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Everything posted by Nightguard

  1. actually, it doesnt start rolling to the sides as if the other one is reversed, since i tried horizontal takeoff with the other engines, it just wants to go upside down just like when the wings are tilted down and by the time its upside down the cockpit is 1m from the ground, i tried replacing the wing parts to structural panels so the center of lift is point up again but it still happens, it only stops when i remove the vtol wings *reads support steps* ok, heres my mods airplane plus bda community resource pack firespitter interstellar fuel switch rastorpropmonitor kerbaljoint reinforcement patchmanager physics range extender quiztech of course tweakscale vessel mover modulemanager 3.0.7 KSP 1.4.4 im sure the mods work on 1.4.4 and that the install aint botched.
  2. I experienced an issue with the vtol wings, i made a quinjet and made sure the other wing is in reverse, i would take off vertically, then pitch down to move forward, then suddenly it starts rolling to the side as if the left one reversed thrust but i didnt press anything to do that. where do i find the log? imma try to recreate it later. i cant post vids right now coz my internet's slow.
  3. @linuxgurugamer look at that, if it's true maybe put in the post, maybe will help avoiding the prob, welcome to the forums @memelord1600!
  4. sooo ur working on a whole new rebrand or something, rebuilding it from the ground up? (quote from 90% of ur descriptions :)) that would be cool!
  5. @SpannerMonkey(smce) um, the carrier parts arent aligned when i attach the hangar hull to the short stern and bow. its up/down a bit.
  6. @neistridlar thanks! sorry too, no more questions, if I will have, I'll make a discussion.
  7. thanks! PS: @neistridlar what do you mean with the part tools for unity?
  8. ok for the f16 one, but i dont use the a320 as im sticking to fighter jets, where can i learn to make IVAs? im willing to learn how to make IVAs and how to use the softwares to make IVAs
  9. no, i mean it does have IVAs, but not the IVAs with Rasterprop in them already.
  10. do i put just the sm industries, and the LshipPartsRequired and the LshipPartsModern folders into gamedata to have this working? i have modulemanager already.
  11. is there a kerbal joing reinforcement for 1.4.4? ferram hasnt updated it since 1.3 and all user updates have been taken down. Or does it turn out i dont need kjr at all? EDIT: i found a replacement!
  12. ... is this gonna be updated for 1.4.4? im gonna die of headache, seriously.
  13. uuuuh no. i dont even know how to do basic modding, i dunno how to make parts or iva's even... though... i'd like to learn...
  14. oh no, my fighters' gonn' die I have a suggestion, can you put the radar windows, flir camera, and other stuff in rpm? or maybe put the weapon manager in rpm too? something like that. that way, it would be cool to use iva view when dogfighting (and/or boatfighting and tank fighting) @DoctorDavinci @Papa_Joe
  15. nevermind! it works! just turns out theres no iva for the ones i use
  16. airplane plus. until now i still dont know where i can findi the output log, I'll show the screenshot tomorrow
  17. I put the jsi folder in the gamedata folder, but the cockpits still dont have rpm. im sure they will have if there was nothing wrong i was using 1.4.4 ksp as well and i have modulemanager. anyone got ideas?
  18. does this work for 1.4.4? the carrier in the accesories mod is not as good as this. Please update!!!
  19. so far, i dont think you can put x2 symmetry if the part youre putting the part on is on 4x. just put 2 pairs of 2x symmetry and use the grid, that way, you can use 2x symmetry on the panels.
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