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Cyrus Playz

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Everything posted by Cyrus Playz

  1. Speaking of PQS mods, I suggest you use VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve and VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 its the two most commonly used and it can work quite well
  2. Ok I have actually loaded your mod and took a look at the asteroids and it seems that the terrain is a bit...... Stepped, lets just say Now this can be caused by a number of things, either you image resolution is not high enough , poor blending of the height map, or too high deformity, I will try to fix it for you or you can do it yourself.
  3. Yeah that planet is more or less just a challenge planet for people to try and do a mission to
  4. No not really, besides the mod isn't really ready for surface scatters and career mode you know, and if you look into how the mod works, you'll understand why
  5. Good luck with that I have made a video showing that to carry 0.1 ton to impossible orbit, you need 186 TONS of rocket, and that's without the fuel to land the thing on the surface!!
  6. probably not, as his other posts are also posted one month away from each other
  7. I mean I do have two yt channels, You can shout them out if you want...(if you do,please respond so I can send the links to you) Also another note is that the biomes and stuff aren't full implemented so you may not want to make a career mode video or smth... Also also if you want I can send you an early access version that adds some more objects that aren't quite ready for release yet.
  8. I've entered on of them caves and I won't spoil it but its not what you think.....
  9. So this is like a little asteroid pack from the looks of it, looks noice Tho gotta fix the polar spike on one of the asteroids. Also Kop objects can't have their orbits changed.....
  10. Very impressive planet pack, The idea of the whole mod is very creative and I am glad that The quality is so high despite being your second planet pack (It took me 4 planet packs to be a decent planet modder)
  11. Good for you, I too also remade my planet pack at one point after actually knowing what I am doing, hope the redevelopment will go smoothly
  12. This seems pretty cool, has a lot of potential, and gives me alot of Beyond home vibes with the surface scatters and landable Gas giants Speaking of Gas giants, You should really use Gaseous Giganticus, its very good, tho It may work differently then the one that made Gateway(The Bluish gas giant that people were showing you)'s texture so it may not generate the beautiful swirls that gateway has.
  13. Have you tried removing the Community Resource Pack? Also what version are you playing on? Because I see none of those problems for me and I now know that It doesn't work well in 1.11 or above That will be fixed in the next update.
  14. Pictures? Show the thing you want fixed as you report the issue so I can get an xample of what I am dealing with.
  15. Flamed Out: A project meant to relax from Burn out Also Flamed out: A project that gets cancelled due to getting burnt out I'm sorry.
  16. thats why I added the edit, also your mod is pretty gud too
  17. Hello, I stumbled on this mod on the forums and I have a few critiques 1st: The texture for Theta is just a venus cloud texture, which may not be good for the future of this mod 2nd:I am unsure about this but It seems that Valors texture is just a Space engine texture, which is also not very good. 3rd:I think its just my own personal nitpick, but The lore and info for the objects doesn't line up,like how According to the Info Orton was once a planet between Duna and Kerbin but now inexplicably ended up at the edges of the solar system. Hope this can help improve the mod! (edit just looked at the later pages for the mod and so I hope that these opinions can improve your future planet packs instead!!)
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