the way I'd wanted, but instead of just starting over, I decided to have some fun with it. It is way harder than it should be to intentionally burn your city to the ground. I ended up walling off most of it, then sticking a bunch of the sewage pump things downtown. Despite all the taxes being maxed, all services halted, and the city literally drowning in sewage, I still had a few hundred citizens that were channeling their inner New Orleans Citizen refusing to leave.
  7. To kinda tie in on that: Is it possible to use AP and PE as triggers?
  8. A mod adding something to the game is not the same as it being stock. I have nothing against what is added via a mod, but features that let the game play itself need to stay out of stock.
  9. Stuff like this would be the gateway to KSP becoming a TellTale "game" littered with quick time events. Next it's "Pilots should be able to make and execute manuever nodes!" Then "Pilots should be able to launch to orbit!" Before you know it, your interaction with the game is pushing the [Launch To Orbit], [Go To Mun], [Land On Mun] buttons in the right order.
  10. Step one is to not use Mk2 parts. They're insanely draggy.
  11. Yeah I can see that one. Not sure what was going on with your last couple posts. Google may have changed something "On your behalf"
  12. When I was in Boy Scouts, we would have one in our campsite every year during summercamp.
  13. Welcome to America, where FedEx actually has to make an announcement that they will, in fact, be doing their jobs during the Superbowl "festivities". We may be taking this nonsense a bit too far, guys.
  14. What, did you need MORE green on your profile?

    Congrats buddy!

    1. adsii1970


      Thank you! To be honest, I am honored and appreciate your kind words...

  15. I think slipping in a chance of death during thawing would be a nice balance element.
  16. What kind of mod restrictions? FMRS is pretty much required for this.
  17. @aagun123 I can't see your pictures. You might need to tweak your privacy settings.
  18. I understand there's a Black Arrow rocket on display at the London Science Museum.
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