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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. Use the kerbal x website Yes, you can become a payload provider if you want
  2. USSR mission 4: Initial Funds: 129,329 Cost: 18,180 Subtotal: 111,149 Bonus: 8,000 Total: 119,149
  3. I also rebooted it a few days ago, but my version is stock and somewhat different.
  4. Hint- launch two crafts- one booster and a lander and dock them in kerbin orbit. The booster should just be a probe core and engine, and should be able to push the lander to minimus.
  5. Pulsed plasmoids can use hydrogen and are unrelated to MPDs. It was invented by Philip Eklund.
  6. You can angle the sail to slow down and deorbit. What about pulsed plasmoids? They have low thrust, though much more than ion drives, and have very high isps. They work by turning propellant into ball lightning and shooting it out the engine.
  7. Why is NASA using the SLS to decrease transit time instead of increasing the mass of the clipper? Unless they can send a lander, they might detect "signs" of life, but not actual life. Why not just sent the lander and not the orbiter?
  8. Results are in! Missions: Flagship: Manned Minimus Orbit New Frontiers: Eve Flyby Duna Flyby Discovery: One polar orbiting communications satellite Mun impactor Minimus impactor Minimus relay Payloads and rockets open to submission
  9. The new ITS will also have a swinging fairing, so it could put up a really big probe for NASA, with enough fuel in the probe to go to anywhere.
  10. An practical auxiliary use of a Mars rocket. Also, this is a discussion about manned missions to Mars, not fighter jet development.
  11. This is actually quite different then the ITS. The ITS, once fueled, can independently land on Mars, refuel, and return without any prepositioned equipment. Also, fighter jets have little to do with the topic.
  12. Here is my rocket, the Microsat 2, it is three stages and launches 0.27 tons to trans-munar injection. https://kerbalx.com/DAL59/Micro-Sat2 36,513 cost, I will charge 42,000 per launch. Later version may have reusable upper stage(for non mun missions).
  13. Played DMP for the first time. My pod clipped through a station and the engine exploded, so I had to EVA over to the docked shuttle and land it. It was hard to control, so I landed it vertically in the water. Also made the biggest necropost in forum history: https://imgur.com/a/T9UHJ 6 years!
  14. Inspired by @Oliverm001x No mods allowed This works by becoming a launch provider or payload provider. No spaceplanes. Each launch provider only gets 50,000 funds to start, but payloads are free. After launching a payload, the provider earns 5 times the cost of the payload. The missions of payloads are decided by a "decadal survey(poll)", and the cost of payload must be less than 5,000(unless vessel masses less than 3 tons) for Discovery class missions, less than 20,000 for New Frontiers class missions, and less than 100,000 for Flagship-class missions. After every two successful launches, the launcher can be upgraded to have better tech. (Parts not mentioned are always allowed) First generation: No SRBs larger than the Hammer, only FL tanks, and only Terrier, Reliant, and Swivel engines Second generation: Airbrakes, parachutes, Rockomax parts and Rockomax sized engines, Thumper SRBs Third generation: Toroidal aerospikes, radial engines, tiny engines, Kickback boosters, landing gear Forth generation: Kerbodyne engines and fuel tanks, nuclear engine, Asparagus staging A failed launch results is a loss of funds of both the rocket and payload. Launch Provider Payload Providers:
  15. Should I make a public google doc like the community space station?
  16. This has been done, in the OPM mod. Tal is a moon of Wal which in turn is a moon of Urlum.
  17. All I have is a MK1 pod and a parachute. Does everyone have this same problem? I've never seen it in any videos. When I say spinning, I don't mean a mild rotation, I mean almost every second it flips 360.
  18. Immediately after EVAing from any non-landed vessel, the ship starts spinning until the kerbal is thrown off the ladder. I disabled reaction wheels and reset trim, but it did not help. This is a fresh install of ksp with no mods.
  19. I thought I would have had Project Rho Atomic Rockets, but that was bing. I last searched the battle of hastings. So a few thousand soldiers.
  20. Made a small rocket with a reusable second(but not first) stage. Airbrakes are very useful.
  21. Remember to debug menu my craft into a 100 km mun orbit sans crew. Type 300 for SMA. (Because of Mun radius)
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