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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Crisps. Big, massive crisps with handles so the Kerbals could pick them up in their gloves and shove them in their oddly massive mouths.
  2. Unfortunately for you, that's the consequence of reducing optional features, like commnet and re-entry heating. Do you know what? Some people just want to play the game casually. When I boot up KSP, I'm not usually in the mood to do another 5 trips to Jool to establish a sat network so I can fly a probe around. That would take an absolute eternity, and some people just don't have an absolute eternity to spend. Some people make incredibly expensive, massive ships (Heard of youtuber ShadowZone?), and starting out with a million credits won't be a sandbox to them. Even if there were a million credits per mission, people don't want to break away from their current task to send some tourist to point B. People like me, SZ, and other casual players would suffer a massive hit to not be able to start off with infinite credits, reputation, buildings and all parts, and have to set up massive networks to send a little scout somewhere in the solar system. In fact, when KSP 2 comes out with ships hundreds of meters long, and expensive types of fuel, this would be an even bigger problem. People starting off might not want re-entry heating on because they just want to learn how to land on Laythe without the risk of being incinerated. Making a new save without sandbox mode would be convoluted and cumbersome, and it would take a while to upgrade everything. Do you see what I'm saying now?
  3. If I can't turn off the silly time-wasting Commnet, then what if I want to just play the game casually and put a tiny probe around Duna without messing around? What if I don't want to click through the entire tech tree, all the building upgrades and sloooooooooowly replenish credits when my insane amount of money runs out? The solution: Options and modes! Not only can you play the game as casually or as hardcore as you like, but consoles get customisation too!
  4. Except the title is saying that KSP 2 should have no options.
  5. I created a self-contained Kraken drive by learning how they're made from another craft. It's about 4m tall and 2.5m wide, and can go to 80km/s before the wheel suspension decides to stop working.
  6. No options is a terrible idea that'll drive away plenty of people, most of them casual players. Because guess what? KSP is meant to be played casually, why do you think it exists in the same world as Orbiter?
  7. Walk the dog. Cook up a nice curry. Go to the beach. Kiss a girl (or boy, if that's your preference). Play some other game. Lots of things you could do. Ah, so you're saying that half the players wanting to play KSP 2 should sod off? That would be a bit of a hit to the KSP 2 developers, this anti-option nonsense, wouldn't it?
  8. What if I don't want to deal with that nonsense? It's like you don't want KSP to be casual, even though it's meant to be a casual spaceflight sim.
  9. But what if I don't want to deal with all that <snip> and send a probe without having to use bulky pods?
  10. But what if I want to send a probe and not mess around with Commnet, which is what you see as an ideal game for some reason?
  11. But every KSP player I've met says that anything that explodes is fun.
  12. I'm not going to click through the entire tech tree and all the building upgrades because <snip> wants customisation to be removed. Imagine not being able to disable the comms links! I'm not going to screw about chucking satellites everywhere to get something on a different celestial body.
  13. Then have a sandbox mode to skip all that pointless gobletigoop involving upgrading everything and clicking through the massive tech tree, and let people customise how sandbox mode is so they can try things without burning up in the atmosphere!
  14. What's driven you to think that forcing one mode on everyone is a good idea? <snip> If you can just drag the sliders up, how is that functionally different to having a sandbox mode that starts you off with max everything like right now?
  15. What if I want to play a save with none of these silly career/science elements? What if I want all parts, buildings, etc. but I can't <snip>
  16. What if I want to play Sandbox instead of this wannabe attempt at reinventing KSP's modes? Hardly.
  17. False. The user below me uses the Chrome browser.
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