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Everything posted by RaiderMan

  1. well, as they say..fire in the hole..... ok, a tilting inland during first launch attempt, and then during pitch over at 6000 meters, uncontrolled tumble.....lets try this again. ....forgot the decoupler.
  2. for the village idiot who doesnt wish to annoy himself by constantly swapping models..please? -begs-
  3. I'm cheating and using the aerodynamic mount and the s1b cluster engine there...plus the aux thrusters. looks to be coming together nicely, just need that second stage parts list.
  4. to be honest...I cheat and mount decouplers to the s1b fins and srbs for assist. that said..the payload/lack of payload in the lem bay affects launch weight. try sending it up sans payload.
  5. I cant wait to play with a release version of this new set of parts.
  6. that makes sense, and would make more than a few people happy. the lack of a shuttle or even an analog of said shuttle, mod has long vexed many people.
  7. ok...that makes sense. could you instead do the sliding cargo bay door thing? something that can slide along the hull, out of the way as it were? the entire idea here is to if possible, emulate the space shuttle, given there are precisely zero RELIABLE shuttle mods/parts available that I've been able to find thus far. you can say no, but, as you've said in the past, if one wishes to see an idea possibly incorporated, then one must post it whilst the vehicle is still in development.
  8. could you, when making the cargo version, make two sets of cargo and fuel tanks, small tankage/cargo, large tankage/cargo. that way, depending on what one wishes to put up, there's a means of doing so? say someone wants to put up a docking node that has 6 ports, or wishes to ferry a small capsule with retro package up.... also, dont forget the cargo doors, ones that preferably slide out of the way rather than open like petals and stick out in all kinds of hard to work around ways? one more request, remote control or accomodation for at least a two kerbal flight crew?
  9. does the bfr have a cargo bay of some sort?
  10. eh...this may be a potentially dumb and obvious question...did you stage the hold down clamps with or after the engines?
  11. yeah, vanguard was a bit of a weird duck, I watched a friend of mine build it and it didnt quite want to assemble properly initially, a case of the part hit boxes being close together and causing confusion for the game.
  12. so whats the recommended stack configuration for this one?
  13. there is another mod needed for the newer IVAs, dependencies listed on the first page of the thread.
  14. Nertea just had a kid, so, I'd not expect any work on any of his mods anytime soon. also..asking? just makes most mod authors move all that much slower.
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