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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. How many tons of air and water are there in the atmosphere of Kerbin? Good luck manufacturing a fraction of that.
  2. A quick workaround for this is using the offset tool. The collision mesh of the decoupler should be hollow. Stack Overflow in a nutshell
  3. Yep - fun movies but not any less insane than everything that came after them
  4. Of course, all the things Solo was alive to see before then - hyperspace tunnels, planes in space, giant space lasers, some insane spiel about using the force to aim a photon torpedo blind, those were perfectly logical. Nah, it was all a coma - Han Solo is obsessed with guns and that's why the heroes are sharpshooters while the aim of the stormtroopers border on Deus Ex Machina, and his insanely boring office life results in him drinking
  5. I'd be happy to see an elaboration on this.
  6. This is a public forum though, and kerballs is absolutely right in their evaluation. Forcing people to answer the way you want and trying to butt out others joining in doesn't exactly provoke decent conversations.
  7. I'd guess the scenario where you were more careful with your resources, or the scenario where the game lets you trade in resources of one type for another, or the scenario where uranium and steel are lumped into the same generic resource budget when inside the VAB (say that parts take the amount of resources specified on the tin, and 1 unit of uranium counts to x units of resources). Edit: If someone asks you to pick from two scenarios, and they will happily throw accusations of bad faith if a viable third scenario is proposed, that in itself is bad faith. Would much rather see people not trying to railroad discussions in their favour. Figured I'd throw that out there for future readers.
  8. Yes, in the scenario you imagined where you only earn steel. My bad for not wanting redundant systems that only muddy gameplay up, for the sake of the above invented problem.
  9. Like just earning resources instead of earning tokens that let you get the same resources? It's an unnecessary step.
  10. Why currency? All the challenges you described can be filled in with a generic resource, the same that'll drive colonies and orbital construction, without a currency system adding unneeded complexity. What does this add that a resource allowance wouldn't?
  11. I feel like the devs just changing the default settings or making "auto" mode more intelligent would fix 90% of problems.
  12. The most I can see comnets doing is allowing science transmission. Real probes don't need a connection to MC in order to carry out preprogrammed actions
  13. [snip] As far as I can tell, it's normal behaviour for the parachutes to not open if you're travelling too fast.
  14. I find that odd. Before 0.2, my chutes deployed instantly and destroyed themselves. Last time I checked after installing FS!, they do not deploy until it's safe to do so. Can you confirm the chutes report they're safe to deploy at 200m/s?
  15. Not to be pedantic, but... Bit quick to dismiss planes as "not their domain" when they can be just as capable of doing wanted research as drones and rockets. (Yes, the Space Shuttle did go to space, but its glide to base was performed very much like a typical plane - how is that "not their domain"?)
  16. Above user banned cause their message didn't make sense 06145427012024
  17. "Orbital decay... again..." Orbital decay is going to be the new Herobrine
  18. If a kerbal demands payment in money, refer them to Captain Picard.
  19. There's a subtle gradient which I think could help distinguish it from background elements.
  20. As for the ones that would also work... Ok there's probably a thousand more but this post got long enough already. Watching someone complain about the developers not announcing the FS! release date, just several hours after they announce its release date
  21. We should be able to select specific time warp values as well. There's no use in forcing players to use coarse steps when one is too slow and one is too fast.
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