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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. Lets all just like the OP into the stratosphere. Come, fellow knights of the round table, we dance whenever we're able, create alt accounts and like!
  2. I use the forum on mobile, it's really not that bad. Mobile games rely on spending thousands on marketing (and somehow still making excrement-y adds) and about $20 Zimbabwe dollars on actual developement. The adds are all hilariously copied from eachother, too.
  3. Discovering the andromeda strain unlocks a new scenario and 200 science points.
  4. Ahh, out if town and away from steam 'till thursday I guess more of my money will have to be taken.
  5. 8/10, minimalistic, but my eyes hurt. Probably because it's 00:47 and i've been on my phone for 4 hours but it could be from your pfp.
  6. Do you have to Do you have to Do you have to let this thread linger?
  7. DoooooOoooooooooOooOOOoOoooo you have an extrAAaAAAAAaaAaaAaAAAa ChromosooooOoooOOoOoOoOoOoOme?? Are you an emo with Parkinson's? -all sung to me over the mic in a Rainbow Six Seige match cause I had boulevard with broken dreams.
  8. I actually have no memory of posting this. I don't think I wrote this? Either way: Calling 911 to request information on weather or not they have Prince Albert in a can and, if so, weather or not there is proper ventillation.
  9. Megamind was poorly written. Annoys anyone with a taste for good film.
  10. Not in 1.3, that's the version I play on and I've never seen it. I think 1.1? But it should be a thing.
  11. There are ways to make things to launch items into orbit, like railguns made out of Rhino engines, but i'd like there to be a stock solution for a less part- county version. Some versionof Interstellar(?) (Maybe an addon) had a railgun and power system. Maybe not like that, but like the U.S. project to literally take a battle ship cannon, put a rocket it, and say bye bye.
  12. Slime blocks. EDIT: I have realized that I was thinking if the wrong game's 1.8.x update.
  13. If you have a really fast tech guy just kick him and he'll unplug from the non- stomp box and straight into your amp. A bit of lag but still works.
  14. Someone must've slipped some Mystery Goo into the snacks.... The kerbals look awfully happy and it explains the flashy colors.
  15. Radioshack was going to be my first choice to buy my Aux- 2RCA converter and 2 RCA cables until I remembered I had to throw out my excess cable box. I could have probably build a cold fusion reactor and some guitar pedals with all the stuff that was in there. It's slowly being rebuilt.
  16. Sweet, thanks. I was going to order some RCA cables for it, just didnt know what so look for.
  17. I recently bought a Liquid Spark amplifier and a Micca MB42-c speaker, and I am not sure how to connect them up. The Spark has 4 input/output cables (2 aux for input, 2 aux for a preamp output, which i am using to go out to the speaker). I cannot figure out how to wire up the Aux inputs with the 5- way connectors on the speaker. Ill try to link a picture: The spark has 2 Aux outputs on the left, white and red, that I need to connect to the black and red inputs of the speaker. I also need to connect my PC audio to the white and red inputs of the Amp, from only one aux output. I think I need a way to get aux to speaker wire, to wrap around the pegs on the speaker. I just don't know where I can find it. I also dont k ow where i can find an Aux splitter to plug my PC into the Amp. I am actually stressed out from this as I usually dont spend over $10 on purchases
  18. So, I haven't been on the forum or played KSP since may, but I've returned to spread the good news: I've discovered the best genera of music: Celtic Punk Rock. Oh my god. Okay i'm done.

  19. I was thinking since you were not in percussion you could tell me why the winds hate us I freaking wish. Just disassemble the marimbas and xylophones and shove them in the directors car and put us in the same bus as the other winds. On the bright side the percussionists end up starting massive chants so we end up screaming All Star for 4t minutes. Imagine a hellbat and a beluga whale had a child and the child ain't got rythm and you have my band director. Sounds great, probably will get kicked out.
  20. Floor -16 Your climb down the stairs and enter a cavernous with massive piles of sewing needles everywhere. You dig through one and find some hay. (I am going to just add quotes from the game West of Loathing which is a gold mine for excrement posts)
  21. Calling 911 to inquire weather or not they are in need of refridgerator repair.
  22. Is this supposed to be a graph of your face or something? I am utterly confused and Honors Algebra 1 has not covered this. Halp
  23. Hey can you tell me why everyone trashes percussion no matter what band you're in I'm feeling sad
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