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Everything posted by Ahres

  1. Don't worry, they're almost definitely wrong.
  2. Linking my comment from the Hype Train thread. I think folks wanting to find out when the next Feature Video is coming should give it a read in order to manage their expectations.
  3. @t_v doing good work. It's worth mentioning that before the last Feature Video there was an Instagram post like this saying filming was in progress. The post showed Aaron Lundquist, Senior VFX Artist being filmed. Except... that shot didn't appear in the last episode.... Why? Was it just edited out? Or are they actually one episode ahead in terms of filming and releasing? I still can't remember who pointed it out, but KSP's YouTube channel has a video that hasn't been made public yet, or however that works. Maybe the next episode is already good to go and they're actually filming for the one after this next one. The time between the debut of that last Feature Video and the Instagram post that came before it was a couple months I believe. So if only because of precedence, I'd say look for it in April.
  4. Wow. My timing was impeccable, if I may say so myself. Talk about a rabbit trail I can't help but follow, I'm probably going to start a thread that puts all my thoughts together. There's a few things to address here. I don't think it's about planets. The last one was about planets.
  5. I noticed this after I already commented. Good catch @Thundy, I'm not sure I ever realized Nate had said that. If you take the time to go back and look I'm sure you'd find the answer. I do remember Episodes 3 and 4 came out on Fridays.
  6. I was one of the first to point out the Feature Videos were coming out every 5-6 months, and then @Thundy made that really handy graphic to show it better. I have to critique my own observation though. Just because they've been coming out every 5-6 months doesn't mean they'll continue to do so. I hope that as game release gets closer maybe the time between video releases decreases. Although, according to Episode 1.5, there's only one more episode coming and it's about colonies. So stoked for that one. Even with all that said, Intercept could've decided to add more topics to do Feature Videos on - particularly multiplayer.
  7. I wonder if it's time to start wondering when the next Feature Video will be. I don't remember who it was now, someone on the forums pointed out how there's a private video on KSP's youtube channel.
  8. Not to ignore your good point in the rest of your comment, but you had at me at "pretty". I could stare at images like these for a very long time. In fact, I kind of already do.... Does anyone else start up a visually-modded KSP, turn off the UI, and have it going in the background or on your second monitor so you can watch Kerbin slowly spin by underneath you while you work? Can't wait to do the same with KSP2, especially after seeing this Show and Tell.
  9. Some hype. I've been way more hyped about the game than I am right now though.
  10. This is good to know. Who knew that The Aziz being a fan of HFW would refine my expectations for KSP2? Now if that full campaign would just start already....
  11. I've been holding out hope for an earlier (like April) release. I think that ship has sailed though. So I guess now my optimistic self will hang on to it coming mid-year.
  12. What do you folks think? Any hope for a release the first half of this year?
  13. That’s what I gathered. I was just surprised by it. Particularly that there was a release date mentioned.
  14. Admittedly, now that we got a S&T two weeks ago my expectations are higher today...
  15. Some of the early Show and Tell's include Nate Simpson talking about the soundtrack by Howard Mostrom. What you hear in the S&T's will be in the game. Nate definitely has high praise for it.
  16. I have to laugh because I'm frequently reminded on these forums that @shdwlrd and I are almost polar opposites. Frankly, I think this type of start would be perfect for new players because they would learn about each part and each celestial body and not be intimidated by the myriad parts that will be at our disposal. And, as a veteran player, it's appealing to me as well because I'm always enticed by a "fresh start" or "clean slate" and really building up and developing my space program's capabilities. I'm also not sure you can say you're "stripping out everything the Kerbals have done in KSP1". If you could continue your KSP1 save in KSP2 then maybe this would have some merit. But I fully expect adventure mode to start with only a handful of parts and little/no information on any celestial bodies - even Kerbolar ones. So, sticking with the polar opposites theme here, I think that does sound like a fun game to me.
  17. Tough to tell if the RP is meaningful. As @daninplainsight pointed out in a different thread, the RP was even on the cinematic announcement trailer. So if you're right, that would mean multiplayer has been close ever since the announcement.
  18. To me it feels like the difference here was that this Show & Tell was more formal. It had the rating pending, the KSP2 screen at the end, and was shown on other platforms besides the forums. In the past, I believe it was only the forums (maybe also reddit?) that were getting the S&T's on Fridays, while the rest got it the following Monday or Tuesday. But this time it was on Twitter also. I'm assuming it was on other platforms as well, but I haven't looked. I don't know what it means, except maybe PD and/or T2 wanted less S&T's and the fewer ones that are given are more presentable and official?
  19. Good morning @KSPStar. I don't know if it's even worth chasing down, but thought I'd make you aware of this in case it's sketchy.
  20. I'm with you, @Pthigrivi. My preferences for LS appear to be quite in line with your own.
  21. Some vocal forum members will still disagree but you can’t argue with the current facts: We get KSP2 this year.
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