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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. ..this is what we call an 'oops' moment.
  2. cause why the hell not? XD
  3. ..this is going to be so much fun to play with.
  4. where are the thruster ports located? do the thrusters have full reactive capability, eg roll, pitch, yaw, translation control, thrust/reverse?
  5. integrated rcs, probe core and battery, I take it that means she's got monoprop for that rcs?
  6. any plans on updating for ksp 1.3.1?
  7. fair warning, even with identical sets of mods, not everyone's experience is the same, so, while kerbal+modset alpha(example only) might work for one person, it may not work for another.
  8. will this release be compatible with 1.3.0 for those of us waiting on other mods to get their 1.3.1 compatible updates?
  9. doesnt seem like everyone's experiences are identical, then again, no two kerbal installations are alike, even with identical mod sets installed and all..
  10. 1.3.1 crashes with ANY mods installed, its equal opportunity crash city.
  11. are you both playing care of steam? if so, right click the game in your library, click properties, click betas tab, the first dropdown, select version 1.3.0 and steam will handle it for you. happy rocketry!
  12. that'd work as well, or, make a shortcut to the executable(32 or 64 bit) stick it on the desktop, doubleclick to run, no need to even bother with steam past installing in the first place, just make sure steam isnt set to start on pc boot.
  13. yes. in steam library, right click, properties, betas, first dropdown, select 1.3.0, steam will do the rest. happy rocket flying.
  14. and ksp just updated, and with that, pretty much every NFT mod is flagging an 'unsupported version, please use ksp 1.3.0'
  15. equipped the s-ivb fuel tank, got to orbit just fine. think I found my butter zone. thanks guys! happy flying!
  16. I went radials as well, on the second stage I put 4 on the top and bottom each, and reversed the bottom ones so that thruster aims upwards, lets me pull the stage back away from my MOL hab, and by extension, my capsule.
  17. true, and I intend to swap the tank, I went big as a starting point, now I can see what I can trim out for better performance, hit that happy middle ground.
  18. S-IVC tank ended up being enough for a higher than expected orbit, thank you overpowered sarnus-he2j-550-s engines...went with a twin mount care of the s-ivc mounting plate, that and the twin mount looked cooler and gave me that roll control the two rocket scientists above me were going on about the stock s-j2 was underpowered on the twin mount, so it became a case of overpowered or underpowered. I took the former option. I omitted the LAS as thats weight I didnt deem worth while in bringing up.
  19. I went with the S-IVC tank on the second stage as I want a little more fuel, I dont have to use it all and have installed the remote so I can deorbit the second stage safely on its own. edit: figured out why she wanted to nose over towards inland..I only had one communications dish on the mol in the lem bay. you'd be surprised at what can throw off a launch stack's weight balance..
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