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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. *snort* vanguard and explorer are PITAs to fly. you can get them up, but their shelf life is measured in minutes. no joke.
  2. outdated or not, I was able to take the overview image, and the individual stage part lists and made a working saturn V rocket. if the part names are throwing you, drop in the realnames.cfg into the game data folder.
  3. the ports on the craft in this mod, will they work with the ports in the tantares stock alike mir and soyuz mod? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73686-131-tantares-stockalike-soyuz-and-mir-5121102017kosmos-rocket/&
  4. it does, but as an earlier poster commented, you're going to want to build this from scratch, as the preexisting craft files might have inherited behaviors from older config files. there is a parts list up there in the proper assembly order, supplied by @Hay that should help you.
  5. I can build the csm...but the kicker stage and knowing where to put the rcs is where I have issues.
  6. thank you. copying these down to a note pad. quick question..do you have a pic of the orion csm with kicker stage(both us and eu version if available) so I know where the rcs and whatnot need to go? ...block 3?
  7. the orion csm I can figure out easy enough..its the launcher proper on up to where it actually mates TO the orion thats throwing me. aka I need a guide for building the launcher.
  8. I dont suppose there's a step by step set of assembly instructions for the crewed SLS block 1 and block 2?
  9. can I continue to use the yet to be updated packs with 1.3.1?
  10. @damonvv it comes from the bluedog design bureau and aside from the solar batteries, is perhaps legitimately the smallest and lightest solar array available at present. the realnames config file makes life so much easier XD
  11. I suppose I could just fly her as I've got her at the moment, or add another stage to her..which would work I think.
  12. I am not asking for a timeline..but please tell me this is going in the next update..I LOVE having new boosters to play with. on the lack o alternator..thats why I needed to put batteries of some kind on the second stage. once decoupled from the payload, one then has an otherwise altogether too short a time to work the stage into position for a self deorbit burn. is there perhaps a slim battery pack or something you're aware of that I could slot into position on the second stage booster?
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